
Revealing the mysterious ancient Qiang people: why did the Shang Dynasty use capital punishment?


There was once a mysterious and ancient people in the Central Plains - the Qiang people. They live in the western part of the Yellow River Valley, living a free nomadic life, riding horses and dogs with herds of dogs, and moving freely between the grasslands. The Qiang love their families, they live in tents, and the family sits around and enjoys each other. They are also good at casting and crafting powerful weapons. Unlike the Central Plains civilization, they revered force and natural forces. During the Xia Dynasty, the Qiang intermarried with the various ethnic groups of the Central Plains and got along with them. They assisted the Xia Dynasty in consolidating its rule and made important contributions to the stable development of this dynasty. The Xia Dynasty also attached great importance to the Qiang people, and often sought the opinions of the Qiang elders. According to historical records, the Xia Dynasty was not strong at the beginning of its establishment, and there were many powerful tribes around. The Qiang people, with their superb casting technology, forged weapons and vehicles for the Xia king, and the Xia king used this to conquer the four sides and dominate the Central Plains.

Revealing the mysterious ancient Qiang people: why did the Shang Dynasty use capital punishment?

Qiang elders were also often sent to envoys to various tribes to incorporate them into the territory of the Xia Dynasty. The royal family of the Xia Dynasty frequently intermarried with the Qiang people, and there were many Qiang princesses in the palace. Qiang sages were also invited to the capital to serve in important positions in the DPRK and participate in the governance of the country. With the help of the Qiang people, the Xia Dynasty gradually unified the northern ethnic groups and laid the foundation for the development of the Chinese nation. However, the good times did not last long, the Xia Dynasty was destroyed by Shang Tang, and the Central Plains entered the Shang Dynasty era. The dynasties of the Shang dynasty waged wars and expanded their territories by force. Summary: As a mysterious and ancient people, the Qiang people lived in harmony with all ethnic groups in the Central Plains during the Xia Dynasty and made important contributions to the stable development of the Xia Dynasty. Their casting techniques created powerful weapons for the Xia king, helping the Xia dynasty conquer the four sides and dominate the Central Plains. However, the demise of the Xia Dynasty caused the Qiang to lose their status, and the Central Plains fell under the rule of the Shang Dynasty.

Revealing the mysterious ancient Qiang people: why did the Shang Dynasty use capital punishment?

The history of the Qiang people deserves our in-depth study and understanding to better understand the diverse culture and history of the Chinese nation. How much do you know about the Qiang? What are the characteristics of their casting technology? Leave a message to share your thoughts with us! King Yin Shang marched west, and the Qiang people resisted to the death. In the 17th century BC, as the power of the Yin Shang dynasty grew, the Pangeng king coveted the resource-rich land in the west and sent troops to the west in an attempt to occupy the territory of the Qiang people. However, the Qiang people were not helpless, and they showed amazing combat effectiveness in the face of the powerful Yin Shang Iron Horse. Legend has it that Qiang elders were telling their history inside their tents, and when the news of the invasion of the merchant army came, the Qiang men quickly assembled and fought with high spirits, determined to defend the territory left by their ancestors. When the merchant army first set foot on the land of the Qiang people, the Qiang people faced a head-on attack, fought bravely and well, and the advanced weapons of the Yin merchant army led to repeated defeats of the merchant army.

Revealing the mysterious ancient Qiang people: why did the Shang Dynasty use capital punishment?

King Pangeng of Shang was furious, regarded the Qiang as a great trouble, and began to frequently send troops to harass the Qiang tribe, causing great harm and slaughter to the Qiang people. The leader of the Qiang tribe was deeply grieved and decided to lead his warriors to launch a counterattack and defend his homeland to the death. Late one night, the Yin Shang army was stationed on the grassland, and the soldiers were asleep, and the Qiang warriors raided and won a complete victory. The Qiang dismembered captured merchant soldiers and threw them back into the merchant camp for a tooth for a tooth. King Yin Shang was annoyed, believing that the Qiang were at odds with him, and began to systematically hunt and kill the Qiang people on a large scale. Every time a Qiang captive was arrested, the merchant army would kill him on the spot, leaving no body. Even more cruel, King Yin Shang ordered that Qiang captives be sacrificed alive during the sacrifice ceremony. This time, the Qiang children in Chaoga City were captured by the Yin Shang army and prepared to be burned as sacrifices. They are so young and childish, but they are to be brutally sacrificed. What will be their fate?

Revealing the mysterious ancient Qiang people: why did the Shang Dynasty use capital punishment?

To sum up, the Yin Shang dynasty's aggression against the Qiang provoked strong resistance from the Qiang. With indomitable courage and a tenacious spirit of resistance, the Qiang people fought fiercely against the Yin Shang army. However, the massacres and abuses to which they were subjected cannot be avoided. Against this tragic historical background, we should think about how to cherish and respect the culture and way of life of each ethnic group and jointly create a harmonious and stable society. Looking back at the whole process, we can't help but ask ourselves, in our real life, are there still discrimination and prejudices against other cultures? Can we truly understand and respect the lifestyles and traditions of different peoples? Only through mutual respect and inclusion can we build a better world together. Please leave your valuable comments, how to strengthen the communication and understanding between different ethnic groups? How to avoid a repeat of historical tragedies?

