
Zhao Yunyong suppressed Zhang Fei, Gong Gai Guan Yu, and Wise Forced Kong Ming to win the Crown of the First God of War of the Three Kingdoms?

author:Mirror Youth
Zhao Yunyong suppressed Zhang Fei, Gong Gai Guan Yu, and Wise Forced Kong Ming to win the Crown of the First God of War of the Three Kingdoms?

Who is he? He was not Ma Chao, not Huang Zhong, not Lü Bu, but Zhao Zilong, a general under Liu Bei. Saying that Zhao Yun is the first god of war in the Three Kingdoms, many friends may not be convinced, why? On the merits of war, on the status, on the reputation, Zhao Yun is not as good as Guan Yu, nor as good as Zhang Fei, nor can he be compared to Lü Bu, why is it said that he is the first god of war in the Three Kingdoms? And listen to me break it down.

Zhao Yun (赵云), courtesy name Zilong, was a native of Changshan Zhending (present-day Zhengding, Shijiazhuang, Hebei). The authentic Yan Zhao soldier, who looks also very Yan Zhao, is eight feet long, handsome and dashing, and the jade tree is windy. Less than twenty years old, he was elected by the leaders of Changshan County, leading the militia of the county to defect to Gongsun Zhan, who had divided Liaodong. At that time, Yuan Shaoxiong lived in Jizhou, with a large number of soldiers and a strong limelight, coupled with the prominent family power of his "four generations and three dukes", the heroes of the world heard the wind. Gongsun Zhan saw that Zhao Yunshe was seeking far away from the near world, and he was quite puzzled: "If the good men today are all attached to Yuan Shao, why do you do the opposite?" Zhao Yun immediately replied without thinking: "The world is in chaos, the people are hanging upside down, I don't know who the Lord is?" We discussed it together, and only benevolence is the Lord, so Yuan Surrenders to the King. Neither saying yuan shao wude, nor saying that Gongsun Zhan has benevolence, only saying "only benevolence is the Lord", in a word, gongsun zhan is held up to heaven, and gongsun zhan can hardly think of not liking it.

Zhao Yunyong suppressed Zhang Fei, Gong Gai Guan Yu, and Wise Forced Kong Ming to win the Crown of the First God of War of the Three Kingdoms?

At that time, Liu Bei was also attached to Gongsun Zhan and was appointed by Gongsun Zhan as sima of the other departments. Liu Bei saw Zhao Yunying's wit, so he put down his body and tried his best to make friends, and formed a deep revolutionary friendship with Zhao Yun. Soon, Gongsun Zhan broke up with Yuan Shao, and Yuan Shao personally led a large army to find a fight with Gongsun Zhan. Gongsun Zhan also wanted to test the strength of Liu Bei and Zhao Yun, so he arranged for Liu Bei to take Zhao Yun to fight Against Yuan Shao. Soon, the good news came - Yuan Jun was defeated.

Less than a month after the good news, followed by bad news - Zhao Yun's brother unfortunately passed away. Therefore, Zhao Yun asked Gongsun Zhan to resign and returned to his hometown to mourn. Liu Bei understood that Zhao Yun would never return, so he held Zhao Yun's hands in love and shook them again and again. And Zhao Yun hit the donkey belly with a cucumber - directly: "(Yun) will not betray Deye in the end." Liu Bei's character Xuande, Zhao Yun", "will not betray morality in the end", the meaning is very clear.

Shortly after Zhao Yun left, Liu Bei was also invited by Xuzhou Mu Taoqian to leave Gongsun Zhan and come to Xuzhou. In 200 AD (the fifth year of Jian'an), Liu Bei was defeated by Cao Cao at Xuzhou, and in desperation, he defected to Yuan Shao, who was occupying the city of Yicheng at that time. Once, Liu Bei was wandering around the city and happened to meet Zhao Yun, who was making a living here. The second time he shook hands with Zhao Yun, Liu Bei was naturally overjoyed, and immediately pulled Zhao Yun back to the camp, flipped his heart and lungs together with wine and meat through the intestines, ate and drank together, and then pulled Zhao Yun to sleep with him - sleeping in the same bed.

