
Li Bai: The shortcut under the world is not opened by the cold door

author:Spring Sauce A

#History in Ancient Books##Current Affairs Hot Headlines##Entertainment##History##Ancient China##Li Bai##Chinese Historical Figures#

If you want to talk about Sheng Tang, you have to talk about Li Bai. People no longer remember how many people were called emperors, only the poet Li Bai.

The dynasty is immortal, and what is immortal is the spirit. No one has ever existed so alive for thousands of years.

Yu Guangzhong once wrote in "Seeking Li Bai": "When wine enters the bowels, seven points become moonlight, and the remaining three points roar into sword qi, and when you spit it out, it is half a Sheng Tang." ”

Li Bai: The shortcut under the world is not opened by the cold door

Do you disdain to participate in the imperial examination, or can you not participate?

The imperial examination was a major reform of the political system of the Tang Dynasty, which completely eradicated the huge gap between the Shi and Yu ethnic groups since the Wei and Jin dynasties.

It provides legal opportunities for the vast number of Hanmen Shu ethnic groups to enter the profession. In particular, the Jin Shi Branch, which mainly focuses on the examination of poetry, has paved a way for the vast number of literati to get rid of the cold and become high-ranking officials.

Li Bai: The shortcut under the world is not opened by the cold door

However, Li Bai's attitude towards the imperial examination left a difficult doubt for posterity.

Throughout Li Bai's life, he was arrogant, majestic to the world, rich in literary color, eager for fame, and it stands to reason that he should also be very active in the trend of the imperial examination with poetry to try to shock the world.

Interestingly, Li Bai has never taken the imperial examination in his life. To sum up the various reasons, it is nothing more than that most of the imperial examinations at that time were actually controlled by power, and Li Bai, who had no power and no power, was difficult to pass the exam at all.

Another is that Li Bai disdained to participate in scientific expeditions, and he believed that he could gain the emperor's appreciation with his talent and knowledge and establish immortal feats.

Li Bai: The shortcut under the world is not opened by the cold door

Although the control of scientific expeditions by powerful people existed in every era, it did not prevent scholars from participating in the imperial examination in every era.

What's more, Li Bai's contemporary poets, such as Wang Wei, Wang Changling, Du Fu and others, all took the imperial examination, and many of them also won the gold list.

Perhaps in fact, Li Bai is not as free as we think, on the contrary, he has been entangled in career and learning all his life.

Relevant scholars speculated based on historical sources that Li Bai's father was named Li Ke, a businessman, or a wealthy one, which is also the conclusion recognized by most people. He was neither born in the Central Plains nor grew up in a Confucian family.

Li Bai's early education was very mixed, and he was widely involved in hundreds of families, Huang Lao, Yin and Yang, so what the young Li Bai built in his heart was not a narrow utilitarian world, but wandered between heaven and earth.

Li Bai: The shortcut under the world is not opened by the cold door

Teacher Luo Xiang once said about Li Bai: "The water of the Yellow River comes up from the sky, but in the end it will flow endlessly on the earth; Dapeng soared up to 90,000 li, but still had to rest and eat on the ground. ”

The establishment and improvement of the imperial examination system also strengthened the imperial power's control over intellectuals, enabling them to serve the ruling class at the expense of personal freedom.

Through the imperial examination, the ruling class not only prescribed what books everyone should read and how they should use those books. Moreover, thousands of intellectuals were trapped in the science field, studying hard for years or even decades.

Li Bai: The shortcut under the world is not opened by the cold door

The selection of talents by the imperial examination system stimulated Li Bai's desire for fame to some extent, but he consciously distinguished himself from Confucianism, fantasized about a miraculous opportunity to achieve great merit without reading scriptures, and advocated a free personality that was arrogant and unrestrained.

Some scholars said: "The imperial examination is to forge the world's intellectuals into the same mold, and the unique personalities of the scholar have been almost smoothed out in the science field." ”

In Li Bai's works, his dissatisfaction with the imperial examination system and sharp opposition to the imperial examination system are lurking everywhere.

Li Bai: The shortcut under the world is not opened by the cold door

Although the son of Jujia, he is a farmer, industry and commerce

The Tang Dynasty emphasized agriculture over commerce, and the "Six Classics of Tang" clearly stipulated that the son of a merchant was strictly forbidden to participate in scientific expeditions, and of course, there were those who had violated the law.

