
Education ignores human nature, kindness is more important than academic qualifications!

author:Worry bottle

The core of education, especially family education, lies in the education of human nature, not the cultivation of intelligence. Some people may question, what is human nature? For this complex concept, I simply understand it as human emotion. In real life, we can often see that some highly educated people have made incomprehensible behaviors. Such a situation is a defect in the educational model, which does not teach people how to cherish life and cherish others, but instead breeds the idea of killing others.

Education ignores human nature, kindness is more important than academic qualifications!

Human nature stems first and foremost from the child's dependence, and this dependence is established through breastfeeding. When our child becomes an adult, we need to tell him about our love and affection for him. Secondly, the emotional connection between people is mutually supportive, and we need to make children understand this.

Rethink the meaning of education

Seeing this, I can't help but ponder, what is the purpose of education? We should help our students become human beings, not let them become monsters with only advanced education. Our education should focus on the cultivation of emotions, so that they can know how to cherish life and care for others, rather than just paying attention to the transmission of knowledge. Only then can our children become real people, not just highly educated robots.

Kindness: It is both the well-being of others and the well-being of oneself

The importance of character is often overlooked, but it determines the direction of life. Nowadays, with the progress and development of society, people gradually dilute their attention to personality, and pay more attention to intelligence, school performance, etc. However, no matter how well our children are doing academically, no matter what school they attend, and whether my co-workers' children are taking the college entrance examination or not, I always insist on not asking these questions. This may feel uncomfortable, but I believe that the development of character is more important than the cultivation of intelligence.

Education ignores human nature, kindness is more important than academic qualifications!

Great scientists, such as Einstein and Edison, were controversial for their intelligence during their studies. However, their gifts did not affect their lives, but shaped their character. Character is not only a person's trait, but also the embodiment of his or her behavior. Even if a person does not have a high education, if he is kind, then his kindness can not only bring warmth to others, but also his own well-being.

In society, some criminal acts occur largely due to character defects. Personality is a product of socialization, and while we need smart brains, excellent grades, and diplomas to adapt to society, these are not the most important things. On the contrary, if a person has a good character, he will not only be able to support himself and live with dignity, but also influence others.

In the process of raising children, respect is the foundation. Parents should give their children the right to make their own choices. Many parents ask me which major their children should choose, and I don't think I'm a fairy and can't predict the future, so I can't answer this question. They also ask me which majors are more promising. However, whether these majors are suitable for children should be left to their own choice.

Education ignores human nature, kindness is more important than academic qualifications!

Therefore, when many parents ask me about their children's situation, I ask how old their children are. Once they say 21 and senior, I tell them that they are adults with all the rights they have to choose their own lives. I think that a person who has not been respected since childhood will not have a healthy and sunny mentality, and a person who has not been treated well by his relatives will find it difficult to treat others kindly. Therefore, adults should respect children and give them the right to make their own choices.

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