
I can't accept household items for old people, including cups and toothpaste

author:Southern stupid cousin

I couldn't accept my husband sharing daily necessities with me, including drinking cups and towels, but he always used my towels secretly, and in desperation, I could only buy him a five-dollar towel.

When I first fell in love with my husband before, he was financially okay at that time, and I didn't dislike him, at that time I could accept drinking water from a cup with him, but then after being married for a long time, the relationship slowly faded, mainly because he had no money, I began to dislike him, in fact, it doesn't mean that I dislike him, but I have a little bit of cleanliness, my cleanliness was not so heavy before, but now it is getting heavier.

I have been married to him for five years, and since the second year, I have used almost all of my belongings with him separately, one toothbrush per person This is for sure, but our toothpaste is also used separately, when I go to buy toothpaste, I often deliberately buy two different brands, so that I will not take the wrong one with him, toothbrush cups and toothpaste are used separately (now our family has no money, the toothpaste I bought some time ago is the same brand, five dollars a piece, but I have a good mark, so I won't take it wrong)

I can't accept household items for old people, including cups and toothpaste

Our toothpaste is used separately

The cups for drinking water in our family are also used separately, one for a family of three, but I absolutely do not allow my husband's cup to be placed next to my cup, because I am afraid that the place where he drinks will touch my cup, sometimes his cup is close to my cup and put it, I will turn on the hot water of the water dispenser to take it to scald, so that it is considered disinfection.

I can't accept household items for old people, including cups and toothpaste

There are seven or eight bowls for our family to eat, but they all use a fixed bowl, I have only used a small stainless steel bowl to eat, and my husband can only use his pink stainless steel, anyway, the bowl is also used separately, chopsticks are the same, my chopsticks are pink, his chopsticks are black, the child's chopsticks are yellow, I will not use his bowl and chopsticks, and he can't use mine, once he took my chopsticks to eat, and then that time I took disposable chopsticks to eat, and then I lost the pair of chopsticks, I just don't like to share a living object with him.

Even the shower gel for the bath is separated, my old man uses shower gel, I use soap, and shampoo is also used separately, because we use different brands.

I can't accept household items for old people, including cups and toothpaste

Towels must also be used separately, and our towels cannot be gathered in one place, my towels and children's towels can be placed in the same place, but I can't accept my husband's towels hanging with us.

I can't accept using a personal item with the public, but he always uses me secretly, for example, sometimes he will secretly use my toothpaste, he says my toothpaste is more expensive, sometimes he secretly uses my towel, he always says that he took it by the wrong hand, and I don't know whether it is true or not.

Last month I cleaned the house, before and after I finished it all, but when I was doing bathroom hygiene, I suddenly found that the bathroom was very smelly, I checked the bathroom, and later found out that it was my husband's towel that emitted a sour smell, I immediately threw the towel away, the towel was still a gift given by people when I went to buy something, but I didn't expect that the things sent by people were not good at all, and the towel smelled just a few weeks ago.

I threw my husband's towel in the trash, because the towel was really smelly, and when he took a bath at night, he found that the towel was gone, and he asked me if I washed it for him and took it to dry? When I heard him ask me this, I really almost laughed out loud in my heart, because I had already thrown the towel into the garbage can, and he thought I had helped him take it to dry, I told him that the towel was thrown in the garbage can, and then he said let me buy one to compensate him, and I agreed at that time, because buying a towel is not very expensive, and besides, he really lost the towel.

I lost his towel last month, but during this time I have a lot of things, forgot about buying towels, and then my husband has to say once every night in the bath, saying that I always don't buy towels for him, I let him buy them himself, but he said he has no money, every time he says there is no money I am very angry, because I see him buy two packs of cigarettes for 20 yuan every day, there is money to buy cigarettes and no money to buy towels, so the purchase of towels is delayed again and again.

Later, my husband learned to be smart, he used the child's towel directly after taking a bath every night, and he put it directly back in a high place after he used it, I didn't find it when I first used it, it was the child who said that his towel would be placed in a high place every morning, and later I learned that it was my husband who secretly used the child's towel, and I scolded him fiercely, because I have always paid attention to children's hygiene, how can adults use children's towels?

I can't accept household items for old people, including cups and toothpaste

I use soap

Last week I started to say that I was going to buy him a towel, but every time I went out and came back I forgot, last night I found a big thing, the thing is like this: last night my husband was taking a bath, and then the child was very anxious to get on the tuba, the child opened the door and rushed in regardless of three seven twenty-one, when my old man was wiping his body, I glanced over, and clearly saw that my old man was wearing a green towel, and the green towel was mine, and I immediately broke out because I had a slight cleanliness, I scolded him loudly: "You used to steal a child's towel every day, and now you steal mine, are you reluctant to buy a towel?" A towel is not half as expensive as a pack of cigarettes, why do you always steal other people's things? ”

My husband was taking a bath, I said he said it was too much, but he still used my towel to wipe his body, and then I kept talking about him when he came out, and then he said that he was pitiful and hadn't washed the towel for a month...

This morning I sent my children to kindergarten, and I told myself: I must buy a towel for my husband this time, otherwise he doesn't know what else to do.

After sending my children to kindergarten, I wanted to go to the supermarket to buy a towel, but it was too early that the supermarket did not open, so I could only go to the grocery store to buy towels, and after looking around the towels that were 15 yuan a piece, I asked the grocery store owner: "Boss, your towels are 15 yuan a piece?" Is there a cheaper one? "The owner said there were ten pieces and there were five pieces.

I can't accept household items for old people, including cups and toothpaste

The above are all 15 pieces

I asked the boss to get me a five-dollar one, and the boss said that 15 yuan was easier to use, and I said to the boss: "Do you care if it is good or not, anyway, I don't use it." "Then I scanned the code for five dollars to buy a towel, and I specially picked the yellow one so that it was more conspicuous, in case my husband took it wrong again."

I can't accept household items for old people, including cups and toothpaste

This towel costs five dollars

After I bought a towel and returned home, I was ready to go to work, I shook the red bag in my hand and said to him: "I'll buy you a new towel, this towel is expensive, 15 yuan a piece, then you don't steal our mother and son's towels anymore, if you steal my towels again, you will die." He didn't say anything and went straight to work.

I can't accept household items for old people, including cups and toothpaste

This is the new towel I bought for my husband

Seriously, I really can't accept the same living object as the old public, even we sleep with our own quilts, he sleeps at night and I will be unhappy when he touches my quilt, in fact, I don't dislike him, I seem to have always been like this.

Anyway, I'm buying him a new towel now, the green towel he stole from me yesterday I also threw it in the trash, when the supermarket opens, I'm going to buy myself a better towel, if I find out later that he stole my towel, he's really finished.

I can't accept household items for old people, including cups and toothpaste

We can't hang our towels together

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