Zhao Yunyong suppressed Zhang Fei, Gong Gai Guan Yu, and Wise Forced Kong Ming to win the Crown of the First God of War of the Three Kingdoms?

The next day, just after dawn, Liu Bei took out his private money from under the pillow and handed it to Zhao Yun, asking him to return to his hometown to recruit soldiers. It didn't take much effort, and after three days, Zhao Yun brought back four or five hundred people.

With more men and more guns, Liu Bei's ambitions also rose, and under the banner of contacting Liu Biao and winning allies, he proposed to Yuan Shao to lead his troops south. Yuan Shao was careless for a moment and let the tiger return to the mountain. Liu Bei took Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Zhao Yun with him several times and defected to Liu Biao, the mu of Jingzhou, and under Liu Biao's arrangement, tun bing Xinye.

Soon after, Cao Cao, who defeated Yuan Shao at the Battle of Guandu, exploded in confidence and ambition, and soon turned his gun on Liu Biao. In 202, Cao Cao sent his generals Xiahou Huan and Yu Ban to lead a large army straight to Jingzhou, and first engaged Liu Bei, who was stationed at the northern end of Jingzhou. During the battle, Liu Bei avoided the real and the virtual, cleverly set up an ambush, and defeated the Cao army in one fell swoop. In this battle, Zhao Yunsheng captured Xiahou Lan, a general of the Cao Army.

Zhao Yunyong suppressed Zhang Fei, Gong Gai Guan Yu, and Wise Forced Kong Ming to win the Crown of the First God of War of the Three Kingdoms?

Six years later (208 AD), Cao Cao raised an army again and personally conquered Jingzhou. At this time, Liu Biao was dead, and his second son Liu Chun succeeded to the throne, seeing that Cao Cao's people were numerous and menacing, Liu Chun thought that he was not Cao Cao's opponent, so he surrendered, and then sent someone to inform Liu Bei, who had moved to Fancheng at this time. Liu Bei saw that the general trend had gone, and left without a fight, abandoning Fan and going south. During Liu Bei's "hanging post" under Liu Biao, although the time was not too long, but quite a reputation, when passing through Xiangyang, more than 100,000 people in the city saw the legendary Qingtian Liu Bei going south and followed one after another, resulting in a great slowdown in the marching speed. After Cao Cao learned of this, he personally led 5,000 elite horsemen to chase after him, one day and one night, and traveled more than three hundred miles, and finally intercepted Liu Bei and his party at Changsaka in Dangyang.

In the midst of the crisis, Liu Bei left his wife and children behind, and only took Zhang Fei, Zhuge Liang, Zhao Yun and dozens of other horses to flee, and after running out of four or five miles, everyone suddenly found that Zhao Yun was missing in the team. Therefore, someone blew the wind in Liu Bei's ear: Zhao Yun, this boy must have thrown (Cao). The words did not fall, Liu Bei did not say a word, directly from behind to pull out the halberd and throw it at this person, along with the hand halberd there was a sentence: "Zilong will never abandon me!" As soon as the words fell, he saw Zhao Yun holding Liu Bei's young son Liu Chan in one hand, holding a spear in the other hand, protecting Liu Bei's wife Lady Gan, and rushing to Liu Bei's side with a sweaty head. This courage and loyalty can be described as crushing Zhang Fei. After the war, Liu Bei promoted Zhao Yun to the rank of General of Yamen.

Zhao Yunyong suppressed Zhang Fei, Gong Gai Guan Yu, and Wise Forced Kong Ming to win the Crown of the First God of War of the Three Kingdoms?

After the Battle of Chibi, Zhao Yun followed Liu Bei to pacify the four counties of Jingzhou in one fell swoop. Because of his military exploits, Zhao Yun was promoted by Liu Bei to be a partial general, and replaced Zhao Fan, who surrendered, and was posted as Guiyang Taishou.

