
The Russian army found a good way to use a crosser to accurately strike motorboats and prevent the Ukrainian army from crossing the Dnieper


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In November of the previous year, after the withdrawal of Russian troops from the right bank of Kherson, the special combat teams of the Ukrainian army began frequent military activities on the Dnieper using motorboats. They either sped to Jiangxin Island or launched an attack on the left bank of the Dnieper for reconnaissance missions. Due to the vastness of the river at that time, the actions of the Ukrainian army were assisted by drones, which made their movement on the river unimpeded. However, despite the blessing of advanced technology, the Ukrainian army still failed to gain a significant advantage in this water battle, but suffered certain losses.

The Russian army found a good way to use a crosser to accurately strike motorboats and prevent the Ukrainian army from crossing the Dnieper

However, an incident on 6 June changed the tide of the war. On the same day, the Kakhovka Dam was attacked, causing the water level upstream and downstream to drop sharply and the width of the river to narrow. With the arrival of hot weather, the river bank quickly became hard, which facilitated the movement of the Ukrainian motorboats. This situation made it difficult for the Russian army to blockade artillery fire on the river, and it became much more difficult to combat the Ukrainian motorboats.

The Russian army found a good way to use a crosser to accurately strike motorboats and prevent the Ukrainian army from crossing the Dnieper

One night, the Ukrainian army decided to cross the river in several motorboats in an attempt to set up a stronghold on the left bank. However, their movements were quickly detected by Russian drones. Next, the Russian army used a drone called a "traverser" for interception. This machine quickly caught up with the first motorboat and detonated when approaching it, successfully destroying it. Other motorboats who witnessed this scene immediately turned around and retreated.

The Russian army found a good way to use a crosser to accurately strike motorboats and prevent the Ukrainian army from crossing the Dnieper

Due to their high speed and flexibility, the Ukrainian motorboats are indeed a difficult target for traditional artillery fire. However, due to its blisterous speed and constant guidance ability, the traverser is ideal for striking such targets. Now, as long as Ukrainian motorboat activity is detected, the front-line units of the Russian army can quickly deploy traversers to intercept and strike.

The Russian army found a good way to use a crosser to accurately strike motorboats and prevent the Ukrainian army from crossing the Dnieper

This move not only improved the combat efficiency of the Russian army on the Dnieper, but also provided strong tactical support for possible river conflicts in the future. With this new tactical approach, the Russian army successfully controlled the actions of the Ukrainian army on the river, ensuring its strategic advantage.

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