
44-year-old Yang Xue Disney was met by chance, with a body of more than 70,000, and a 13-year-old daughter resembling Angelababy

author:Wang Chen said gossip

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Recently, some netizens met the childhood goddess Yang Xue at Shanghai Disneyland.

Yang Xue is 44 years old this year, but her style in the photo is still the same.

44-year-old Yang Xue Disney was met by chance, with a body of more than 70,000, and a 13-year-old daughter resembling Angelababy

In the photo, she seems to be wearing simple casual clothes, but it is not easy to choose only one.

First of all, the small shoulder bag is a new model for 2023, worth more than 40,000 yuan.

44-year-old Yang Xue Disney was met by chance, with a body of more than 70,000, and a 13-year-old daughter resembling Angelababy

The Dior backpack in the back is also expensive.

44-year-old Yang Xue Disney was met by chance, with a body of more than 70,000, and a 13-year-old daughter resembling Angelababy

Footwear is also a well-known sports brand.

44-year-old Yang Xue Disney was met by chance, with a body of more than 70,000, and a 13-year-old daughter resembling Angelababy

This set is priced at more than 70,000 yuan.

Some netizens may be stunned and ask: "Who is Yang Xue?" ”

Yang Xue is Jiang Yuyan, with air bangs, and even forgot the title of the play.

44-year-old Yang Xue Disney was met by chance, with a body of more than 70,000, and a 13-year-old daughter resembling Angelababy

A true goddess of childhood.

44-year-old Yang Xue Disney was met by chance, with a body of more than 70,000, and a 13-year-old daughter resembling Angelababy

Some people have always said that Yang Xue and Yang Ying look alike.

44-year-old Yang Xue Disney was met by chance, with a body of more than 70,000, and a 13-year-old daughter resembling Angelababy

Both have big eyes, double eyelids, and smiling lips.

44-year-old Yang Xue Disney was met by chance, with a body of more than 70,000, and a 13-year-old daughter resembling Angelababy

Since Jiang Yuyan, Yang Xue does not seem to have appeared in a role that is too out of the circle, and has slowly faded out of the entertainment industry.

The live broadcast with goods also began in these two years.

44-year-old Yang Xue Disney was met by chance, with a body of more than 70,000, and a 13-year-old daughter resembling Angelababy

It is worth noting that in the photos posted online, a small figure is flashing.

I think she is Yang Xue's 13-year-old daughter.

44-year-old Yang Xue Disney was met by chance, with a body of more than 70,000, and a 13-year-old daughter resembling Angelababy

The mother and daughter wear matching parent-child hats that look like babies from some angles.

44-year-old Yang Xue Disney was met by chance, with a body of more than 70,000, and a 13-year-old daughter resembling Angelababy

That's all for today. What do you think? Welcome to communicate in the comment area [Comparison] [Come to see me]

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