
Autumn air ventilation in the lungs, autumn must nourish the lungs, 3 flavor medicine, nourish the lungs and moisturize the lungs, and put a protective cover on the lungs

author:Zhuling Zhixin Pavilion

Autumn is a season when temperatures gradually decrease, the weather is dry, and there is more wind and sand. Such climatic conditions can easily lead to some problems in people's lungs. Therefore, autumn especially needs people to pay attention to nourishing the lungs and protecting the health of the lungs. In order to prevent lung diseases in autumn, today I will introduce you to the three-flavor drug, which aims to replenish the lungs and moisturize the lungs and put a protective cover on the lungs.

First of all, I will introduce you to the first medicine - lily. Lily, is a flower plant with extremely high medicinal value, known as the "king of flowers". Lily is rich in a variety of nutrients, including aspartic acid, alanine, glutamic acid and other amino acids, as well as alkaloids and other substances. These substances have a significant effect on the protection and repair of the lungs, can relieve lung inflammation, clear sputum, and improve the immunity of the lungs.

Autumn air ventilation in the lungs, autumn must nourish the lungs, 3 flavor medicine, nourish the lungs and moisturize the lungs, and put a protective cover on the lungs

The second flavor of medicine is Sichuan Fritillary. Sichuan Fritillary is a common Chinese herbal medicine found mainly in the Sichuan region of China. Sichuan fritillary is rich in a variety of active ingredients, the most important of which is Sichuan fritillary, which has the effect of suppressing cough and expectorant, moisturizing the lungs and dissolving phlegm. Sichuan fritillary also has antibacterial effect, can effectively inhibit the growth and reproduction of bacteria, and has a certain help in the prevention and treatment of lung infections.

Autumn air ventilation in the lungs, autumn must nourish the lungs, 3 flavor medicine, nourish the lungs and moisturize the lungs, and put a protective cover on the lungs

Finally, I would like to introduce goji berries. Goji berry is a common Chinese herbal medicine that is regarded as a good medicine for nourishing the liver and kidneys and brightening the purpose in Chinese medicine. Although goji berries are mainly used to nourish the liver and kidneys, it also has a certain moisturizing effect. Goji berries are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which can promote lung metabolism, enhance lung function, and improve the ability of the respiratory tract to adapt to the external environment.

Autumn air ventilation in the lungs, autumn must nourish the lungs, 3 flavor medicine, nourish the lungs and moisturize the lungs, and put a protective cover on the lungs

The above are the three flavor medicines I introduced to you, they are lilies, Sichuan fritillary and goji berries. These drugs play an important role in lung health care in the fall. However, care needs to be taken when using these drugs in moderation, especially for people with a history of related allergies or other diseases, and should be used under the guidance of a doctor.

In addition to using drugs to nourish the lungs, we can also protect the lungs through some daily habits. For example, keep indoor air circulation and avoid prolonged exposure to dirty air; Maintain good hygiene, wash hands frequently and avoid infectious diseases; Eat a balanced diet and eat foods rich in vitamins and minerals, such as fresh vegetables, fruits, etc.

In short, in this fall, let us actively nourish the lungs, through the supplement of drugs and the adjustment of daily life, put a healthy protective cover on the lungs, so that our respiratory system is healthier and resists external invasions.



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