
After 12 years of driving my grandson, I took the demolition money and the real estate certificate and gave 5,000 to the neighbors every month, and my son was in a hurry

author:Look at the story behind the village
After 12 years of driving my grandson, I took the demolition money and the real estate certificate and gave 5,000 to the neighbors every month, and my son was in a hurry

I am Li Ming, 60 years old this year, a retired old man. In a small village called Jinquan Village on the outskirts of Beijing, my wife Zhang Yuying and I live a peaceful and comfortable life.

There are 80 households in Jinquan Village, and the neighborhood relationship is harmonious. During the festive season, everyone gathers to eat dumplings, play cards and sing.

There are often several elderly people gathered under the big tree at the entrance of the village, and Zhang Yuying and I often join to chat about family routines and interesting things in the village.

The only thing that didn't quite fit in was the Uncle Wang's family opposite me. Uncle Wang has a tough personality, quarreling at every turn, so that everyone can see the wind and steer.

After 12 years of driving my grandson, I took the demolition money and the real estate certificate and gave 5,000 to the neighbors every month, and my son was in a hurry

When I saw this scene, I was very unimpressed with Uncle Wang in my heart.

In the past, the shrews of Uncle Wang's family used to make unreasonable troubles and occupy half of my aisle to build a shed. I went to find Uncle Wang for theory, and he not only did not check, but also drove me away in a big way.

I often complained to my wife about Uncle Wang's unreasonableness, and she also lamented that the neighborhood relationship is now weakened, and it is not as good neighborly and friendly as before.

My son Li Qiang was also very angry when he heard me talk about Uncle Wang, so he asked me to sue Uncle Wang directly. But I thought about it and gave up, because Uncle Wang was hot-tempered, and I really didn't want to have a head-on conflict with him.

After 12 years of driving my grandson, I took the demolition money and the real estate certificate and gave 5,000 to the neighbors every month, and my son was in a hurry

So over the years, I have tried to avoid too much intersection with Uncle Wang, and we have maintained a cold distance.

Although I am very disgusted by what Uncle Wang has done in my heart, I still have to maintain a false impression of living in harmony on the surface.

I often persuade myself like this, but I always linger on Uncle Wang's mustard.

Early one morning, when I was about to go out for a bend, Uncle Wang suddenly ran over manically and shouted "It's not good!" Demolition is coming! ”

After 12 years of driving my grandson, I took the demolition money and the real estate certificate and gave 5,000 to the neighbors every month, and my son was in a hurry

I was startled and looked at him nervously and asked what had happened. Uncle Wang said breathlessly that just now, an official from the village came to the village, saying that the municipal government wanted to demolish the houses in the village and build high-rise buildings.

I turned pale after hearing this, and my mouth opened wide in disbelief. Although our village has a good geographical location, it has always been very peaceful, and I have never heard of demolition.

Uncle Wang continued to complain unobtrusively, saying that his family of seven lived in a dilapidated bungalow, and if they were thrown out, how would they live? His face was full of anxiety and fear.

I stood there, my mind in a mess. My wife and I have lived in this village for decades, have a deep affection for the house and the neighborhood, and now suddenly it is going to be demolished, I can't believe it.

After 12 years of driving my grandson, I took the demolition money and the real estate certificate and gave 5,000 to the neighbors every month, and my son was in a hurry

But after thinking about it, Uncle Wang's house was even more dilapidated and the conditions were worse. Now that he was thrown out, Uncle Wang's family really didn't know how to live.

Maybe this is retribution, when Uncle Wang drove away my family, now it is his turn to taste this taste.

I quickly dismissed these careless thoughts and blamed myself for not gloating. Whatever happened in the past, everyone faces the same dilemma now.

So I quickly asked Uncle Wang to go home first, and I quickly returned home. I decided to calm down first, discuss countermeasures with my wife, and then observe the development.

After 12 years of driving my grandson, I took the demolition money and the real estate certificate and gave 5,000 to the neighbors every month, and my son was in a hurry

The most important thing now is to stay sane and not panic.

