
If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

author:Leisurely, gentle and warm sun

"Ski Goddess" Gu Ailing recently reported the news of changing her nationality, which made many fans feel disappointed and angry. However, Gu Ailing's upbringing and family background may provide some explanation for her choice.

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

Gu Ailing has been interested in skiing since she was a child, and thanks to her mother's professional guidance and training, her skiing skills have been continuously improved. Eager to compete with more great skiers on the world stage,

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

Gu Ailing chose to join the national team as a Chinese national, thus opening up her popularity. For the young Gu Ailing, joining the Chinese national team is also an option to access more resources and opportunities faster. however

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

The news of Gu Ailing's change of nationality has triggered dissatisfaction and accusations from netizens, believing that she is an ungrateful "white-eyed wolf". This may be related to some of Gu Ailing's previous remarks. She once said that she is a Chinese in China,

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

Being American in the United States, this vague sense of national identity has also made many people question her "patriotism". But in fact, Gu Ailing has half of her Chinese blood flowing on her body, and she has also spent many winter and summer vacations in China.

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

He also has a deep emotional bond with his grandparents. She chose to join the national team as a Chinese national, perhaps also out of emotional identification and interest considerations for herself. No matter what the reason for Gu Ailing's choice,

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

This incident also reflects the harsh reality of current competition in the sports industry. As an excellent athlete, Gu Ailing needs to seek her own development opportunities and resources, which often requires the support of the country or club. however

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

Globally, there are huge differences in the level of sports industry and resource allocation among countries. For China's sports industry, having top talent like Gu Ailing is a valuable asset.

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

But if Gu Ailing cannot be provided with sufficient resources and opportunities, it is difficult to retain such talents. Therefore, not only Gu Ailing herself, but also China's sports industry needs to continuously improve its level in a broader international arena.

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

Provide a better development environment for elite athletes. To sum up, behind Gu Ailing's change of nationality is a complex growth experience and the reality of competition in the sports industry. We should look at this incident rationally.

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

At the same time, it is also necessary to cheer for China's sports industry and provide better development opportunities and resources for more outstanding athletes. Gu Ailing:

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

The effort and persistence behind the scenery has never been particularly developed in China's skiing sport, so there has never been an athlete like Gu Ailing. Gu Ailing performed well in skiing,

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

She has twice won two gold and one bronze medals in the women's halfpipe, slalom and freestyle big air at the World Freestyle Ski Championships. In addition, she was named the International Ski Federation's Female Athlete of the Year.

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

Such achievements have made Gu Ailing a national goddess in the eyes of the people of the whole country, and also made her popularity and influence reach a new height. However, Gu Ailing's success does not come from innate talent,

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

It is the result of her continuous efforts and perseverance over the years. Gu Ailing's skiing trail is not smooth. China's skiing culture is not mature enough, and it is difficult for parents to understand why children practice skiing.

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

Therefore, Gu Ailing did not start skiing since she was a child. However, she loves the sport so much that she spends most of her time on the ski slopes. Initially, Gu Ailing just practiced skiing out of interest,

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

But as she progressed, she gradually realized her talent and potential. In order to better improve her skiing skills, Gu Ailing went to Canada to study and participated in a higher level of skiing training.

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

And won many good results in Canadian competitions. Her perseverance and talent caught the attention of the Chinese ski team and eventually became a Chinese national. Gu Ailing's achievements are inseparable from her efforts and persistence.

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

She puts a lot of effort into her ski training, constantly overcoming her shortcomings and shortcomings, and always maintaining her passion and love. In addition to her efforts in skiing, Gu Ailing is also very diligent in her studies,

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

Combine academic and athletic training. She attended Stanford University and achieved perfect marks in all courses. At the same time, she also encourages women to challenge themselves and break the inherent shackles of gender.

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

Be who you want to be. Gu Ailing's efforts and achievements have also been recognized and respected by the public. Gu Ailing's success is not only her personal honor, but also the success of Chinese skiing.

