
Avenue Common丨From the Booming Decade to the Golden Decade

author:International Online
Avenue Common丨From the Booming Decade to the Golden Decade

"The Belt and Road Initiative has gone through the first decade of prosperity, and it is at a time when we must forge ahead and rush to the next golden decade!"

On the evening of October 17, at the welcome banquet of the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, President Xi Jinping paid tribute to the past in his speech and paved the way for the future.

The "Belt and Road" initiative not only crosses the distance between mountains and seas, but also crosses the barriers of development; It is not only trade exchanges that flow smoothly, but also economic blood and people.

Avenue Common丨From the Booming Decade to the Golden Decade

△On October 18, 2023, President Xi Jinping attended the opening ceremony of the 3rd Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing and delivered a keynote speech. This is President Xi Jinping walking into the venue with international VIPs.

After ten years of rapid development, how to draw a new blueprint for jointly building the "Belt and Road" initiative? In the next decade, how will the Silk Road "generate gold"? This is the common expectation of all countries in the world.

At the opening ceremony of the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation held on October 18, President Xi Jinping gave China's plan - to deepen international cooperation on the "Belt and Road", welcome the new development of higher quality and higher level of the "Belt and Road", promote the modernization of all countries in the world, build an open, inclusive, interconnected and common development world, and jointly promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind!

The same original intention

"The original intention of this initiative is to draw on the ancient Silk Road, take connectivity as the main line, strengthen policy communication, facility connectivity, unimpeded trade, financial integration and people-to-people ties with other countries, inject new momentum into world economic growth, open up new space for global development, and create a new platform for international economic cooperation." In his keynote speech, President Xi Jinping and other guests reviewed the "origin" of the Belt and Road Initiative.

At the welcome banquet held on the evening of October 17, the guests were deeply moved by such a detail - the dinner table was themed "Watching the Past and Embracing the Future", and the microscopic scene of the ancient Silk Road was displayed on the south side: porcelain, silk, tea and other trade materials exported from the outside world were placed on the seaside wharf, and vegetables and fruits imported from the Western Regions were placed on the road; The Taipei side of the meal is the landscape of the 21st Century Silk Road: starting from the decoration of the Temple of Heaven in Beijing, interspersed with ornaments such as high-speed rail, China-Europe trains, and new energy vehicles, showing the scene of interconnection between countries...

Avenue Common丨From the Booming Decade to the Golden Decade

This detail tells the world that the ancient Silk Road is famous not by war horses and spears, but by camel caravans and goodwill; Not strong ships and cannons, but treasure ships and friendship.

It is precisely because we adhere to the original intention, jointly build the "Belt and Road", adhere to consultation, joint construction and sharing, transcend the differences of different civilizations, cultures, social systems and development stages, open up a new path of exchanges between countries, build a new framework for international cooperation, and bring together the greatest common denominator of common development of mankind.

Over the past 10 years, we have been committed to building a global interconnection network led by economic corridors, with large corridors and information highways as the framework, railways, highways, airports, ports and pipeline networks as the support, covering land, sea, sky and network, effectively promoting the large-scale circulation of goods, capital, technology and personnel from various countries, and promoting the ancient Silk Road that has lasted for thousands of years to rejuvenate in the new era.

On the road ahead, there will be good times and adverse currents. We must adhere to the goal-oriented and action-oriented, firmly grasp the green mountain and never relax, and draw a blueprint to the end.

Dangers do not change their original intentions, and they can see the distance.

Precious experience

On October 17, in Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, the G1137 EMU slowly drove out of Halim Station. On the same day, after holding talks in Beijing, President Xi Jinping and Indonesian President Joko Widodo jointly unveiled the official opening and operation of the Yawan high-speed railway.

"The Yawan high-speed railway has been completed as scheduled this month and will officially open for operation." During his talks with President Xi Jinping, Jokowi sincerely said that Indonesia regards China as an important strategic partner in national economic development and construction, and looks forward to further strengthening communication and cooperation with China, enhancing mutual trust and developing closer relations, which will not only benefit the two peoples, but also contribute to promoting regional peace and prosperity.

Avenue Common丨From the Booming Decade to the Golden Decade

△On October 17, 2023, the G1137 EMU train departed from Halim Station in Jakarta, Indonesia. The fastest railway from Jakarta to Bandung was reduced from more than 3 hours to 46 minutes.

On the same day, President Xi Jinping met with Prime Minister Marape of Papua New Guinea. During the meeting, Marape was full of emotion: "China has provided strong help to the mainland. I would also like to thank you personally for your help to PNG. In the late 90s, when you worked in Fujian, the fungus technology you brought to Papua New Guinea is still benefiting the mainland today. On behalf of PNG, I would like to say that we will never take this help for granted. Papua New Guinea firmly supports the one-China principle. ”

Avenue Common丨From the Booming Decade to the Golden Decade

△On December 15, 2020, Chinese experts taught at the 9th training course of the China-China Assistance to Papua New Guinea Mycea Nuga and Upland Rice Technology Project in the Eastern Highlands Province of Papua New Guinea.

