
The grudge between the Zhou Dynasty and the Shang Dynasty is actually the epitome of the struggle and integration of the two major ethnic groups in China for thousands of years

author:User little fairy everyone

King Wu of Zhou defeated the army of the Shang Dynasty at the Battle of Makiye and established the Zhou Dynasty. This had a huge impact on Chinese history and evolved into gods and demons novels. However, few people think in terms of nationality. The Shang Dynasty was dominated by nomadic peoples in the Central Plains, while the Zhou Dynasty was a typical farming people. The descendants of the Shang Dynasty left traces in the Central Plains and the northeast region. They slowly integrated into the Chinese civilization and became part of China. The demise of the Shang Dynasty and the establishment of the Zhou Dynasty are just one example of the confrontation between nomadic and agrarian peoples in China for thousands of years. However, in this confrontation, there is also an element of integration and communication. This confrontation and integration is an eternal topic in Chinese history. The Shang Dynasty was dominated by nomadic peoples in the Central Plains, while the Zhou Dynasty was a typical farming people.

The grudge between the Zhou Dynasty and the Shang Dynasty is actually the epitome of the struggle and integration of the two major ethnic groups in China for thousands of years

The culture of the Shang Dynasty was biased towards theocracy, while the culture of the Zhou Dynasty was biased towards the people. After Zhou destroyed the merchants, he began to establish a mature and complete etiquette system, and implemented the rule of virtue and the people. Under the influence of the culture of the Zhou Dynasty, hundreds of schools of thought gradually emerged, laying the foundation for the emergence of traditional Chinese culture. However, few people think in terms of nationality. The human ancestor of the Shang Dynasty, Qi, came from the area of the Western Liao River and may have a close relationship with Eastern Hu. Merchants were originally nomads who were good at business, and when they arrived in the Central Plains, they were famous for doing business, so people called those who did business also merchants. After the Shang Dynasty entered the Central Plains, it also continued to accept Chinese culture, which is very similar to the later sinicization process of Northern Wei, Liaojin, and Yuan and Qing. 3,000 years ago, the Shang Dynasty perished, where did the descendants of the Shang Dynasty go?

The grudge between the Zhou Dynasty and the Shang Dynasty is actually the epitome of the struggle and integration of the two major ethnic groups in China for thousands of years

In fact, the history books have recorded it very clearly. Most of the remnants of the Shang Dynasty remained in the Central Plains and were sealed to different places by the Western Zhou. The Kanto Plain was divided among royal relatives, while Luoyang became a stronghold to guard the east. After 200 years, the Yin merchant remnants in the Kanto region have been fully integrated into the Chinese people. Since then, the territory of China has expanded from the Wanggi area to the entire Yellow River Basin. Another part of the merchants chose to withdraw from the Central Plains and return to the northeast. They established countries such as Miko Korea, Shanjung, Guzhu and others. The Mizi Joseon migrated all the way to the Korean Peninsula, while Shanjung was defeated by the State of Qi and incorporated into the State of Yan. The migration and integration of the descendants of these merchants allowed the Chinese civilization to be passed on and developed.

The grudge between the Zhou Dynasty and the Shang Dynasty is actually the epitome of the struggle and integration of the two major ethnic groups in China for thousands of years

The confrontation and fusion of the Shang and Zhou dynasties is only a microcosm of Chinese history. Since the Warring States period, people have called the ethnic groups active in the Da'anling and Xiliao River areas "Eastern Hu". During the Qin and Han dynasties, Eastern Hu split into Xianbei and Wuhuan. Xianbei occupied the entire desert region, while Wuhuan was conquered by Cao Cao and incorporated into the Central Plains Dynasty. The Xianbei people continued to invade the south, causing the "Five Hu Chaos". They eventually founded many kingdoms, such as the Northern Wei dynasty of the Tuoba clan. The migration and integration of the Xianbei continued until the Tang Dynasty and the Liaojin period. The Khitan and Murwei became the main ethnic groups in Northeast China. They integrated the Han ethnic group in their development over the centuries. However, this confrontation and integration did not stop.

The grudge between the Zhou Dynasty and the Shang Dynasty is actually the epitome of the struggle and integration of the two major ethnic groups in China for thousands of years

The Mongols rose in the north, and the Mongols migrated to the interior and integrated with the surrounding farming peoples. This confrontation and integration is an eternal topic in Chinese history. The confrontation and fusion of the Shang and Zhou dynasties was an important event in Chinese history. This confrontation and convergence has occurred not only in China's history, but also on a global scale. Confrontations and exchanges between nomads and farming peoples have shaped history and culture around the world. Through the study of Chinese history, we can better understand this phenomenon of confrontation and convergence and its impact on world history. In today's world, national integration and cultural exchange remain an important topic. The process of globalization has led to more frequent and closer contacts between peoples.

The grudge between the Zhou Dynasty and the Shang Dynasty is actually the epitome of the struggle and integration of the two major ethnic groups in China for thousands of years

However, we must also recognize that it is very important to maintain and pass on our own national culture. Only on the basis of maintaining its own characteristics can the nation truly achieve integration and exchange. Therefore, we should cherish and pass on the cultural heritage of all ethnic groups, while respecting and tolerating the culture of other ethnic groups. In China, the history of confrontation and integration still inspires us. We should treat the cultures of other peoples with an open and inclusive attitude, draw nourishment from them, and make our own cultures richer and more diverse. At the same time, we must better protect and inherit our own culture and prevent it from losing its unique characteristics in communication. Only on this basis can we promote national integration and cultural exchanges in a better direction.

The grudge between the Zhou Dynasty and the Shang Dynasty is actually the epitome of the struggle and integration of the two major ethnic groups in China for thousands of years

When discussing the topic of confrontation and integration, we also need to think about an important question: how to balance the preservation of the uniqueness of our own culture with the openness to the diversity of other cultures? This issue is particularly important in the context of globalization. There are differences between the cultures of different peoples, and such differences are valuable assets for the development of human civilization. We should be open-minded to understand, accept and respect the differences of other cultures, while also upholding and inheriting the cultural traditions of our own people. Only by finding a balance can we preserve the uniqueness of our peoples in the tide of globalization and promote cultural diversity and the flourishing of exchanges. Confrontation and integration are an important theme in Chinese history and a common phenomenon on a global scale.

The grudge between the Zhou Dynasty and the Shang Dynasty is actually the epitome of the struggle and integration of the two major ethnic groups in China for thousands of years

Through studying and thinking about Chinese history, we can better understand and respond to cultural exchanges and ethnic integration in today's world. We should be open to the differences of other cultures, while also upholding and inheriting the cultural traditions of our own people. Only in balance can we promote cultural diversity and the flourishing of exchanges.

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