
Charging the Russian army with missiles, helicopter groups penetrating at ultra-low altitudes, where does the greatest danger come from?


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On the ancient battlefield, we often see scenes of cavalry charging in the rain of arrows; And in modern conflicts, "low-altitude cavalry" charging with missiles has also appeared!

Helicopter low-altitude penetration tactics are an important strategy in today's war, which involves the combat technology and military thinking of the armed forces of advanced countries. The role of helicopters has been fully demonstrated in the war between Russia and Ukraine, as an assault group of the Russian army, they quickly occupy important airports by airborne landing, showing excellent mobility and assault capabilities. This makes helicopters an integral part of the modern army.

Helicopters operate at low altitudes, fly at altitudes below 100 meters, and quickly break through enemy lines to drop troops or suppress fire. This tactic takes full advantage of the helicopter's low flight altitude and fast maneuvering, giving it a powerful assault capability when facing the enemy. This is a method of warfare often used by modern armies.

Charging the Russian army with missiles, helicopter groups penetrating at ultra-low altitudes, where does the greatest danger come from?

Helicopter low-altitude penetration and airborne operations, often consisting of armed helicopters and transport helicopters, break through enemy defenses and then carry out airborne operations. One of the biggest challenges with this tactic is the limited range of the helicopter, so it is often necessary to ensure that the penetration distance does not exceed 100 kilometers to ensure that the helicopter can return safely.

The U.S. military was an early advocate of helicopter low-altitude penetration operations, a tactic they used extensively in the Vietnam War. Today, the U.S. military typically uses AH-64 Apache helicopter gunships to cover CH-47 Chinook transporting soldiers and weaponry. These modern helicopters can transport large vehicles and artillery, providing the powerful fire support required by airborne troops.

Charging the Russian army with missiles, helicopter groups penetrating at ultra-low altitudes, where does the greatest danger come from?

In contrast, the Russian army also has extensive experience in airborne operations, especially during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, where they used Mi-8, Mi-24 and other helicopters to demonstrate excellent airborne combat capabilities in the mountains. The Soviet helicopter equipment is different from that of the American army, and the Mi-24 helicopter is equipped with a crew compartment that can accommodate 8 soldiers, which allows it to independently perform transport and fire support missions.

Despite the Russian military's excellent performance in airborne operations, helicopters still have some inherent flaws, which make helicopter low-altitude penetration operations dangerous. First of all, the helicopter is vulnerable to the threat of light fire on the ground when flying at low or ultra-low altitudes, while its rotors cannot be completely masked, making it vulnerable to bullets, which increases its vulnerability.

Charging the Russian army with missiles, helicopter groups penetrating at ultra-low altitudes, where does the greatest danger come from?

A case in point is the 2003 Iraq War, when the U.S. military deployed a large number of AH-64 Apache to support ground forces, but in an ambush in Nasiriyah, one Apache was shot down and 31 others were damaged. This led to the inability of the entire aviation regiment to be dispatched for several days in a row, exposing the vulnerability of helicopters in low-altitude penetration operations.

Secondly, man-portable anti-aircraft missiles pose a great threat to helicopters due to their high speed and difficulty in detection. These missiles are usually operated by a single target, and the target is small and difficult to track, making it easy to ambush helicopters. Therefore, when breaking through enemy lines, careful planning and the use of infrared jamming shells are essential to increase the survival rate of helicopters.

Charging the Russian army with missiles, helicopter groups penetrating at ultra-low altitudes, where does the greatest danger come from?

In general, helicopter low-altitude penetration operations are a dangerous and complex task, but still play a key role in modern warfare. It requires careful planning, coordinated operations, and rapid decision-making to ensure that airborne troops can safely break through enemy lines and achieve mission objectives.

On ancient and modern battlefields, helicopter low-altitude penetration operations have become an important tactical means. This tactic has shown remarkable results in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, but it has also exposed some inherent flaws. This article will analyze the strengths and weaknesses of this tactic and provide some insightful insights.

First of all, helicopter low-altitude penetration operations have significant advantages in modern battlefields. This type of warfare allows helicopters to quickly break through enemy lines, drop troops or suppress fire. Helicopters are so advantageous because they can fly at low altitudes below 100 meters, which evades detection and interception by most air defense radars and missiles. In addition, they can carry infantry and light vehicles, provide excellent mobility and assault capabilities. This makes them an important asset for modern armies.

Charging the Russian army with missiles, helicopter groups penetrating at ultra-low altitudes, where does the greatest danger come from?

Historically, the United States first adopted large-scale airborne raid tactics in the Vietnam War, widely using UH-1 helicopters to carry out airborne landings, while AH-64 Apache gunships provided cover. The modern U.S. military uses CH-47 Chinook and CH-53 helicopters, which can transport not only infantry, but also high-mobility vehicles and even howitzers, ensuring that airborne troops have strong fire support. The Russian army also accumulated extensive experience in airborne operations during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, using Mi-8 and Mi-24 helicopters to excel in the mountains. These examples show the effectiveness of low-altitude penetration operations of helicopters.

However, despite the obvious advantages of this tactic, it also faces some inherent flaws. First of all, helicopters fly at low altitudes and are vulnerable to light fire on the ground. Even if they can avoid anti-aircraft radars and missiles, flying too low increases the risk of ground fire. The rotors of helicopters cannot be shaded and hidden, and once hit by bullets, they are vulnerable to damage, which makes them very vulnerable.

Secondly, man-portable anti-aircraft missiles became the main threat to helicopters. These missiles are fast and difficult to escape. The simple operation of individual anti-aircraft missiles allows one person to operate, which increases the likelihood of successfully shooting down helicopters. Therefore, when carrying out penetration missions, measures must be taken to reduce the threat of man-portable anti-aircraft missiles, such as the use of infrared jamming shells to jam the guidance system of missiles.

These inherent flaws remind us that low-altitude penetration operations by helicopters require careful planning and careful execution. Avoid enemy heavy groups to minimize the risk of being attacked by anti-aircraft fire and missiles, and ensure the survival and mission completion of airborne troops. In addition, transport helicopters must be carefully protected, since they carry a large number of infantry and equipment, and the loss of one helicopter will seriously weaken the assault force.

In summary, helicopter low-altitude penetration operations are an important modern tactic with significant advantages. However, it also presents inherent risks and challenges, including the threat of ground-based firepower and the threat of man-portable anti-aircraft missiles. Therefore, the successful execution of this tactic requires careful planning, superb execution, and effective interference measures. The deep lesson of this tactic is that in modern warfare, military tactics need to evolve and adapt to meet new threats and challenges. Helicopter low-altitude penetration operations are a powerful tool, but they also require careful use and continuous improvement to ensure the successful execution of the mission.

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