
The origin of the name of the iron man ~ commemorating the 100th anniversary of Wang Jinxi's birth ‖ tell the story of the iron man and remember the glory years |

author:Serious Apple 6CE
The origin of the name of the iron man ~ commemorating the 100th anniversary of Wang Jinxi's birth ‖ tell the story of the iron man and remember the glory years |
The origin of the name of the iron man ~ commemorating the 100th anniversary of Wang Jinxi's birth ‖ tell the story of the iron man and remember the glory years |
The origin of the name of the iron man ~ commemorating the 100th anniversary of Wang Jinxi's birth ‖ tell the story of the iron man and remember the glory years |

In the early sixties of the twentieth century, faced with the urgent need for oil for national construction, tens of thousands of workers, officers and men gathered in Daqing and launched a huge and arduous oil battle.

Wang Jinxi led dozens of tough guys from the 1205 drilling team to participate from the northwest Yumen oilfield. At that time, after the 1205 drilling team led by Wang Jinxi entered Majiayao, Wang Jinxi led the whole team to fight hard, touching the nearby villagers, and the landlord Zhao Daniang prepared meals every day for Captain Wang to come back and eat.

The origin of the name of the iron man ~ commemorating the 100th anniversary of Wang Jinxi's birth ‖ tell the story of the iron man and remember the glory years |

But Wang Jinxi worked hard with the workers at the well site all day, came back at 2 a.m. for several days, took a nap, and left again at 4 o'clock.

Lady Zhao said to the workers living in her house distressedly: "Lady has lived most of her life, she has never seen such a desperate person, your Captain Wang is really an iron man!" ”

The origin of the name of the iron man ~ commemorating the 100th anniversary of Wang Jinxi's birth ‖ tell the story of the iron man and remember the glory years |

Since then, the title of "Iron Man" has quickly spread in the local area, and even children know that there is a Wang Iron Man in the oil team. Since then, the whole country has known that there is an iron man in Daqing.

At that time, the Conference and War Work Committee keenly grasped this model and decided to establish Wang Jinxi as the first pacesetter in the Daqing Battle, and issued the call of "learning from the iron man Wang Jinxi, everyone being an iron man, and making meritorious contributions to the battle of the conference".

The origin of the name of the iron man ~ commemorating the 100th anniversary of Wang Jinxi's birth ‖ tell the story of the iron man and remember the glory years |

What is Iron Man Spirit?

The iron man spirit is the typification and personification of the Daqing spirit of "patriotism, entrepreneurship, truth-seeking, and dedication".

Its main aspects include: the patriotic spirit of "sharing worries for the motherland and fighting for the nation";

the selfless fighting spirit of "throwing the backward hat of PetroChina into the Pacific Ocean at an early date" and "preferring to live less than 20 years and desperately win the big oil fields";

the arduous fighting spirit of "going up when there are conditions, and going up if there are no conditions to create conditions";

The origin of the name of the iron man ~ commemorating the 100th anniversary of Wang Jinxi's birth ‖ tell the story of the iron man and remember the glory years |

"We must be responsible for the oilfield for a lifetime", "our work must withstand the inspection of future generations", strive for perfection in our work, and "practice hard work and true skills" for the revolution;

Regardless of fame and fortune, regardless of remuneration, the spirit of "old scalpers" who bury their heads in hard work, and so on. For more than 40 years, the iron man spirit has long been well-known and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and has become the common ideal, belief and code of conduct of Daqing people.

The spirit of iron man is a high-level summary of Wang Jinxi's lofty thinking and excellent moral character, and embodies the perfect combination of the spiritual outlook of the mainland working class and the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation.

The origin of the name of the iron man ~ commemorating the 100th anniversary of Wang Jinxi's birth ‖ tell the story of the iron man and remember the glory years |

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