The former Guiyang Taishou Zhao Fan had a widowed sister-in-law, Fan Shi. According to the history books, this Fan clan has the appearance of a country, sinking fish and falling geese. In order to show favor and win over Zhao Yun, Zhao Fan came up with a bad move - pulling a sister-in-law match, that is, matching his sister-in-law Fan Shi xu to Zhao Yun. What Zhao Fan did not expect was that such a beautiful thing that could not be sought was rejected by Zhao Yun. Seeing that Zhao Fan was quite embarrassed, Zhao Yun hurriedly sent Zhao Fan a downhill step - explaining: "You and I have the same surname, and your sister-in-law is my sister-in-law." Zhao Fan saw that Zhao Yun's attitude was resolute and reasonable, so he had to retreat in sorrow. One of Zhao Yun's subordinates, seeing that Zhao Yun did not know the style, was quite sorry, and immediately opened his mouth to persuade Zhao Yun to accept Zhao Fan's good intentions. Seeing Zhao Fan walking away, Zhao Yun revealed his heart: "Zhao Fan was forced to surrender, his heart was unpredictable, I had to defend, not to mention that there is no herb in the world." A few days later, Zhao Fan saw that Zhao Yun was soft and hard and did not eat, and there was nowhere to start, so he found an opportunity to run away.

I have to say that in front of Mei Se, Zhao Yun dumped Guan Yu and Lü Bu ten and a half streets. When Guan Yu was "hanging up" in Cao Ying, he followed Cao Cao in attacking Lü Bu. Before the war, Guan Yu was worried about the beautiful woman at that time, the wife of Lü Bu's general Qin Yilu, and repeatedly broke his thoughts to Cao Cao: After the city is destroyed, he does not want any gold and silver treasures, only to ask for this woman. Seeing Guan Yu, the lustful Cao Cao was also quite curious. After the city was destroyed, seeing that Qin's wife was so beautiful, Cao Cao reneged on his word and moved her to his bed. Lü Bu was even more disdainful of saying that when he saw his righteous father, the maid next to Dong Zhuo, he looked quite beautiful, and without saying a word, he repeatedly committed adultery with Dong Zhuo behind his back, not only that, but also brazenly split his legs with his subordinate's wife many times. However, Zhao Yun was clean and self-righteous, and in the face of the temptation to send him to the door, he was not moved, and his heart was as clear as a mirror. This style, this exercise, needless to say that Guan Yu and Lü Bu are difficult to match, looking at many famous generals in the Three Kingdoms, how many people can compare with it?

Zhao Yunyong suppressed Zhang Fei, Gong Gai Guan Yu, and Wise Forced Kong Ming to win the Crown of the First God of War of the Three Kingdoms?

Zhao Yun flatly refused to send the beautiful woman to the door, while Liu Bei on the other side went to Eastern Wu to worship under the pomegranate skirt. After joining forces with Sun Quan to defeat Cao Cao, Liu Bei took the opportunity to recover most of Jingzhou and became Jingzhou Mu. Subsequently, the gradual growth of Liu Bei's power also attracted the attention of Sun Quan. In order to win liu bei over, Sun Quan took the initiative to propose to marry his sister, Sun Xiaomei, to Liu Bei, but in fact he properly sent an undercover agent. Seeing such a good thing, Liu Bei listened, immediately smiled and closed his mouth, and personally went to Jiangdong to marry Sun Xiaomei back to his side in a busy time.

Two years later (211 AD), Liu Bei, at the instigation of Pang Tong, Fazheng and others, personally led a large army straight to Yizhou to open up a new world. Before leaving, Liu Bei arranged for Zhuge Liang, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, and others to guard Jingzhou, and set up a special post, appointing Zhao Yun as the Sima who stayed in the camp, with full authority to manage the internal affairs of the army and Liu Bei's family affairs.

