
A precious photo: 13-year-old Elizabeth met Prince Philip for the first time, and the love was really moving

author:The fireworks of the prosperous era turned to ashes

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Early one morning, the world received sad news. Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, England, died in his sleep, just two months and one day before his centenary birthday. The news shocked the world, and the media immediately devoted a lot of space to the old prince and his family.

Among these reports, however, was a particularly moving article, published in the April 12 issue of The Sun. This article starts with a precious historical photo and tells the story of a century of love. This photograph was taken in 1939, when Britain's 13-year-old Princess Elizabeth first met 19-year-old Prince Philip of Greece.

A precious photo: 13-year-old Elizabeth met Prince Philip for the first time, and the love was really moving

In fact, the princess and the prince are not meeting for the first time. The two are actually distant relatives, and in the European royal family, kinship is complicated, and most members are related to Queen Victoria. Elizabeth's grandfather was Queen Victoria's grandson, and Prince Philip's mother was Queen Victoria's granddaughter, so Prince Philip was actually a generation older than Queen Elizabeth.

Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip attended royal weddings together when she was 8 and he was 14, but she was too young to spark love.

However, a coincidence in 1939 brought the two to meet again. Princess Elizabeth was visiting the Royal Naval College in Dartmouth with her father, King George VI, and her mother, while the young Greek prince Philip was studying there. The Academy originally assigned two other cadets to receive the princess, but because they contracted mumps, Prince Philip replaced them.

A precious photo: 13-year-old Elizabeth met Prince Philip for the first time, and the love was really moving

At the time, 19-year-old Prince Philip was handsome, with a typical Nordic face, blonde and full of energy. Elizabeth's governess, Marion Crawford, recorded that she thought Philip was a narcissistic young man, but Elizabeth couldn't take her eyes off him. While the kids were playing with a clockwork train on the floor, Philip suggested they go to the tennis court and jump the net. Although Philip was polite at the time and did not pay special attention to Princess Elizabeth, the encounter ignited her heart. She fell thoroughly in love with the young prince.

When Princess Elizabeth returned home, she put Prince Philip's picture on the table, just like any ordinary teenage fan. By 1942, when Princess Elizabeth was 16 years old, she called Prince Philip her "true son" in a letter to her friend Csophie.

A precious photo: 13-year-old Elizabeth met Prince Philip for the first time, and the love was really moving

From then on, Philip and Elizabeth began to correspond, and the spark of love between them gradually flickered. In 1943, 22-year-old Prince Philip came to visit 17-year-old Princess Elizabeth, and the two spent Christmas at Windsor Castle together. In March 1947, 26-year-old Prince Philip married 21-year-old Princess Elizabeth, and their lives have been closely linked ever since.

Although Prince Philip is known as the world's most famous son-in-law, considered a playboy, and has many scandals, those scandals are like smoke, but his love with Queen Elizabeth lasts a lifetime. This story tells us that despite the complexity and changeability of the world, the beauty of innocence remains. Whether it is the heartbeat of youth or the twilight of life, it touches our hearts.

A precious photo: 13-year-old Elizabeth met Prince Philip for the first time, and the love was really moving

This article gives us a glimpse of a legendary love story, the real life of a royal couple by reviewing history. This story deeply touched us and made us understand the power and preciousness of love. Just like this historical photo, this love is also forever engraved in our hearts, leaving an eternal mark.


This touching story tells us several important truths. First, love can transcend everything, including social status and physical appearance. Although Prince Philip was considered a playboy, his love affair with Princess Elizabeth lasted a lifetime. This shows that true love is not about appearance or fame, but about affection and tenacity. Secondly, fate is magical, and sometimes the meeting of two people is completely coincidental, as in the case of Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip's meeting again. This fact tells us to cherish every opportunity because it can change our lives. Finally, the story emphasizes the importance of family. Elizabeth and Philip's long and happy marriage proves the importance of affection and partnership, and even beyond fame and status, the family is the foundation of support and love.

A precious photo: 13-year-old Elizabeth met Prince Philip for the first time, and the love was really moving


This moving story is introduced by a historical photograph and tells the love story between Queen Elizabeth II of England and her husband, Prince Philip. This story reveals many important truths, including the power of love, the magic of fate, and the importance of family.

First, the story emphasizes that love can transcend everything. Although Prince Philip was seen as a playboy in his youth, his love affair with Princess Elizabeth lasted a lifetime. This shows that true love is not about appearance or social status, but about affection and tenacity. This is an important revelation that reminds us not to judge a person solely on the basis of appearance or fame, but to see their heart and character.

Second, the story tells us that fate is magical. The reunion of Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip was entirely coincidental. This coincidence changed their lives and brought them together. This reminds us to cherish every opportunity because it can change our lives, and we never know which encounter will become the most important one in our lives.

Finally, the story emphasizes the importance of family. Elizabeth and Philip's long and happy marriage proves the importance of affection and partnership. Although Prince Philip's fame and status are as high as Queen Elizabeth's, their love and family have always been the support and foundation in their lives. This story reminds us that family is the most important part of our lives and that family relationships should be cherished and maintained.

Overall, the story is a touching love story that conveys many important revelations, including the power of love, the magic of fate, and the importance of family. This story is not only deeply moving, but also makes people think about their own lives and values. Regardless of our social status, we can draw wisdom from this story, cherish love and family, and believe in the magic of fate.

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