
Shang Dynasty (c. 1600–1046 BC)

author:History of famous people

The Shang Dynasty (circa 1600–1046 BC) was the second and first dynasty in Chinese history to have direct contemporaneous written records. After Fang Guo Shang Guo Xia King Shang Tang led Fang Guo to destroy Xia in the Battle of Narujo, he established the Shang Dynasty under the name "Shang". Since it was in the 273rd year of the founding of Yin, the later Shang dynasty was called "Yin" or "Yin Shang". The last monarch of the Shang Dynasty, Di Xin, died by self-immolation after being defeated by King Wu of Zhou at the Battle of Muye, and it was rumored to be the 31st King 17th, which lasted for more than 500 years.

Shang Dynasty (c. 1600–1046 BC)

According to legend, the ancestor of Shang (present-day Shangqiunan, Henan) helped Yuzhishui to be given the title of Shang, and later his tribe (or tribe) was called "Shang". After the summer of Tang, it was named "Shang". After Pangeng moved to Yin (present-day Anyang, Henan), it was also known as "Yin" or "Yin Shang" as Qi.

The Shang Dynasty went through three major stages. The first stage is "first quotient", and the second stage is "early quotient" and "late quotient". The succession system of the Shang Dynasty was a brotherhood and brotherhood, and later a typical inheritance of the death of the father and the death of the son. The Shang Dynasty was the peak of slavery, the power of the Chengtang state had been initially established, and the social order of slavery was also stable. The slave-owning aristocracy was the ruling class, forming a huge ruler of bureaucracy and army.

Shang Dynasty Economy

Animal husbandry and breeding in the Shang Dynasty developed relatively rapidly. From the beginning, the Shang Dynasty people were a tribe dominated by agriculture, and Shang Tang sent people to help the Ge people cultivate. The question "can he get a good harvest" is seen many times in the oracle bone speech, reflecting the importance that the rulers of the Shang Dynasty attached to agriculture. In addition to the remains of six animals unearthed in animal husbandry in the Shang Dynasty, there are also elephant bone pieces, indicating that there were elephant tamers in the north at that time. And mastered the cutting technology of pigs, and began to raise freshwater fish artificially.

The handicrafts of the Shang Dynasty were all managed by the government, with a fine division of labor, a large scale, large output, many varieties, and a high level of craftsmanship, especially the bronze casting technology reached the pinnacle and became a symbol of the Shang Dynasty's civilization. The famous 875-kilogram Simu Feng Dafang Ding is one of the outstanding representatives. Moreover, the people of the Shang Dynasty invented primitive porcelain, and the white and delicate white pottery was very standard, the shape was realistic, and the jade ware with fine carving showed the superb skills of the jade workers of the Shang Dynasty. Silk fabrics have plain friends, there are gawl tissues of leather, there are thousand-grained crepe threads, and they have mastered the jacquard technique.

The progress of agriculture and handicrafts during the Shang Dynasty promoted the development of commodity exchange, and many merchants armed with ox carts and boats engaged in long-distance trafficking. In the late Shang Dynasty, traders specializing in various transactions appeared in Tuyi.

Shang Dynasty culture

Chinese music entered the era of Xin Shi from the Shang Dynasty. Folk music and court music have made great progress. Due to the development of agricultural and animal husbandry handicrafts in the Shang Dynasty, bronze smelting and casting reached a high level, which made a great leap in the level of musical instrument production, and a large number of exquisite and luxurious musical instruments emerged. Music and dance were the main form of court music.

There were already large and small months in the Shang Dynasty calendar, which stipulated that 366 days were used as one session, and the length of the synodic month and the return year were adjusted in a year-end manner. There are many records of solar eclipses, lunar eclipses, and novae in the Shang Dynasty oracle bones.

There are 30,000 approximations in the Shang Dynasty oracle bones, clear concepts of decimal, odd, even, and multiple, with preliminary computing power. The application of optical knowledge is very early, and the microconvex mirror unearthed in the Shang Dynasty can shine the whole human face on a smaller mirror.

Shang Dynasty Script - Oracle Bone Script (Anyang Yin Market) The Shang Dynasty Oracle Bone Script has many methods of making words, such as pictography, meeting meaning, sound, false, referring to things, etc., and it is already a mature script. The oracle bone font is square because the inscription material is hard. At the same time, the golden text is made of casting and is round.

Shang dynasty costumes

The clothing of the Shang Dynasty, regardless of whether it was honorable or inferior, adopted two forms, upper and lower, including upper and lower clothing, and later generations called clothing "clothing", which is its origin. His clothing waist and sleeves are basically designed with narrow stripes, which reach to the knee for easy movement.

Shang dynasty clothing has a fairly strict hierarchy, more advanced dyeing fabrics, embroidery and decorations are enjoyed by the slave owning class, aristocratic dresses, the top is mostly blue, red, yellow and other pure colors, the lower garment is more used in intercolor, such as bin, ochre, green and other colors that have been impregnated several times, and the collar, sleeves and trim, daily home is often worn silk, green and silk. The people at the bottom could only wear weaves made of linen and kudzu, just like sackcloth.

Shang Dynasty (c. 1600–1046 BC)

Shang Dynasty script

The records of oracle bone script and golden script in the Shang Dynasty are the earliest systematic writing symbols found in China.

The Shang dynasty mainly had Tao script, jade script, and oracle bone and gold script

Shang Dynasty (c. 1600–1046 BC)

Shang dynasty system

The officials of the Shang Dynasty were divided into internal service officials, Chinese dynasty and foreign service officials, which were not conferred by Wang Qi. Among the internal service officials, it is divided into external court administrative officers and inner court affairs officials. The highest administrative officer is "Xiang", who helps King Shang make decisions, also known as "A", "Bao" and "Yin".

The high-ranking officials of the dynasty, collectively known as Qingshi. The three are honorable titles earned by people, not permanent positions. There are also: the history of divination, sacrifice and recording, the divination of divination, the blessing words of praying to ghosts and gods, the recording and storage of classics in the book (also known as the history of guarding Tibet and the inner history), the division commander of the military attaché, the master of the head of the music worker, and the young master.

The Chamberlain was an official who served the royal family, mainly in charge of Zai and his trusted ministers.

The ministers managed the specific affairs of the royal family, including the chief worker of the hundred workers, the chief of grain collection, the shepherd in charge of animal husbandry, the beast zheng in charge of hunting, the wine zheng in charge of wine, the che zheng in charge of the king's chariot, the service of the imperial chariot of the king of Shang (also known as servant and royal), the military attache Ya of the guard, the guard ya, the elder in charge of educating the children of nobles, and the elder in charge of foreign fields.

The foreign service officials included Hu Hebo, the leader of the Fang State, people who served in the military for the dynasty, and guards who guarded the border.

Shang Dynasty (c. 1600–1046 BC)

The Shang Dynasty's sphere of influence was greater than that of the Xia Dynasty. The territory of the Shang Dynasty stretched from Liaoning in the north, Hubei in the south, Shaanxi in the west, and the seaside in the east. In addition to including Hubei, Henan, Anhui, Shandong, Hebei, Shanxi, Beijing-Tianjin and Jiangsu, part of Shaanxi to which Xia belongs, it may also include the remaining land of Shaanxi Jiangsu, Liaoning, Gansu, Hunan, Zhejiang, part of Sichuan.

However, the unified empire of the Shang Dynasty was far from being formed. Its territory is only a rough area, directly controlling the northern and central regions of Henan Province. Some Fang states were strongholds of the Shang dynasty's power, while the Shang dynasty's control was relatively weak

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