
Olympic champion reveals that he wears a ventilator for life! This disease is often overlooked...

author:Qilu one point

October 12

Olympic champion Yang Wei

Self-disclosure of respiratory problems

At one point, I couldn't breathe in

A ventilator is required for life

Olympic champion reveals that he wears a ventilator for life! This disease is often overlooked...

Yang Wei said that he did not expect that as a national athlete, he would wear a ventilator at the age of 40. Yang Wei said that he recently began snoring, and doctors said that he had respiratory problems, could not breathe, and needed to wear a ventilator for life. During Yang Wei's sleep, he could not breathe in for up to 6 minutes, which was very dangerous, and if he held his breath for a longer time, his life may be in danger.

Olympic champion reveals that he wears a ventilator for life! This disease is often overlooked...

After the video spreads across the network

The topic once rushed to the hot search

Previously, actress Chen Qiaoen also appeared on the hot search for sleeping snoring, Chen Qiaoen said that he suffered from severe sleep apnea, if it was deep sleep, he would stop breathing 25 times an hour, each time for more than 50 seconds, so he had to undergo surgery.

Olympic champion reveals that he wears a ventilator for life! This disease is often overlooked...

In June, 43-year-old Huo Qigang was diagnosed with severe insomnia disorder and moderate sleep apnea (sleep apnea syndrome). He said in an interview that although he slept early, he would be woken up by his own snoring at about four o'clock in the morning every day, and then he could not fall asleep or woke up frequently, even if he slept for 7 hours, he still felt very tired.

Olympic champion reveals that he wears a ventilator for life! This disease is often overlooked...
The rate of sudden death in patients is 3 times higher than that of normal people Sleep apnea is also known as Sleep apnea syndrome There are three types: obstructive, central, and mixed

Among them, "obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome" is the most common. The main manifestations of this type of symptoms are sleep snoring, apnea, daytime sleepiness, patients not only sleep quality decline, often accompanied by nocturia, morning headache, inattention, fatigue, memory loss, mood swings, depression, anxiety and other conditions. In the long term, it is easy to cause organ damage and induce various complications such as hypertension and coronary heart disease.

Tian Chao, a respiratory and critical care doctor at Beijing Shijitan Hospital, told reporters that sleep apnea syndrome is caused by a variety of causes, repeated narrowing and obstruction of the upper respiratory tract during sleep leads to apnea, alveolar ventilation is insufficient, resulting in complications such as hypertension, coronary heart disease, diabetes and cerebrovascular diseases, and even sudden death at night.

"One in five people who snore has obstructive sleep apnea." Professor Han Fang, Secretary-General of the World Sleep Society and Peking University People's Hospital, introduced that as a chronic progressive disease, the sudden death rate of people suffering from sleep apnea is 3 times higher than that of people without the disease, and early detection and early diagnosis and treatment are crucial.

Tian Chao said that people with symptoms such as nocturnal sleep snoring, loud snoring, irregular snoring, daytime sleepiness, and morning headaches should pay attention.

Professor Li Taoping, director of the Sleep Medicine Center of Southern Hospital of Southern Medical University, previously introduced that only the cases he came into contact with due to severe sleep apnea leading to death every year, and quite a few, there was a woman in her 40s, because the hospital did not have a sleep monitoring bed, had to stay in a hotel for one night, and died of severe sleep apnea.

How is sleep apnea treated ?

Patients can be tailored to their own situation

Choose the appropriate treatment

Make lifestyle changes.

Obese and overweight patients should lose weight. Sleeping in the lateral decubitus position as much as possible during sleep will help reduce airway collapse caused by falling back at the base of the tongue. Don't stay up late. Maintaining regular exercise that suits your body's strength is the easiest and most cost-effective way to reduce snoring.

Ventilator (CPAP) therapy

It is one of the current treatment and intervention methods, patients need to wear a nasal mask connected to the ventilator during sleep, and the forced positive pressure air flow generated by the ventilator increases the pressure in the upper respiratory tract, so that the upper airway is always open, so as to achieve the purpose of stopping snoring.

Due to the convenience of wearing and respiratory comfort, the use of ventilators is generally compliant, and a considerable number of patients cannot insist on wearing them all night and use them all night. However, for patients with moderate to severe disease, especially those with severe obesity, ventilator therapy remains the preferred treatment with the most assured efficacy.

Oral orthosis treatment

It is another important non-invasive treatment method for treatment and intervention, personalized customized oral orthosis, after the patient falls asleep, it can effectively move the lower jaw and the flaccid, falling tongue forward, increase the cross-sectional area of the lower pharynx airway, thereby increasing the respiratory airflow, achieving the best anti-snoring effect, and significantly improving breath holding and hypoxia at night.

This method is easy to apply, economical, more comfortable and tolerated, easier for patients to adhere to, and is a first-line treatment option explicitly mentioned in the treatment guidelines for simple snoring and mild to moderate OSAHS, and has been widely recommended in clinical practice. Personalized customization is better than prefabricated products, and debuggable is better than fixed. However, there are many types of such products, and the technology is very different, if the product selected is not very suitable, it will not only have a bad effect, but also may lead to chronic temporomandibular arthritis.

Clinically, Wang Lei has received a considerable number of patients with this experience, with various complications, not only the original purchase of non-customized appliances can no longer be used, but also good technology has no chance to use, because the patient's temporomandibular joint has problems, no longer has the prerequisites for using such treatments, can only choose more inconvenient or more costly and painful other treatment methods.

drug therapy

For snoring caused by nasal cavity and sinus inflammation, such as severe allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, nasal polyps and other nasal ventilation disorders. By treating rhinitis and sinusitis, snoring can be significantly relieved or even cured. For patients with gastroesophageal reflux and laryngeal reflux disease caused by esophageal sphincter relaxation, or patients with chronic pharyngitis, through diet control and drug treatment of acid reflux and laryngitis, after the edema of the laryngeal mucosa is eliminated, snoring will also be relieved. Snoring caused by swelling of the soft tissues of the throat caused by an underactive thyroid can be alleviated by improving thyroid function with medication. There are other rare specific endocrine diseases, such as acromegaly, that can also be treated with drugs to improve snoring.

Surgical treatment

As an invasive treatment, surgery is not very good or intolerable to the above conservative treatment effect, after professional doctor's evaluation, if the patient's upper respiratory tract, such as nasal cavity, nasopharynx, oropharynx, hypopharynx, mandible framework has multiple obstructive lesions, for different obstruction sites, respectively give corresponding surgical treatment, can make the patient's upper respiratory tract more unobstructed. Upper airway collapse during nocturnal sleep can be significantly improved, and as long as the surgical indications are properly selected, the effect on snoring is also very good. Netizen voice

Olympic champion reveals that he wears a ventilator for life! This disease is often overlooked...
Olympic champion reveals that he wears a ventilator for life! This disease is often overlooked...
Olympic champion reveals that he wears a ventilator for life! This disease is often overlooked...
Olympic champion reveals that he wears a ventilator for life! This disease is often overlooked...
Olympic champion reveals that he wears a ventilator for life! This disease is often overlooked...
Olympic champion reveals that he wears a ventilator for life! This disease is often overlooked...
Olympic champion reveals that he wears a ventilator for life! This disease is often overlooked...
Olympic champion reveals that he wears a ventilator for life! This disease is often overlooked...

Do you usually snore when you sleep?

(WeChat public account)