
Super girl Chen Kailin's marriage life is revealed, and the secret of Zheng Jiaying into her career

author:The free wind of wisdom

Article topic: Chen Kailin's performance in marriage is more traditional than He Chaolian's good wife and mother, she pays more attention to her family and husband's career, while He Chaolian has more self-pursuit. First paragraph: Chen Kailin and He Chaolian are both Bai Fumei who grew up in wealthy areas of Hong Kong, but from their performance in marriage, is there a difference? Chen Kailin, like a traditional good wife and mother, pays more attention to the long-term nature of family and marriage, while He Chaolian pays more attention to self-pursuit.

Super girl Chen Kailin's marriage life is revealed, and the secret of Zheng Jiaying into her career

The second paragraph: Chen Kailin does not guard against her husband, and has children when she gets married, and He Chaolian needs to see it first. Chen Kailin has always focused on her family and husband, focused on her life with Zheng Jiaying, and gave birth to three sons in a row. In contrast, He Chaolian seems to be more concerned about her own development and does not devote herself wholeheartedly to the family like Chen Kailin. When she married Dou Xiao, she said that she would give birth to a football team, but now she has not given birth to any of them, nor is she trying to get pregnant.

Super girl Chen Kailin's marriage life is revealed, and the secret of Zheng Jiaying into her career

The third paragraph: Chen Kailin hopes that her husband has a good career, and she brings her baby to let Zheng Jiaying fight for her career with peace of mind, while He Chaolian does not manage marriage much. Kailin Chen's commitment to the family is not limited to taking care of the children, she also supports Zheng Jiaying to fully devote herself to her career. Even if she has three children to take care of, Chen Kailin is still relieved that Zheng Jiaying goes out to fight for her career. He Chaolian, on the other hand, pays more attention to her own development, such as going on some variety shows and making money to enrich her life.

Super girl Chen Kailin's marriage life is revealed, and the secret of Zheng Jiaying into her career

Conclusion paragraph: From the performance of Chen Kailin and He Chaolian in marriage, we can find that Chen Kailin is more traditional as a good wife and mother, paying more attention to the family and husband's career, while He Chaolian has more self-pursuit. Everyone has different ideas and pursuits for marriage and family, but a stable marriage and a warm family are important for everyone. Therefore, we should cherish and value the importance of marriage and family more.

Super girl Chen Kailin's marriage life is revealed, and the secret of Zheng Jiaying into her career

Q: How do you think family and self-pursuit should be balanced in marriage? What advice do you have? Topic: The differences in the marriage of Chen Kailin and He ChaolianChen Kailin and He Chaolian, the marriage life of the two female artists has attracted much attention. In the marriage of Chen Kailin and Zheng Jiaying, Chen Kailin is a good wife and mother, and everything is centered on Zheng Jiaying. In the marriage of He Chaolian and Dou Xiao, it is a relatively strong style of women. The differences in these two marriages are thought-provoking.

Super girl Chen Kailin's marriage life is revealed, and the secret of Zheng Jiaying into her career

Chen Kailin has always listened to Zheng Jiaying's arrangement, and everything is centered on her husband. Although Chen Kailin is a white rich beauty, she has no shelf in marriage. She will not let Zheng Jiaying feel that her wife looks down on her. In the details of the husband and wife's relationship, Chen Kailin gives people a posture of relying on Zheng Jiaying and letting Zheng Jiaying be the master. The dedication and love in this marriage makes people feel that Chen Kailin is a good wife and mother.

Super girl Chen Kailin's marriage life is revealed, and the secret of Zheng Jiaying into her career

He Chaolian, on the other hand, is a relatively free-range state, and does not seem to be so attentive to marriage. Although she is from an aristocratic background, He Chaolian is a relatively strong woman after marriage. The status in the family is relatively large, and many things must be obeyed by He Chaolian. This kind of practice in marriage makes people think that He Chaolian is a relatively strong woman.

Super girl Chen Kailin's marriage life is revealed, and the secret of Zheng Jiaying into her career

Although He Chaolian did not focus on her husband in everything like Chen Kailin in marriage, her career development in the entertainment industry was very successful. She uses Dou Xiao's identity to seek her own development in the entertainment industry. This approach makes people feel that it is now He Chaolian who has taken advantage of Dou Xiao. Chen Kailin, on the other hand, has always paid silently in the family and has not been so ambitious. The differences in the marriage of Chen Kailin and He Chaolian make people think about how to get along in marriage.

Super girl Chen Kailin's marriage life is revealed, and the secret of Zheng Jiaying into her career

Some people think that obeying her husband's arrangement like Chen Kailin and centering on her husband in everything is the best way to get along; Some people also think that like He Chaolian, the woman's status in the family is relatively large, and it is also a more practical way to get along. Either way, it takes the efforts and tolerance of both husband and wife to make the marriage harmonious and happy.

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