
Lost and regained

author:Qilu one point

Just now, after lunch at Huanchuan Restaurant in Litang, and then got on the bus of travel, I couldn't wait to open my mobile phone, ready to write such a story. The title of the story is "Lost and Regained", and the protagonist of the story is a surnamed lady.

Lost and regained

This surnamed lady should be the boss lady, because the business license owner is named Mu Yangqiang.

A family of three runs this restaurant called Litang Meet Huanchuan Taste Restaurant. Meal service is provided for tourists traveling between Chengdu and Daocheng Aden. In fact, to be precise, it should be a place on National Highway 318 for travelers to take a sharp rest. The hostess cooks at the counter and is all-round, the husband is the chef, and the son is the hand.

Lost and regained

The family is busy on this line, hard and happy. After the resumption of special tourism, let the small shop have customers or even full customers every day.

Lost and regained

Look at her smiling face and you can feel her enthusiasm for customers.

It's off-the-beaten. To get back to business, it was noon on October 15, our photography team went from Chengdu to Daocheng Aden to take pictures, lunch was in this hotel, before eating I carefully looked around, the sky was blue, there was no cloud, the top of the street lamp outside the store, is a blooming golden lotus

Lost and regained

This was taken today.

At lunch, I hung my camera on the back of my red chair, and my phone was running out of battery. So take the charger and charge it at the counter.

Short lunch meal time: go to the bathroom, recharge, fill the hunger, excite the road perception, and even talk about the seemingly absent altitude sickness, and the beauty of the scenery after arriving in Daocheng Aden and the horror of high anti-anti.

I won't list anything else, anyway, 2 hours after leaving the restaurant on the bus, I opened my sleepy eyes from the bus and saw the white clouds fluttering outside the window, surrounded by mountains, and yaks grazing leisurely on the hillside, I reached out to touch the camera. Not good, what about the camera?

Lost and regained

Not good, what about the camera? The camera, hung on the back of the chair while eating, and when riding in the car, took away the mobile phone charged at the bar. Two hours after the meal, can the camera still be there? Especially in restaurants with a lot of customers. Who knows where the camera is?

But I know the camera used to be there.

So I hurriedly asked the tour leader to contact the restaurant, okay, okay. The hostess had put the camera away.

Lost and regained

The camera is two hours away from the time journey, how can you record this beautiful trip well without a camera in your hand? It is most regrettable that this scenery is only recorded with a mobile phone.

Lost and regained

Unfortunately, the camera can't fly on its own.

After contacting the owner of the hotel, the team leader said that he could let the team go to Daocheng Aden later, but the leader Cuong asked for 100 yuan.

Thankfully, on the evening of the 15th, I finally got my lost and recovered camera at the hotel in Aden.

Lost and regained

On the 18th, three days later, we arrived at the hotel again on our way back. I photographed their images, their environment, and even their business licenses.

Before leaving, I bought five bottles of drinks, and my fellow photographers asked me, do you want to drink so much in one afternoon?

No, it's not. Such a simple person can only talk about gratitude in this way.

Lost and regained

The name of the hotel is Meet and Greet, and the loss is regained.

A thrilling episode during the trip will remain in my memory, even longer than those beautiful landscapes.

One Point Five Eyes to See the World

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