Why did Liu Bei let Zhao Yun take charge of family affairs? It turned out that this Sun Xiaomei was not a fuel-saving lamp, since marrying Liu Bei's side, relying on her brother's power, doing whatever she wanted, arrogant and indulgent, and was also willful and arbitrary to Liu Bei, and a group of his subordinates she brought from Eastern Wu also had many illegal acts and committed crimes against the wind. After Zhao Yun took office, he adhered to principles, was selfless with an iron face, and did not give Sun Xiaomei and his subordinates the opportunity to indulge at all.

Soon the news reached Sun Quan's ears, Sun Quan believed that Sun Xiaomei had lost her role as an undercover agent, and that liu Beixi's ambition to conquer Yizhou was not small, and it was estimated that in the future, the two sides would inevitably have a war, and in order to make early plans, they sent a large number of boats to take Sun Xiaomei back to Wu. Sun Xiaomei also had a return, and Brother Imami sent someone to pick them up, in addition to collecting more than a dozen confidential documents, he also wanted to beat the rabbits in the grass, and took the opportunity to take Liu Chan with him to invite credit to his brother. But that is, Zhao Yun had already taken precautions against this, and Sun Xiaomei and her party had just arrived at the riverside, that is, they were intercepted by Zhao Yun and Zhang Fei, and they recaptured the documents and Liu Chan.

Zhao Yunyong suppressed Zhang Fei, Gong Gai Guan Yu, and Wise Forced Kong Ming to win the Crown of the First God of War of the Three Kingdoms?

Just as Zhao Yun and the Sun brothers and sisters were fighting with wits and courage, Liu Bei's urgent document came from the direction of Yizhou. It turned out that Liu Bei was frustrated in his attack on Liu Zhang, and the military master Pang Tong was killed by a stray arrow, and Liu Bei urgently summoned Zhuge Liang and others to Shu Chi to help. Zhuge Liang made a slight arrangement, that is, he and Zhao Yun, Zhang Fei and others led the army to the west of the river, and pacified more than a dozen large and small counties along the way. After conquering Jiangzhou, the army divided into two roads, Zhuge Liang and Zhang Fei all the way, and Zhao Yun all the way, and attacked Chengdu together.

Zhao Yun swung his sword on horseback and led his army forward, breaking through the barriers and slashing generals all the way, and successively captured Jiangyang and Qianwei counties. At that time, Qianwei County was a large county in Shuzhong, and together with Shu County and Guanghan County, it was known as the Three Shu, and was also the main source of taxes in Shuzhong. After pacifying the great county in Shuzhong, Zhao Yun once again cut through thorns and thorns, tied the tiger and lowered the dragon, took the lead in marching to the south of Chengdu, and completed the siege of Chengdu with Liu Bei in the north of the city. After capturing Chengdu, Liu Bei promoted Zhao Yun to general of the Yi Army. This credit can be said to be no less than Guan Yu.

After the pacification of Yizhou, some people advocated dividing up the land among the local tycoons and giving the many noble houses and fields of the former Yizhou to the generals. Zhao Yun immediately retorted: "There are still many thieves in the country today, and the world is undecided. Yizhou has just fallen, people's hearts are not stable, it is advisable to return the land and real estate to the people, so that they can live and work in peace and contentment, in order to win the hearts of the people. Liu Bei listened, thought it was reasonable, and immediately nodded: "Old Zhao, listen to you, we don't divide the field products." ”

Four years after capturing Yizhou, Liu Bei led an army to capture Hanzhong, which was already occupied by Cao Wei at that time. In order to retake Hanzhong, in March of that year, Cao Cao personally led a large army to challenge and transported a large amount of military food to the north mountain of Hanzhong. At this time, Zhao Yun and Huang Zhong jointly guarded Hanzhong, and Huang Zhong thought that he could seize the opportunity to seize the military grain for my use, and Zhao Yun also felt that it was feasible, so he divided the troops huang Zhong to go and grab the grain. However, Huang Zhong's troops had been gone for more than three hours, and they still had not returned to the camp as promised, and Zhao Yun knew that it was not good, so he led more than a dozen cavalry out of the camp and went to meet them.