Vivid stories illustrate a simple truth - more friends, easy to go.

Jointly build the "Belt and Road" and build a bridge of friendship and cooperation. Nowadays, the "Belt and Road" circle of friends is getting bigger and bigger, and the gold content is getting higher and higher. Belt and Road cooperation extends from Eurasia to Africa and Latin America, with more than 150 countries and more than 30 international organizations signing cooperation documents on jointly building the Belt and Road, holding three Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, and establishing multilateral cooperation platforms in more than 20 professional fields.

Avenue Common丨From the Booming Decade to the Golden Decade

△On October 17, 2023, the signing ceremony of the "Belt and Road" Entrepreneur Conference.

Looking back at the achievements made in the past 10 years, President Xi Jinping summed up experience with three "profound understandings" -

"Mankind is an interdependent community with a shared future. If the world is good, China will be good; If China is good, the world will be better. ”

"Only win-win cooperation can accomplish things, do good things, and do great things."

"The Silk Road spirit of peaceful cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, mutual learning and mutual benefit is the most important source of strength for jointly building the Belt and Road."

The 10-year process proves that the joint construction of the "Belt and Road" stands on the right side of history, conforms to the logic of the progress of the times, and follows the right path in the world. Heading into the next golden decade, these experiences are precious and still need to be upheld.

As the international community has evaluated, working together to build the "Belt and Road" has illuminated the "darkness of poverty" and warmed the "forgotten corners", so that people of all countries can truly feel the sunshine of common development.

Pragmatic action

The joint construction of the "Belt and Road" pursues development, advocates win-win results, and conveys hope.

China not only adheres to the original intention of the "Belt and Road" construction, but also injects a steady stream of impetus and vitality into its development.

Recently, in intensive head-of-state diplomacy, Chinese-style modernization is undoubtedly a "high-frequency word." President Xi Jinping introduced the profound connotation of Chinese-style modernization to the guests, and also expressed his willingness to share the opportunities of Chinese-style modernization with other countries as a major country.

Chinese-style modernization is not China's own modernization, but looks forward to working with other countries including developing countries to jointly realize modernization.

In his keynote speech at the opening ceremony, President Xi Jinping put forward and explained the development proposition of "world modernization", that is, the modernization of peaceful development, the modernization of mutually beneficial cooperation, and the modernization of common prosperity.

Realizing modernization has been the unremitting pursuit of the Chinese people since modern times, and it is also the common aspiration of the people of all countries in the world.

From sharing the development opportunities of Chinese-style modernization with other countries to proposing to work with other countries to realize world modernization, this is exactly the great power mind and wisdom of "building oneself and being good to the world".

In the face of endless global problems and challenges, human society needs new ideas and concepts, a more just, more balanced, more resilient and more effective global governance system, and all countries need to jointly promote the modernization of the world.

Avenue Common丨From the Booming Decade to the Golden Decade

△On September 19, 2022, at the Industrial and Commercial School located in Djibouti, the capital of Djibouti, students studied in the Luban Workshop Railway Operation Sand Table Teaching Area.

In his keynote speech, President Xi Jinping said: "China is willing to deepen the Belt and Road partnership with all parties, promote the joint construction of the Belt and Road into a new stage of high-quality development, and make unremitting efforts to realize the modernization of all countries in the world." ”

In this regard, President Xi Jinping announced eight actions for China to support high-quality joint construction of the "Belt and Road": building a three-dimensional connectivity network of the "Belt and Road", supporting the construction of an open world economy, carrying out pragmatic cooperation, promoting green development, promoting scientific and technological innovation, supporting people-to-people exchanges, building a clean road, and improving the "Belt and Road" international cooperation mechanism.

These eight actions provide solutions to today's development challenges, as well as concrete paths to modernize the world and create a better future for mankind.

Injecting new impetus and vitality, the high-quality joint construction of the "Belt and Road" will surely shine with the brilliance of the new era.

Avenue Common丨From the Booming Decade to the Golden Decade

△Landscape layout of the 3rd "Belt and Road" International Cooperation Summit Forum

The practice of the past 10 years has fully proved that the joint construction of the "Belt and Road" follows the trend, benefits the people's livelihood, wins the hearts of the people and benefits the world, and has strong resilience, vigorous vitality and broad development prospects, which is the code for its solid promotion and steady and far-reaching success.

In the next 10 years, the Silk Road will be "gold-born" and its development can be expected.

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Executive producer丨Geng Zhimin


Editor-in-chief丨Ning Lili

Written by 丨 Cheng Yu

Vision丨Jiang Yuhang