Revealing the mysterious ancient Qiang people: why did the Shang Dynasty use capital punishment?

"Daddy save me!" This is the child's cry. But no one dared to interfere, it was a cruel sacrificial ceremony. An old woman wiped her tears and said: "My grandson was burned alive by King Yin Shang, and they didn't even spare a baby, it was simply inferior to a beast!" Nearby villagers also lamented that this hatred is not shared by the sky, and the Qiang will fight back. King Yin Shang's atrocities were destined to invite terrible retaliation. Yin Shang's actions aroused the public indignation of the entire Qiang tribe, and the Qiang leaders held a tribal meeting and decided to mobilize and fight Yin Shang to the death. A young Qiang expressed his determination to avenge his family, and the elders also expressed that they would rather die than give in and seek justice for their compatriots. The Qiang fought back with all their might and a fierce war broke out with Yin Shang. The war lasted for generations, resulting in heavy casualties on both sides. In this bloody storm, countless Qiang warriors died heroically, and the entire village was slaughtered.

Revealing the mysterious ancient Qiang people: why did the Shang Dynasty use capital punishment?

The Qiang people are suffering in dire straits. King Yin Shang also suffered a heavy price, the national treasury was depleted, and the national strength declined. "We have lost too much," the Qiang leader lamented, "this war must stop, otherwise both ethnic groups will perish." "The blood debts of the Qiang and Yin merchants were riddled with blood, and hatred turned into vicious sores, which eventually led to this tragic war. The war has brought too much suffering and loss and must stop. Perhaps it is time for us to reflect on whether differences can be resolved by peaceful means? In ancient Chinese history, the hatred between the Yin Shang and the Qiang was intensified and escalated again and again, eventually leading to the demise of the Shang Dynasty. After King Yin Shang signed an alliance with the Qiang chief, the Qiang were given the opportunity to recuperate, greatly increased their strength, and eventually established a powerful state. However, Yin Shang had hurt the Qiang too deeply, and the Qiang betrayed the covenant when King Wu of Zhou raised an army against the merchants and actively responded to the Zhou Dynasty.

Revealing the mysterious ancient Qiang people: why did the Shang Dynasty use capital punishment?

In the long course of history, the fruits of hatred planted will ultimately be paid by future generations. Therefore, different ethnic groups should love each other and help each other to create a better future together. National solidarity and mutual assistance is an important guarantee for the prosperity and development of a country, and the exchange and integration of different cultures is also the driving force for social progress. However, we can see from the lessons of the demise of merchants that it is difficult for a country to achieve true prosperity and development if there is no unity within the nation and no respect for peaceful coexistence externally. Yin Shang was a great dynasty in Chinese history, but its demise also left us with profound lessons. Yin Shang's internal divisions and strife eventually led to its demise. This shows that a nation must maintain the spirit of solidarity and mutual assistance in order to remain invincible in a changing world. At the same time, we should also respect the principle of peaceful coexistence.

Revealing the mysterious ancient Qiang people: why did the Shang Dynasty use capital punishment?

An important reason for the demise of Yin Shang was the invasion and oppression of it by external forces. This tells us that all peoples should respect each other, live in peace and avoid conflict and war. Only by establishing peaceful and friendly international relations can we achieve long-term peace and stability in the country. In terms of ethnic exchanges and integration, we should learn from each other's cultural essence in the spirit of seeking common ground while reserving differences. The cultures of different ethnic groups have their own unique characteristics, and exchanges and integration between different ethnic groups can promote each other's progress and development. We should treat different cultures with love and tolerance, be inclusive and resolve differences. Only in the exchange and integration of cultures can we create a more splendid chapter in history. The solidarity and mutual assistance of the Chinese people of all ethnic groups is an important cornerstone for our country to move towards rejuvenation, prosperity and strength. Only in the big family of Chinese people who are brotherly and help each other can we truly achieve the prosperity and rise of our country.

Revealing the mysterious ancient Qiang people: why did the Shang Dynasty use capital punishment?

Therefore, let's work together to write a more splendid chapter of history! Summary: The lessons of the demise of Yin Shang tell us that solidarity within a nation and peaceful coexistence with the outside is the key to a country's prosperity and development. All ethnic groups should, in the spirit of seeking common ground while reserving differences, learn from each other's cultural essence, treat different cultures with love and tolerance, be inclusive and resolve differences. Only in the big family of brotherhood and mutual assistance of the Chinese people of all ethnic groups can our country stand tall among the nations of the world and move toward rejuvenation, prosperity and strength. Views and suggestions: We should attach importance to the importance of national unity, strengthen exchanges and cooperation among all ethnic groups, and create a harmonious and stable social environment. At the same time, we should also pay attention to friendly cooperation with other countries and promote the development of international relations based on the principle of peaceful coexistence.

Revealing the mysterious ancient Qiang people: why did the Shang Dynasty use capital punishment?

In terms of cultural exchange and integration, we should retain the uniqueness of our own ethnic group, and at the same time actively learn from the cultural essence of other ethnic groups to achieve diversified and symbiotic cultural development. Question guide: How important do you think national unity is to the development of a country? How do you think we should strengthen exchanges and cooperation between ethnic groups? Please leave a message and give your opinion.

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