
In autumn, my throat is dry and itchy, and I always have to boil the "throat soup", boiling 3 ingredients to clear my lungs and moisturize my throat

author:Foraging in the market

The golden autumn October dangui fragrance, walking through the pleasant autumn scenery is also comfortable, but it is this dry and windy climate that always makes the throat feel uncomfortable, especially after getting up every morning. Fortunately, nature also gives many good ingredients that can moisturize the body in autumn, and pears are one of them.

In autumn, my throat is dry and itchy, and I always have to boil the "throat soup", boiling 3 ingredients to clear my lungs and moisturize my throat

As the saying goes, "one pear runs three autumns", pear is the sect of a hundred fruits, the taste is sweet and crisp, containing more than 85% water, vitamins, mineral content is also relatively rich, eat both moisturizing, but also very nutritious, help to improve immunity. However, everyone knows that this pear is a cold food, many people are easy to irritate the stomach if eaten directly, the best way to eat is to stew into pear soup to drink, gentle and nourishing, moisturize the throat and lungs.

In autumn, my throat is dry and itchy, and I always have to boil the "throat soup", boiling 3 ingredients to clear my lungs and moisturize my throat

Share a tangerine peel snow pear soup, the combination of snow pear and tangerine peel and lily doubles the moisturizing effect, and it is also sweet and sour. If there is a dry throat and discomfort, boil a small pot to drink, which can relieve and reduce the discomfort of the throat. This soup is simple and easy to make, suitable for all ages, cooked once the whole family can drink, nutritious and delicious, so that the whole family can smoothly spend autumn and healthy winter.

In autumn, my throat is dry and itchy, and I always have to boil the "throat soup", boiling 3 ingredients to clear my lungs and moisturize my throat
In autumn, my throat is dry and itchy, and I always have to boil the "throat soup", boiling 3 ingredients to clear my lungs and moisturize my throat

Tangerine peel snow pear soup

Ingredients: 1 pear, 10g tangerine peel, 15g lily, goji berry, rock sugar, osmanthus flower

In autumn, my throat is dry and itchy, and I always have to boil the "throat soup", boiling 3 ingredients to clear my lungs and moisturize my throat

1. Take 20 grams of lilies, rinse them simply, soak them in warm water for half an hour, and rinse the tangerine peel with warm water.

In autumn, my throat is dry and itchy, and I always have to boil the "throat soup", boiling 3 ingredients to clear my lungs and moisturize my throat

2. Clean the pears, cut them directly without peeling, and soak the goji berries in water for 5 minutes.

In autumn, my throat is dry and itchy, and I always have to boil the "throat soup", boiling 3 ingredients to clear my lungs and moisturize my throat

3. Pour lilies into the boiling pot with clean water, turn on high heat to bring the water to a boil, pour in the pear cubes, and simmer for 5 minutes over medium-low heat.

In autumn, my throat is dry and itchy, and I always have to boil the "throat soup", boiling 3 ingredients to clear my lungs and moisturize my throat

4. After five minutes, pour in the tangerine peel, continue to simmer for 10 minutes, add goji berries and an appropriate amount of rock sugar, boil for 3 minutes to melt the rock sugar and turn off the heat and serve, sprinkle with a little osmanthus to garnish and add flavor.

In autumn, my throat is dry and itchy, and I always have to boil the "throat soup", boiling 3 ingredients to clear my lungs and moisturize my throat
In autumn, my throat is dry and itchy, and I always have to boil the "throat soup", boiling 3 ingredients to clear my lungs and moisturize my throat

——Lao Jing said——

When preparing the ingredients for tangerine peel snow pear soup, if it is convenient to buy fresh lilies, you can choose fresh lilies, but the time to simmer can be shortened, and you can cook for 5-10 minutes. In addition, those who like sweetness can put more rock sugar or put some osmanthus nectar directly, and those who do not like sweetness can also not put rock sugar, Sydney itself also has sweetness, and the boiled soup is also sweet and delicious.

In autumn, my throat is dry and itchy, and I always have to boil the "throat soup", boiling 3 ingredients to clear my lungs and moisturize my throat
I am a foraging reporter in the city, and I have been fighting the world for many years, and I am still brilliant and full of interest! I like to focus on eating, drinking, and fun in the city, updating recipes and food anecdotes every day, follow me, and enjoy food without getting lost.


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