A few days later, I also received an official notice from the government that my house was also within the scope of demolition, and my wife and I were going to be forcibly evicted.

I was silent, my heart like a knife. Our husband and wife have lived in this old house for decades, and our bits and pieces are recorded here.

Now suddenly asking me to give up all this, I feel inexplicable sadness and anger.

After 12 years of driving my grandson, I took the demolition money and the real estate certificate and gave 5,000 to the neighbors every month, and my son was in a hurry

At this moment, the phone suddenly rang, it was Li Qiang. After listening to my narration, Li Qiang was very anxious, and he loudly said that he must find a way to fight for a fair treatment and compensation.

I reassured my son not to worry too much and said I would try to solve it. After hanging up the phone, I saw my wife's nervous and worried eyes, and my heart was full of guilt.

In the days that followed, I actively participated in the residents' representative meetings and made many representations with government officials.

Through my unremitting efforts, in the end, both the village collective and individual received a more reasonable compensation plan.

After 12 years of driving my grandson, I took the demolition money and the real estate certificate and gave 5,000 to the neighbors every month, and my son was in a hurry

When I got the demolition money and new commercial housing provided by the government that were higher than the usual standard, I was excited and finally saw hope.

I knew that it would not be easy for him to work in the city, that he could get the results he had now, and that his son's worries would be lifted, and I finally put my mind at ease.

This process made me realize that we cannot be discouraged in the face of changes, and only by actively responding to and striving for the greatest interests is the most correct attitude.

After the demolition, I found that Uncle Wang's life was very bad. The family of seven was forced to cram into a small, dilapidated house in the city, and Uncle Wang was sullen all day, and the children's life was also very uncomfortable.

After 12 years of driving my grandson, I took the demolition money and the real estate certificate and gave 5,000 to the neighbors every month, and my son was in a hurry

I often see their distressed looks, and I can't help but think of what Uncle Wang did to me in the past. On the one hand, I still remember his past arrogance and unreasonableness; On the other hand, seeing their current predicament, I can't help but sympathize.

After many days of struggle, I finally made up my mind to help them. I began to send some living expenses to Uncle Wang every month, and I often sent vegetables and fruits that I grow.

One day, Uncle Wang finally took the initiative to tell me about his predicament. He said he was old and had a hard time finding work in his new environment.

In this way, I continued to give them some monetary help every month and visited frequently. A long-lost smile appeared on Uncle Wang's face, and the children also regained their vitality.

After 12 years of driving my grandson, I took the demolition money and the real estate certificate and gave 5,000 to the neighbors every month, and my son was in a hurry

However, at this moment, Li Qiang called and said that he was getting married, and asked me to take out my savings to prepare for marriage. I truthfully explained to him the situation of sponsoring neighbors recently, and after listening to my narration, Li Qiang's tone immediately became anxious.

He excitedly asked me why I was using my hard-earned money to support a group of people who had nothing to do with us.

Looking at my son's impatient appearance, I felt very uncomfortable. I know he cares too much about money, and that's not the attitude I want him to learn to have in life.

Seeing Li Qiang so impatient, I was silent for a moment, and then looked into his eyes seriously and said, "Son, I can understand your thoughts, but money is not the most important thing after all.

After 12 years of driving my grandson, I took the demolition money and the real estate certificate and gave 5,000 to the neighbors every month, and my son was in a hurry

Li Qiang still wanted to say something, I waved my hand and continued: "Uncle Wang did hurt our whole family at the beginning, but I can't give a tooth for a tooth and an eye for an eye.

"I hope to get out of the circle of resentment, touch each other through my kindness, and awaken the long-dormant human kindness in this society."

Speaking of this, my tone became extremely firm, and Li Qiang was stunned, and a reluctant smile appeared on his face.

I continued, "Son, you are still young, and many things need time to understand. I'm not perfect either, and I'm still learning how to be a good person.

