
Rural idioms; Women do not marry three, sheep tigers and four whites, what does four white mean, does it make sense

author:Selection of agricultural products by agricultural managers

The rural saying "women do not marry three times, sheep tigers and four whites" is a folk proverb widely spread in rural China, involving some traditional concepts and taboos in rural marriage and family life. In this article, we'll dive into the connotation, context, and meaning of this saying, and whether it makes sense.

Rural idioms; Women do not marry three, sheep tigers and four whites, what does four white mean, does it make sense

First, let's take a look at the origin and history of this saying. According to research, the concept of "three women not marrying" can be traced back to ancient Confucian culture, emphasizing women's morality and behavior norms in marriage. The "sheep, tiger and four whites" are elements that were gradually added in the process of rural evolution, representing some special requirements and taboos for women in rural culture.

Rural idioms; Women do not marry three, sheep tigers and four whites, what does four white mean, does it make sense

Next, let's explain in detail the meaning of "women do not marry". According to rural customs, "three women do not marry" refers to not marrying a woman who is lazy and lazy, not marrying a woman who is too strong, and not marrying a woman with a vicious heart. Behind these requirements are the expectations and norms of rural society for women's morality, family roles and interpersonal relationships. A lazy woman may not be able to take on family responsibilities, a woman who is too strong may destroy family harmony, and a woman with a vicious heart may cause harm to the family and neighbors.

Rural idioms; Women do not marry three, sheep tigers and four whites, what does four white mean, does it make sense

So, what does "sheep tiger and four whites" mean? In rural customs, the sheep symbolizes meekness and obedience, the tiger represents ferocity and power, and the four white refers to having four white chickens in the household. These elements all have a special symbolic meaning in rural culture. The meekness and obedience of the sheep coincides with the expectations of women in rural society, meaning that women should obey male dominance and take responsibility for childbearing and housekeeping. The ferocity and power of the tiger represent the role of women in the family in rural society, that is, women should have enough courage and ability to manage family affairs, while maintaining a certain humility and gentleness. The four-white chicken is regarded as a mascot that can bring good luck and wealth to the family.

Rural idioms; Women do not marry three, sheep tigers and four whites, what does four white mean, does it make sense

But are these arguments really valid? In modern society, with the progress of society and the change of concepts, our expectations of women are constantly changing. While we can't completely deny the cultural significance behind these rural sayings, we should recognize that these ideas are no longer fully applicable in today's society. Modern society places more emphasis on equality between men and women, respect for the independence and autonomy of individuals, and women should also have the opportunity to pursue their own careers and lifestyles, rather than being confined to family roles.

Rural idioms; Women do not marry three, sheep tigers and four whites, what does four white mean, does it make sense

Of course, we cannot deny that these rural sayings have a certain rationality and guiding role in the historical and cultural background of that time. They reflected the expectations and regulations of the society at that time and were part of the social culture of the time. However, in today's society, we should pay more attention to women's rights and equality, and encourage women to pursue diversified development and realize their self-worth.

Rural idioms; Women do not marry three, sheep tigers and four whites, what does four white mean, does it make sense

To sum up, the rural saying "women do not marry three, sheep tigers and four whites" reflects the expectations and regulations of rural society for women, but there are also certain historical and cultural limitations. In modern society, we should pay more attention to women's rights and equality, and encourage women to pursue diversified development and realize their self-worth. At the same time, we should also inherit and carry forward those traditional customs with positive significance and cultural value to enrich our spiritual world and cultural connotation.

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