
Operation Moscow: This time, Andy Lau fought hard

author:Idle Entertainment Bot

Among the movies in the National Day file, "The 93 International Train Robbery: Operation Moscow" is special. Regardless of the time of the story or the location where the case is solved, it is a distant and strange existence that does not have a strong sense of closeness to the audience.

Operation Moscow: This time, Andy Lau fought hard

Before writing "Rock Solid", I can't summarize the holiday file in one piece, so I wrote a short review of "Operation Moscow" adapted from real events.

If you pull away the "sense of alienation" of the stereotype on the theme, you can find that there are actually many highlights: real material + art processing, action genre film + Hong Kong wind gunfight, directed by Qiu Litao + produced by Andy Lau...

Operation Moscow: This time, Andy Lau fought hard

In the crowd, there is you and me

Meet, get to know each other, ponder each other

In the crowd, it's you and me

Pretend to be decent and smile

You don't have to say too much to make yourself clear

What the hell do you and I want to do

A song released by Black Panther in 1991, "No Land, Self-containment" instantly takes time back in time to the 90s.

Operation Moscow: This time, Andy Lau fought hard

And with the sound of "No Land" sounded the call back, the 128-minute film came to an end and walked out of the screening hall.

Operation Moscow: This time, Andy Lau fought hard

Before watching the film, I even did some research on this route, and in the end I found that my homework was lonely.

I looked at the online comments, and there were many details and bugs. But if I were to say, it's good to see. The biggest flaw is that the real goods are not on the board of publicity. The film's roadshow repeatedly said that the film was adapted from the real robbery that occurred on the K3 international train from Beijing to Moscow in 1993, and has always amplified this "selling point" as a gimmick, but after watching it, it is not difficult to find that this case is only a "synopsis" of the main film.

If this film is compared to "cabbage", the robbery that happened on the K3 line is only the old leaves on the outside, the judgment cases all happened in Moscow, and the most core "cabbage" became the robbery of an underground casino. Lao Ye is not fresh, there is no psychological drama of "cat and mouse game" between the police and bandits of "No Thief in the World"; The heart of the dish is not tender, and there is no "Extreme Thief Action" that seems to rob but is actually a theft.

Explosions, explosions, explosions, fights in carriages, in sewers, at rocket bases, car pursuits, motorcycle pursuits, cars forced to stop fighters ... If you simply look at "Operation Moscow" as an action film, more accurately as an old-school Hong Kong style police film, you can get a passing grade or higher. Based on this psychological expectation, it may no longer be demanding why the film emphasizes action and light drama, emphasis on "fast-paced" and light "strong plot", and emphasis on story advancement and light character copying. Stamping "fast food cool tablets" lowers expectations and makes a better sense of gain.

As far as character shaping is concerned, good people are good people in the film, there are no grayscale characters, and it looks relaxed. Some domestic films emphasize acting skills and inner drama too much, but in fact, they have entered a dead end, and the acting skills of the class that are divorced from the story are easy to make the audience feel "dizzy". Here are a few of the important characters in the film.

Operation Moscow: This time, Andy Lau fought hard

Among them, Huang Xuan, who plays Miao Qingshan, and Andy Lau, who plays Vasily, are the two fullest roles.

Miao Qingshan, paranoid, vicious, sinister and cunning, wears headphones to listen to the walkman, and goes to the theater to watch concerts, which not only becomes the finishing touch to his character, but also writes the character's growth experience and tragic fate. Compared with Huang Xuan's image in other works, Miao Qingshan's contrast is very large, and the fly in the ointment is that he is a little too fierce and slightly fierce.

Operation Moscow: This time, Andy Lau fought hard
Operation Moscow: This time, Andy Lau fought hard

A scene of physical contact between Huang Xuan Wen Yongshan

The role of Vasily is much richer, once he was Liu Yuhu, who was smuggled through the sewer passages in the mainland and Hong Kong, and turned into an omnipotent "middleman" who could sell fighter jets in Moscow. The miss of her daughter not only contributed tears, but also became the "key" to promote the plot and accelerate the solution of the case. It's just that laying out this sensational point requires sacrificing space to explain too many auxiliary stories, which weakens the space for other characters to shape.

Operation Moscow: This time, Andy Lau fought hard

Zhang Hanyu, who plays Cui Zhenhai, has once again become the "cat" who catches thieves and bandits. In "No Thief in the World", it is Wang Bo played by Andy Lau who is caught, and it is Vasily played by Andy Lau who is caught in "Operation Moscow", calm and resourceful, which is a positive image of standard face.

Wen Yongshan has changed from Li Muzi, the "fake wife" in "Disappearing Her", to Li Suzhen, who has a big wave of flaming red lips and "stepping on the plate" on the train, and the drama of "femme fatale" is easy to handle. Leather, pearl earrings, full of sexual tension, the look collection is a walking 90s vintage fashion manual. As a rare female character in the film, the degree of completion is very high.

Operation Moscow: This time, Andy Lau fought hard

Crooked building, for many people on the Internet said that this movie is full of "women are tools", "women are abused, hurt is strong J", "daughter is weakness" views, personally feel exaggerated. You must know that "Operation Moscow" is a work adapted from real events and a specific era, if you add female characters is a stuffed "relationship household", if you don't add it, it is filmed for men, isn't this a feminist hard-pull gender opposition, all day to night here and there are "male condensation", it is also unnecessary.

Operation Moscow: This time, Andy Lau fought hard

Talking about the industrial production of "Operation Moscow", there is indeed something remarkable. The film reproduces the Chinese and Russian train rail change station, full of freshness, the crew purchased a scrapped green-skinned train, staged a real car and really bombed, and also built an abandoned rocket base 1:1, built a ciscopine palace, and restored the CY-27 fighter... On this point, it is to praise the crew, without the restoration of these real scenes, the sense of alienation mentioned at the beginning of the article going back to 30 years ago will be stronger, even fatal.

Operation Moscow: This time, Andy Lau fought hard

Looking at the global film industry, it is difficult for action genre films to have a blockbuster masterpiece over the years. In the promotion of similar theme movies, it should be said that "Operation Moscow" returned to the action film itself, and the presentation also achieved a high level.

At the beginning, "Operation Moscow" began with a piece of music, and this article also ended with a music-related movie "highlight details" - Cui Zhenhai and Miao Qingshan met for the first time in the bathroom of the Grand Theater, Cui Zhenhai heard Miao Qingshan whistling Shostakovich's Fifth Symphony, keenly judged that the latter was the leader of the robbers, and the two pulled out guns in their backs at the same time. The conflict in this scene is full of twists and turns, and it is a very memorable "famous scene" in "Operation Moscow". (End)

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