After 12 years of driving my grandson, I took the demolition money and the real estate certificate and gave 5,000 to the neighbors every month, and my son was in a hurry

"Can money bring happiness? Only by connecting people's hearts and resolving resentment can we get true satisfaction in our hearts. I want you to see long-term value, not immediate money.

Li Qiang looked shocked, and his eyes revealed a hint of vacillation. I know that my words touched the goodwill in his heart.

After a while, Li Qiang finally sighed heavily, and then said to me firmly: "Dad, I understand your good intentions now.

I will support your decision in the future and continue to learn how to be a moral person.

After 12 years of driving my grandson, I took the demolition money and the real estate certificate and gave 5,000 to the neighbors every month, and my son was in a hurry

I am very relieved to see that my son has finally opened his eyes. This conversation, it seems that a new understanding and connection has been established between our father and son.

After word spread that I had helped Uncle Wang's family, the people in the village began to praise me for my kindness and generosity. The relationship between the neighbors is also getting closer.

One day, a barbecue party was suddenly organized in the village. I didn't want to go, but everyone enthusiastically persuaded me to participate.

Unexpectedly, Uncle Wang took the initiative to come over to greet me at the party, and said with a smile that his family should thank me well.

After 12 years of driving my grandson, I took the demolition money and the real estate certificate and gave 5,000 to the neighbors every month, and my son was in a hurry

My wife was also pleasantly surprised to see this scene, and she smiled and told me that my kind deeds made everyone much closer.

At this moment, Li Qiang and his daughter-in-law also came to the party scene. I guess they came to see us.

I happily patted my son on the shoulder to indicate that he had grown into a mature person. My wife was even more excited, saying that our family had never been so united as we are today.

Through this incident, I saw the power of kindness, which changes the relationship between people and touches everyone's heart.

After 12 years of driving my grandson, I took the demolition money and the real estate certificate and gave 5,000 to the neighbors every month, and my son was in a hurry

I know that the most precious thing in life is not money, but trust and camaraderie between people. Every act of kindness affects others like a ripple that makes the world a better place.

Today, my relationship with Uncle Wang has become very harmonious. We often sit together and chat, talk and laugh, and the atmosphere is harmonious and warm.

The atmosphere in the village also became lively. People often organize some outings on their own, and my wife and I also actively participate to feel the long-lost neighborhood harmony.

His son Li Qiang and his daughter-in-law are also working more and more smoothly in the city. They often drove back to the village to visit us, and offered to help Uncle Wang's family with their affairs.

After 12 years of driving my grandson, I took the demolition money and the real estate certificate and gave 5,000 to the neighbors every month, and my son was in a hurry

Whenever I sit alone in the yard basking in the sun, I often think about the meaning of life. I understand that kindness and tolerance have changed my fate with my neighbors and brought us happiness.

This series of experiences has become a precious spiritual treasure in my life. It taught me that the most precious thing in life is not money, but friendship.

I often tell my wife that it is the greatest happiness to have my family by my family in my later life. She also smiled and said that our husband and wife are in love, surrounded by children and grandchildren, and this is the life she wants in her later years.

I hope to pass on this beauty of family affection and good neighborliness. Life has ups and downs, but as long as you have kindness, you will definitely get better returns.

After 12 years of driving my grandson, I took the demolition money and the real estate certificate and gave 5,000 to the neighbors every month, and my son was in a hurry

I often tell my grandson to learn to be tolerant and kind, not to care about the mistakes of others, and to understand and help others.

After listening to my teachings, my grandson's eyes lit up, saying that when he grows up, he must help others like me.

Actually, I'm still learning how to be a better person. But some principles are clear – don't care, be willing to give, and infect others with kindness, that's my life credo.

On the road of life, we must maintain a kind and generous heart. Even in the face of injustice and setbacks, believe that good will eventually triumph over evil and that light will dispel darkness.

After 12 years of driving my grandson, I took the demolition money and the real estate certificate and gave 5,000 to the neighbors every month, and my son was in a hurry

Follow the kindness of your heart, and life will become rich and meaningful. This is also the way of life that I want to pass on to future generations.

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