
The experience of a man who provokes lightning, buried alive by his clansmen but gouged out by a buffalo, is a mystery

author:Darcy joked

The protagonist of this story is named Abu, an ordinary man living in a tribe in a certain country in Africa. He was an orphan from an early age, without parents and relatives, and could only rely on the handouts and help of others in the tribe. He did not marry or have children when he grew up, and had to make a living by hunting and herding. He is introverted, not good at words, and has few friends and partners. He always endured the hardships and loneliness of life in silence.

The experience of a man who provokes lightning, buried alive by his clansmen but gouged out by a buffalo, is a mystery

Abu's biggest feature is that he has a peculiar sense and attraction to lightning. Since childhood, he has found that he can always foresee the coming of thunderstorms, and he can always survive thunderstorms. He can even use his body to direct lightning strikes on the target he wants to hit, such as prey or enemies. He felt that this was a magical power given to him by God and a protection for his survival.

In the tribe, however, Abu was feared and disgusted by others because of this power. The people of the tribe believed that thunder and lightning were the wrath and punishment of the gods, an evil and dangerous phenomenon. They believe that Abu is a monster with an ulterior connection to thunder and lightning, a curse spirit that will bring disaster and misfortune to the tribe. They were full of hostility and hatred towards Abu, often bullying and insulting him, and even wanting to kill him.


Abu did not change his feelings and beliefs about Raiden because of the attitude of the tribesmen towards him. He still considers Raiden to be his best friend and companion, his most powerful weapon and shield. Nor did he resist or retaliate for attacks on him by his tribesmen. He just endured everything silently, hoping that one day he would be understood and accepted by the people in the tribe.

The experience of a man who provokes lightning, buried alive by his clansmen but gouged out by a buffalo, is a mystery

However, in a particular incident, Abu inadvertently triggered the greatest anger and panic of the tribesmen against him. On that day, it was the most important festival in the tribe, the harvest festival. All the people in the tribe gathered to celebrate this year's harvest of abundant grain and livestock, thanking the gods for their gifts and blessings. They sing and dance, sacrifice fires, offer the most delicious food and wine, and joyfully enjoy the festive atmosphere.

The experience of a man who provokes lightning, buried alive by his clansmen but gouged out by a buffalo, is a mystery

Abu also participated in the celebration of the festival, bringing a hare he had hunted to share with the tribe. He hopes to take this opportunity to get closer to the people in the tribe and let them see their kindness and sincerity. What he didn't expect was that his move caused a disaster.

The experience of a man who provokes lightning, buried alive by his clansmen but gouged out by a buffalo, is a mystery

Just as Abu placed the hare next to the fire, suddenly a huge thunder sounded in the sky, and then a lightning bolt slashed down, directly hitting the fire. The fire immediately exploded, sparks splashing everywhere, burning the surrounding food and alcohol and injuring some people. The people in the tribe screamed in horror and fled. They all believed that this was a punishment from the gods because they had allowed a cursed spirit to participate in the celebration of the festival, desecrating the dignity and glory of the gods.

The people of the tribe quickly found the culprit - Abu. They all accuse Abu of being a monster that provokes lightning and a curse that brings misfortune and disaster to the tribe. They demanded that the tribal leaders punish Abu harshly, and even that Abu be killed, in order to calm the wrath of the gods and eliminate the evil in the tribe.

The experience of a man who provokes lightning, buried alive by his clansmen but gouged out by a buffalo, is a mystery

The leader of the tribe was also frightened by this incident, and he felt that Abu was indeed a dangerous and evil being that must be eliminated. He ordered Abu to be captured and decided to execute him in the most cruel way - buried alive. He believes that only in this way can the connection between Abu and Raiden be completely severed, and peace and security can be restored to the tribe.


Abu was captured by the tribesmen and taken to a remote place. A deep pit had been dug there for the burial of Abu. After Abu was pushed into the pit, he was buried with mud by the tribesmen. They also placed a large stone on the pit to prevent Abu from escaping. They also carved symbols on the stones to signify confessions and prayers to the gods.

Abu was buried alive, but did not die immediately. He still had some faint oxygen and consciousness, but he couldn't move or call for help. He felt like he was trapped in a dark and silent hell, with no hope or way out. He didn't understand why he had suffered such a fate, why he was betrayed by the thunder and lightning that he trusted and loved. He felt like he was dying, but without any regrets or resentment.

The experience of a man who provokes lightning, buried alive by his clansmen but gouged out by a buffalo, is a mystery

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