
Note! Double 11 these rules have changed, is your wallet ready?

Note! Double 11 these rules have changed, is your wallet ready?

Zhongxin Jingwei, October 21 (Yan Shuxin, Chang Tao) Recently, various e-commerce platforms have successively announced the Double 11 gameplay, compared with last year, change a lot, come and see if there is anything you are looking forward to!

Note! Double 11 these rules have changed, is your wallet ready?

Double 11 data map Zhongxin Jingwei Photo by Chang Tao

What has changed into your heart?

Double 11 was originally a one-day e-commerce promotion, and since 2009, the goods will be directly discounted at midnight on November 11 every year. At that time, consumers fought for hand speed and Internet speed.

But I don't know when it started, the Double 11 front was constantly lengthened, from 1 day to 20 days, or even longer, and various new gameplay methods emerged. Pre-sale period, deposit date, final payment date, specific red envelope day, maximum full reduction period, cross-store shopping period... Double 11 has gradually evolved into a "brain-burning game" that lasts longer and longer, testing consumers' mental and physical strength.

In particular, pre-sales have been criticized by consumers in the past two years. On social platforms, many netizens also complained about the delay in the delivery of pre-sale goods, the repeated extension of the pre-sale period, and the pre-sale price was higher than the official selling price, and some netizens called on the platform to cancel the pre-sale.

Pre-sales are a good thing, not only to help platforms and merchants avoid inventory backlogs, but also to make it easier for consumers to lock in their favorite products in advance. In the past few years, pre-sales have also been the standard for various e-commerce platforms to promote their purchases, but as some merchants play smart and exploit loopholes, consumers' shopping experience is greatly reduced, and some people ridicule, "Double 11 has not yet shipped the T-shirt I bought in the summer." ”

This year's Double 11, existing platforms have made changes.

Zhongxin Jingwei learned from that unlike the pre-sale opening in previous years, this year will be sold directly in stock at 8 p.m. on October 23, covering 3C digital, home appliances, food, clothing, beauty, home and other products.

However, on other platforms such as Tmall, this year's Double 11 still continued pre-sale activities.

Among them, Tmall will officially open pre-sale at 8 pm on October 24, and the two waves of official sales will be held at 8 pm on October 31 and 8 pm on November 10.

Kuaishou E-commerce Double 11 Shopping Carnival has been officially launched from October 18 to November 11, with October 18 to October 30 as the pre-sale period, October 31 to November 3 as the final payment period, and October 31 to November 11 as the official cycle.

Who is the "lowest price on the whole network"?

The PK of Tmall and on the "lowest price" is another highlight of this year's Double 11.

This year's Double 11, Tmall focuses on "the lowest price on the whole network". In terms of gameplay, Tmall has launched the first large-scale official direct drop and instant reduction on the basis of "cross-store full 300 minus 50", without making up a single order, one piece is discounted, and it is expected that more than 80 million products will drop to the lowest price of the year.

In addition, Tmall will also distribute "the largest red envelopes and coupons in history", including 88VIP large coupons worth a total of 20 billion yuan and Taobao live red envelopes worth 1 billion yuan. In order to ensure the "lowest price on the whole network", Tmall also launched the service of buying expensive and compensating.

Jingdong directly set the Double 11 theme as "really cheap", which will provide cross-store benefits of 50 yuan for every 299 yuan, and can also superimpose subsidies; The number of goods participating in the 10 billion subsidy will reach twice as high as when 618, and the number of low-priced goods in 9.9 free shipping and flash sale channels will also expand significantly.

In terms of services, focuses on "double compensation for buying expensive" and "full price protection for more than 800 million goods".

At the "JD 11.11 Really Cheap" press conference on October 19, Xin Lijun, CEO of JD Retail, said that the low price advocated by is a "real low price" that continues to "squeeze water" in the supply chain, and through extreme efficiency, the saved money is given to users and partners, which can truly promote consumption and stimulate the vitality of the consumer market.

The reason why e-commerce platforms are so "simple and rude" is that in the past few years, "brain-burning games" such as tail payment, cross-store full reduction, and shopping money inflation have consumed too much consumers' brain and physical energy. It can be seen that this year's Double 11, various platforms have almost blocked these gameplays, further simplified the preferential rules, and emphasized more "full reduction" and "discount".

For example, Douyin launched the "one piece is reduced, no need to make up the order" campaign, and the price of a single product dropped by 15%; Xiaohongshu launched the "cross-store full reduction + direct drop" activity, with 50 yuan reduced for every 300 yuan across stores, and some goods participated in the direct drop activity; Vipshop adheres to the promotion model of no need to make up an order, and one product can enjoy discounts.

The live broadcast room is also moving in this direction. According to Shinchuan, vice president of US ONE, during this year's Double 11, Li Jiaqi's live broadcast room will carry out a big promotion red envelope rain and live broadcast room red envelope activities on the basis of the Tmall platform "cross-store full 300 minus 50", including giving away exclusive live broadcast room red envelope subsidy benefits that everyone must get, and the amount of a single red envelope can reach up to 100 yuan.

In addition to low prices, what are Double 11 consumers looking for?

Dai Shan, CEO of Taotian Group, said at the Tmall Double 11 press conference on October 20 that the Chinese market is strong and powerful, and the people's demand for a better life will continue to bring huge consumer demand. However, at the same time, consumer groups are divided into multiple layers, and consumers are no longer easily superstitious about brands, but pay more attention to the true value of brands.

Xin Lijun also said that consumers have become more rational, on the one hand, they are no longer blindly stockpiling, on the other hand, they are more concerned about cost performance, "you can buy expensive, but you can't buy expensive."

Wei Yinghui, partner of ONE, also mentioned that authenticity and low price are the decisive factors supporting consumer behavior.

According to a September report released by the JD Consumer and Industry Development Research Institute, the number of shopping users with a transaction price of less than 10 yuan on the platform this year increased by more than 20% year-on-year, of which 55% were young people under the age of 35. While consumers' shopping demand continues to increase, merchants have also continued to enrich the supply side, launched more abundant products with ultimate cost performance, to meet consumers' daily needs in clothing, food, housing and transportation, and the number of cheap free shipping products has increased by more than 6 times in 3 months.

The relevant person in charge of Douyin e-commerce said that from the perspective of mass consumption, e-commerce promotions such as Double 11 are becoming more and more normal, and how to present high-quality and cost-effective goods to consumers during the event, and give real low-price discounts and high-quality shopping services is the focus of the platform's consideration.

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Responsible editor: Wei Wei Li Zhongyuan

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