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

Skiing has always been underdeveloped in China, but the emergence of Gu Ailing has changed that. Her success has attracted more people to join the ranks of skiing, and has also brought new hope for the development of skiing in China. furthermore

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

Gu Ailing's success has also won glory for China, becoming a part of China's sports industry and becoming an athlete that the Chinese people are proud of. Gu Ailing's story tells us that only through continuous efforts and persistence,

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

to achieve success and accolades. No matter what field we are in, as long as we have faith and perseverance, we will definitely be able to break through difficulties and realize our dreams. At the same time, Gu Ailing's success also reminds us,

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

There is still a lot of room for development of skiing in China, and we should make our own efforts for the development of this sport. In the future, we hope to see more outstanding athletes like Gu Ailing emerge. meantime

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

We also hope that the government and society can provide more support and assistance for the development of skiing and make their own contributions to the vigorous development of China's ski industry. Finally, we also want readers to think:

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

Have you found something you love in your life? Are you making the most of your potential and talents in this field? Have you put enough effort and perseverance into your dreams? Gu Ailing:

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

After becoming famous, Gu Ailing is a high-profile skier, and her outstanding performance has made her a representative of the Chinese ski team. However, recently a series of her actions have raised questions,

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

He was even accused of being a "traitor" and "unworthy of virtue". It all started when she became an ambassador for the 2030 Winter Olympics in Yancheng, USA, and she didn't renew her contract, which cost her the support of many Chinese fans.

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

Gu Ailing's decision seemed to slap Chinese fans who liked her. Once Gu Ailing was the "frog princess" loved by everyone, and her words and deeds represented the face of China. No matter whether the game is won or lost, it is the same glory and disgrace with China,

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

Advance and retreat together. But this time, her decision seems to have slapped the Chinese fans who like her. Not only their own team leaders were investigated. Even myself from the beginning,

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

It is the signing of a contract with the Chinese national ski team, which is also on the top of the hot search. For a while, the past of patriotism and Gu Ailing going to the Winter Olympics for the country became a joke. Gu Ailing became famous,

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

The "riot operation" that expired but did not renew the contract was also scolded by netizens. But it seemed like a mistake to ask Gu Ailing to return to China. Because of the downturn in China's skiing industry at that time, the Beijing Winter Olympics was about to fight,

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

In order to be able to show the style of a big country at the Winter Olympics. Some domestic sports directors are also "ill and rushed to the hospital". The bad idea of "naturalization" came to mind. It was good to propose a naturalization policy at the beginning.

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

It can also improve and promote the development of domestic sports and ensure the strength of the national team. It can be said to be a win-win. But helplessly, the house leak coincided with overnight rain. At the beginning, Hu Guangyu, the person in charge of Gu Ailing's naturalization, was involved in the case, and it was difficult to protect himself,

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

Gu Ailing's whereabouts also became confusing. I think that at the beginning, it was originally for good face, but it also became a big joke. However, Gu Ailing's choice does not mean that she betrayed China,

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

Nor does it mean she's no longer a good athlete. On the contrary, Gu Ailing has always been a brave and determined person, and her choice is also to better play her strengths and contribute to world peace and development.

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

It is worth noting that Gu Ailing joined the US ski team not because of her own decision, but because the American ski team took the initiative to invite her to join and gave her enough support and trust. meantime

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

Gu Ailing has not given up her Chinese identity, she is still a Chinese player, and she has repeatedly expressed her patriotic feelings and love for China. However, all this did not make some people accept Gu Ailing's choice.

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

They believe that as a Chinese athlete, Gu Ailing should play for the Chinese team and cannot accept any invitations from other countries. But this view is clearly narrow. As a person,

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

Gu Ailing has her own choices and pursuits, no matter what country she is in, she can give full play to her strengths and contribute to world peace and development. All in all, Gu Ailing's choice has aroused heated discussions,

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

It also makes us rethink some issues, such as the relationship between personal choice and national honor. However, we should respect everyone's choices and pursuits, and we should also see Gu Ailing's efforts and struggles. No matter what country you are in,

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

She is both an excellent athlete and a brave person, which deserves our recognition and support. The Chinese team's skiing career has suffered embarrassment,

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

Gu Ailing's commercial value has soared, and Chinese freestyle skier Gu Ailing has achieved a series of excellent results in international competitions in recent years, becoming a representative figure of the Chinese team's skiing career. However, at the same time,

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

Her business value has also skyrocketed. However, some of Gu Ailing's actions have caused controversy. She once claimed to love China, but after becoming famous, she posted "Thank you China" on social media.

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

Show an attitude of indifference. This high posture caused anger among domestic netizens, who believed that Gu Ailing did not really regard herself as a Chinese. However, it turns out that the statements of these netizens are not wrong.

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

At the 2023 Laureus World Sports Awards, Gu Ailing won the title of the best extreme athlete of the year as the overlord of freestyle skiing. However, this should have been the news of Xida Puben,

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

In the eyes of Chinese netizens, it has aroused disgust. Gu Ailing still advertises herself as a Chinese athlete on domestic social platforms, while her Chinese identity is not mentioned at all on overseas social platforms.