Zhao Yunyong suppressed Zhang Fei, Gong Gai Guan Yu, and Wise Forced Kong Ming to win the Crown of the First God of War of the Three Kingdoms?

On the way, he suddenly encountered Cao Cao's army. All the soldiers were terrified, but Zhao Yun was not afraid, shaking his spirits, leading a dozen cavalry to repeatedly attack the Cao army, and retreating. Although the Cao army was large and powerful, under the impact of Zhao Yun and others, it fell to pieces, and Zhao Yun also took the opportunity to withdraw to the camp. When I returned to the camp, I saw sima Zhangzhuo, and when I inquired, I learned that Zhang Zhu was surrounded by Cao Jun because of his injuries. Zhao Yun did not say a word, immediately put on his horse, killed Cao Cao's army again, turned over and cut melons and vegetables, and within half an hour, he rescued Zhang Zhu and brought him back to the camp.

At this time, the Cao army, which was not willing to lose, also followed Zhao Yun to the camp before the camp, and Zhao Yun's lieutenant Zhang Yi saw that the Cao army was murderous and worried that he could not resist, so he arranged for the soldiers to close the camp and close the village.

Zhao Yun saw that Cao's soldiers were numerous and difficult to resist for a while, so he moved his mind and did the opposite, immediately ordering the soldiers to open the gate of the village and ordering all the soldiers to stop the flag. When Cao Jun saw this, he suspected that there was an ambush and stopped one after another. Zhao Yun immediately ordered the drum to be beaten, and in an instant, the drum sounded in the sky, Cao Jun was horrified, pulled his leg and ran, Zhao Yun urgently ordered the sergeant to open the crossbow and shoot arrows, shooting at Cao Jun, in the rain of arrows, Cao Jun could not run, trampled on each other, and there were countless deaths and injuries. This courage and wisdom can be described as hanging Huang Zhong and directly approaching Kong Ming.

Zhao Yunyong suppressed Zhang Fei, Gong Gai Guan Yu, and Wise Forced Kong Ming to win the Crown of the First God of War of the Three Kingdoms?

In 221 (the first year of Zhang Wu), Liu Bei declared himself emperor and wanted to attack Eastern Wu in revenge for Sun Quan's attack on Jingzhou and the killing of Guan Yu. Zhao Yun strongly advised: "The thief of the state is Cao Cao, not Sun Quan, after destroying Cao Wei, Eastern Wu Sun Quan naturally surrendered, why cut down Wu?" However, at this time, Liu Bei, who had already fallen into a rage, could not listen to Zhao Yun's advice at all, and insisted on going on an eastern expedition, and left Zhao Yun to oversee Jiangzhou.

The following year, Liu Bei's army was indeed defeated at Yiling and fled back to Yong'an. When Zhao Yun learned the news, he marched from Jiangzhou to Yong'an, while the Wu army had retreated.

Eight months later, Liu Bei, who was ashamed and ashamed, died of illness in Yong'an. After the lord Liu Chan succeeded to the throne, he felt that Zhao Yun had saved each other twice and his outstanding battle achievements. Zhao Yun was promoted to the rank of General of Zhendong and made him the Marquis of Yongchangting.

After Liu Bei's death, Zhao Yun accompanied Zhuge Liang on several northern expeditions, repeatedly making military achievements and performing eye-catching performances.

In 229 (the seventh year of Jianxing), Zhao Yun died. A generation of gods of war fell.

Looking at Zhao Yun's life performance, if you only follow the name, from the courage or from the gong, from a single point of view, Zhao Yun may not be better than Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Lü Bu, but if the comprehensive ratio, the all-round ratio, Zhao Yun is second to the above generals, so it should not be false to say that Zhao Yun is the first god of war in the Three Kingdoms.

Author: We invite the author to laugh in the bush

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