
Revelation! The deep reason why the founding general Gan Zuchang returned home to farm

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Revelation! The deep reason why the founding general Gan Zuchang returned home to farm

As a senior historian, I delved into Chinese history, especially the deeds of the founding general Gan Zuchang. He was a great military strategist, and his life and contributions to the country are important topics for our research. Today, I would like to share with you my understanding of why Gan Zuchang returned home to farm.

Revelation! The deep reason why the founding general Gan Zuchang returned home to farm

Gan Zuchang, this name has an important place in Chinese history. He was a founding general of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, served as the deputy commander of the Chinese People's Volunteers, and participated in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. His military skills and leadership skills enabled him to make repeated achievements in the war and made tremendous contributions to the peace and prosperity of the mainland.

However, Gan Zuchang's life was not all smooth sailing. His experience in the military was full of hardships and challenges. He was wounded in the war and at one point was in critical condition. However, he always stood by his beliefs and insisted on serving the country and the people.

So why did Gan Zuchang choose to go home to farm? This is a question worth pondering. In my view, there are three main reasons for this.

Revelation! The deep reason why the founding general Gan Zuchang returned home to farm

First of all, Gan Zuchang's personal motivation is an important factor. He is a person who deeply loves his hometown and land, and he hopes to return to his hometown, grow food with his own hands, and contribute to the development of his hometown. This deep hometown complex made him decide to give up his privileged life in the army and choose to return home to farm.

Secondly, the situation in the country at that time was also an important reason. In the 1950s, the mainland had just finished a decades-long war, and life was still very difficult. As a soldier, Gan Zuchang is well aware of the difficulties of the country and the people, and he hopes to contribute to improving the people's lives through his actions. Therefore, he chose to go home and farm, and supported the construction of the country with his practical actions.

Revelation! The deep reason why the founding general Gan Zuchang returned home to farm

Finally, Gan Zuchang's choice was also influenced by his family background. His parents, both farmers, worked in the fields all their lives to make a living. Gan Zuchang grew up in such an environment, and he has a deep affection for agriculture. Therefore, his choice to return home to farm is also a kind of return and tribute to his family.

Revelation! The deep reason why the founding general Gan Zuchang returned home to farm

In general, Gan Zuchang's choice to return home to farm is a combination of his personal motives, national situation and family background. His choice not only reflects his personality charm, but also reflects his deep love for the country and people.

In writing this article, I consulted a large number of historical sources and research results to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the content. I hope that through my sharing, I can help you better understand Gan Zuchang's life and his contribution to the country.

Revelation! The deep reason why the founding general Gan Zuchang returned home to farm

The story of Gan Zuchang is a story of devotion, sacrifice and love. His life is a history full of passion and blood. His choice allows us to see the greatness and nobility of a soldier. His story makes us deeply feel the power and value of patriotism.

In this special period, we should remember the story of Gan Zuchang and remember his spirit and qualities. We should learn from his dedication, from his patriotism, from his tenacity. Only in this way can we better serve the country and the people and strive for the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Revelation! The deep reason why the founding general Gan Zuchang returned home to farm

In this process, we will also encounter various difficulties and challenges. However, as long as we have the same faith and determination as Gan Zuchang, we will be able to overcome all difficulties and achieve our goals.

Revelation! The deep reason why the founding general Gan Zuchang returned home to farm

Finally, I would like to say that Gan Zuchang's story is not only his personal story, but also the story of each and every one of us. Like Gan Zuchang, we should all have a heart that loves the motherland and the people, and has a spirit of selfless dedication and perseverance. Only in this way can we truly become strivers in the new era and strive for the realization of our Chinese dream.

Let us work together to take Gan Zuchang as an example and strive to realize our Chinese dream!