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

This hypocritical behavior has aroused public anger, and some netizens bluntly asked Gu Ailing: Do you no longer need to pretend if you make enough money? Gu Ailing's behavior also shows that she does not regard China as her real home.

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

She lives in the United States for a long time, and even her daily training takes place abroad. She stayed in China for a short time and only returned to China when she participated in business activities. In this regard, many netizens believe that Gu Ailing is just using Chinese nationality to make money,

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

In one speech, she even said, "I am a Chinese in China, and I am an American when I return to the United States." Overnight, Gu Ailing changed from an athlete loved by everyone and won glory for the country to a traitor who everyone shouted at. presently

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

Gu Ailing's naturalization contract with China has expired, and it is still unknown whether it will be renewed in the future. However, her reputation has been damaged and she has become a greedy and traitor in the hearts of many netizens.

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

Now netizens hope that she can leave China as soon as possible. As the saying goes: "Zhi'en Tu Bao". Gu Ailing became famous with her "patriotic character" and outstanding performance in the Winter Olympics, however,

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

She forgot that if it weren't for China providing the platform, she might not be where she is today. As an athlete, she should remember her roots, never forget her original intention, and be grateful for the opportunities China has given her. meantime

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

It is also hoped that the Chinese sports industry can learn a lesson and carry out stricter management of naturalized athletes to avoid similar situations. Finally, one question left for the reader is:

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

Will Gu Ailing's behavior have a negative impact on the Chinese team's skiing career? Chinese athlete Gu Ailing becomes the ambassador of the US Olympic bid:

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

Irony and truth are intertwined, and the news that Chinese athlete Gu Ailing recently became the ambassador of the US Olympic bid has attracted widespread attention and discussion. This news has caused a lot of controversy in China,

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

Many people expressed incomprehension and disappointment at Gu Ailing's choice. As a Chinese athlete, she is now actually representing the United States in the Olympic bid, which is really ironic! however

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

Let's first understand the background of this incident and the true face of Gu Ailing. Gu Ailing was a member of the Chinese gymnastics team, and she has won praise at home and abroad for her outstanding performance and excellent results. However, in recent years,

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

Gu Ailing's behavior has caused doubts and controversy. Some media exposed her high income when participating in business activities and endorsement brands in China, while she transferred most of her wealth abroad.

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

Such a move makes people think about her original intentions and values. As a sports star, Gu Ailing not only represents herself, but also represents the image of the entire country and China's sports industry.

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

Her choice has undoubtedly brought great confusion and disappointment to the domestic sports community and fans. China's sports industry has been trying to catch up with the international advanced level, and her behavior seems to deviate from the direction of this effort.

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

Was her choice simply for personal gain? Or is there some other unknown reason? In fact, Gu Ailing is not the first athlete to choose to transfer his wealth abroad. Recently

If you earn enough money, you will "run away"? Gu Ailing said that the agreement with the Chinese team expired, and the follow-up whereabouts are currently unknown

Many Chinese athletes chose to emigrate abroad after their success, which aroused widespread concern and discussion in the society. Their choice raises an important question:

Can China's sports environment really give athletes enough room for development and rewards? Do we need to rethink and improve the sports training system to provide better treatment and development opportunities for athletes? however

Nor can we completely shift the blame to the sports system and the environment. As an athlete, Gu Ailing should also be responsible for her choices and behavior. She chose to bid for the Olympics on behalf of the United States, which is undoubtedly a departure and harm to the country and fans.

Regardless of personal reasons, she should be aware that her actions have a significant impact on the image of the country and the sporting cause as a whole. In the domestic controversy, there are also some voices that understand and support Gu Ailing's choice.

They believe that athletes have the right to pursue their own happiness and interests, and the country and the sports community should also provide a better environment and treatment for athletes.

They believe that this incident should make us reflect on the problems of China's sports training system, not just blame and condemn Gu Ailing's choice. Sum up

Gu Ailing's becoming the US Olympic bid ambassador has aroused widespread attention and discussion. Whatever our views on her choice, we should recognize the issues behind this incident.

We need to rethink and improve the sports training system to provide a better environment and treatment for athletes. At the same time, athletes should also take responsibility for their choices and actions.

Realize that they represent the image of the entire country and the sporting enterprise. Let us jointly pay attention to and support the development of China's sports industry and create better opportunities and conditions for athletes to develop.

How do you think China's sports industry should improve the sports training system and provide a better development environment and treatment for athletes? What is your opinion on Gu Ailing becoming the ambassador of the US Olympic bid? Welcome to leave your comments.

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