
The capital of the Zhou Dynasty, Xiqi, and the capital of the Shang Dynasty, where are these two famous places located now?

author:Long-haired yuaner

In the long river of history, some place names shine like stars, and have been shining for thousands of years. In the breadth and depth of Chinese characters, square characters are known as the most charming writing in the world, and these characters also provide us with important clues to interpret the history of thousands of years ago. As one of the most intuitive expressions of Chinese character culture, place names are constantly changing to reveal the ins and outs of history.

The capital of the Zhou Dynasty, Xiqi, and the capital of the Shang Dynasty, where are these two famous places located now?

This article will trace two super famous places in the pre-Qin period - Xiqi, the capital of the Zhou Dynasty in the pre-Qin period, and the state capital of the Shang Dynasty, revealing the historical stories behind them and their current location. The history of the pre-Qin period itself is full of fog, but through the unearthing of cultural relics, we can get a glimpse of the history thousands of years ago. Cultural relics are the witnesses of history, historical books are the inheritance of history, and words are the carriers of history. As the most attractive script in the world, Chinese square characters play a vital role.

The capital of the Zhou Dynasty, Xiqi, and the capital of the Shang Dynasty, where are these two famous places located now?

They fill every aspect of our lives, and place names are just one of the most intuitive expressions of Chinese character culture. In the next five thousand years of Chinese history, place names are not static, and from the changes in place names, we can also gain insight into some of the ins and outs of history. Handan, as a place name, is a rare exception in Chinese toponymic culture, and it has been used for more than 3,000 years and has not changed.

The capital of the Zhou Dynasty, Xiqi, and the capital of the Shang Dynasty, where are these two famous places located now?

But today we are not talking about Handan, because the name has not changed, so we will talk about two super famous places in the pre-Qin period in the future, by the way, we will trace their past and present lives, the history behind the place names and where these two famous places are located now. The capital of the Shang Dynasty, Chaoge, and the capital of the Zhou Dynasty, Xiqi, are two places that are mentioned quite often in the "List of Gods". During the reign of King Shang, the prosperity of Chaoga reached its peak, and eight hundred princes went to worship Chaoge together, which was unprecedented.

The capital of the Zhou Dynasty, Xiqi, and the capital of the Shang Dynasty, where are these two famous places located now?

The Western Qi Dynasty, named after Qishan, is the birthplace of the Zhou Dynasty, where successive Zhou kings held ceremonies, and Qishan has always been the political, economic and cultural center of the Western Zhou. Both places were extremely prosperous cities at the time, but in the development of history, they have long lost their former glory and no longer have their charm. During the reign of King Shang, the prosperity and wealth of Chaoga was unparalleled, and he enjoyed the glory of the world in this city. After the fall of the Shang Dynasty, King Wu of Zhou established a new dynasty, the Zhou Dynasty, with the capital at Xiqi.

The capital of the Zhou Dynasty, Xiqi, and the capital of the Shang Dynasty, where are these two famous places located now?

During the reign of King Shang, he attached importance to Nongsang, and his national strength was strong, and through war, he extended his sphere of influence to the Jianghuai area, promoting the integration of ethnic groups in the Central Plains and southeast regions. However, with the successive wars of King Shang and the large-scale construction of palaces in Chaoge, social conflicts continued to intensify, eventually causing King Shang to lose popular support and the Shang Dynasty to die. The demise of the Shang Dynasty is closely linked to the prosperity of the "Song of the Dynasty". After the establishment of the Zhou Dynasty, the capital of the state was set in Xiqi, and this place was abandoned after King Ping of Zhou moved east to establish Eastern Zhou.

The capital of the Zhou Dynasty, Xiqi, and the capital of the Shang Dynasty, where are these two famous places located now?

Although Xiqi is no longer the national capital, it has always been remembered as the birthplace of the Zhou Dynasty. Located in present-day Qishan County, Shaanxi Province, Qishan is one of the birthplaces of the Chinese nation, with a long history and strong culture, known as the "hometown of bronze" and "the hometown of oracle bones". The development of history is like a long river flowing endlessly, and both countries have lost their former glory in the changes of history. But we should remember them, because they once represented prosperity and civilization.

The capital of the Zhou Dynasty, Xiqi, and the capital of the Shang Dynasty, where are these two famous places located now?

The change of place names also bears witness to the changes of the times, let's go into history, feel the relics washed away by time, and think about the role they played in the glory years of thousands of years. To sum up, Chaoge and Xiqi, as the capital of the Shang and Zhou dynasties, were once extremely prosperous cities, but with the changes of history, they lost their former glory. However, by tracing the history behind them, we can not only understand the development of ancient Chinese history, but also feel the long history of the Chinese nation.

The capital of the Zhou Dynasty, Xiqi, and the capital of the Shang Dynasty, where are these two famous places located now?

History is our root, and only by focusing on the three views can we harness the car of life and move forward steadily. I would like to make the following reflections on the changes and historical development of these two places. First of all, the change of place names reflects the change of history, and we should attach importance to the inheritance of history and the protection of culture, so that future generations can understand and feel the thickness of history. Second, when evaluating a person or an event, we should look at it comprehensively and objectively, and do not unilaterally deny or beautify.

Finally, history is a mirror from which we can draw wisdom and lessons to learn from it and make our future better. Finally, I would like to ask readers a question: what are your views and thoughts on the changes in geographical names and the development of history? Please leave your comments to discuss together.

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