The merchant class is at the bottom, and is destined to enter the career only by writing cover letters and through the introduction of those who are dignitaries. If anyone dares to secretly take the exam, it is a big sin to turn around!

It can be said that Li Bai has always been secretive about his family lineage, and what he mentioned is only a few words, which is difficult for future generations to verify, and can only be speculated from the side.

Li Bai: The shortcut under the world is not opened by the cold door

And Li Bai's father, Li Ke, as a wealthy local businessman, can be said to be a rich flowing oil. Because of this, Li Bai had the money to travel around China, spending money like dirt and throwing thousands of dollars.

You want to say that Li Bai is just a rich second generation who can write poetry and spend money to play, which is also true, but it is also wrong.

Since Li Bai ate a closed-door soup in Chang'an because of his identity as the son of a merchant, he has been sightseeing with a purpose. Most of the money is to make friends, maintain interpersonal relationships, and also want to use money to find a way out.

Well, China has been a humanistic society since ancient times.

In fact, it can be seen that Li Bai traveled all over the world, and although he was not in Chang'an, his fame had spread throughout Chang'an City and moved the world. Everyone knows Li Bai, and everyone admires Li Bai.

Li Bai: The shortcut under the world is not opened by the cold door

Li Bai's goal was achieved, but he still achieved nothing politically. As long as feudal society exists, class nature will always exist.

The so-called "golden turtle for wine" was also Li Bai's visit to He Zhizhang when he went to Chang'an. When He Zhizhang saw the first sentence of Li Bai's new work "The Difficulty of the Shu Road", "The difficulty of the Shu Dao, it is difficult to go to the green sky", he exclaimed: "The true immortal is also!" ”

He Zhizhang slapped his thigh, and the two simply hated each other, put their arms around their shoulders and went to drink. As a result, he drank a lot and found that the money he brought with him was not enough to pay, so He Zhizhang directly released the golden turtle given by the emperor on his waist and escorted it to the shopkeeper.

Later, through the recommendation of He Zhizhang, Li Bai was able to be appreciated by Emperor Xuanzong of Tang, entered the palace as an official, and was honored as a Hanlin to be edicted.

Li Bai: The shortcut under the world is not opened by the cold door

But it didn't take long for Li Bai to discover that Tang Xuanzong didn't want him to be involved in politics at all, but just let him chant poetry against him, and he couldn't be reused, and he also violated his original intention.

The shortcut between the world is opened by the cold door!

Peers have become officials and have made great achievements. But no one gave Li Bai a chance to grow up politically.

Li Bai's proud personality is in strong contrast with the reality of sycophancy in the officialdom, and he cannot kneel for help, nor can he groan bitterly, but can only flaunt his independent and free personality, with conceit and pride as weapons.

Li Bai: The shortcut under the world is not opened by the cold door

Perhaps Tang Xuanzong also saw that Li Bai was really not suitable for officialdom, political matters, many things, is a simmer, stay up is very important.

Throughout the ages, only those who can endure it the most often can go to the end.

Li Bai is also too tall and cherishes feathers. It is very dangerous to be too high a person in politics. This also led to the fact that during the time when he was by the emperor's side, coupled with being ostracized, Li Bai was always unable to get on the line with the nobles.

Li Bai: The shortcut under the world is not opened by the cold door

People are grasping two sentences, Li Bai is good, one sentence: "An can destroy the brow and bend the waist, so that I can't be happy!" ”

So arrogant, offended all those who should be offended. Li Bai is just unwilling to compromise.

As he grows older, for the family, Li Bai is like a bottomless pit that spends money.

And Li Bai is not the first heir in the family, it is estimated that he is his father's favorite youngest son. As soon as his father Li Ke passed away, the family did not want to take care of Li Bai. It can be said that Li Bai's slump in the second half of his life is clearly visible.

Li Bai: The shortcut under the world is not opened by the cold door

Even if he was so arrogant, he was finally returned by Tang Xuanzong's gift, which shows that Tang Xuanzong still appreciates Li Bai in his heart.

King Yong was defeated and sighed Li Bai

Li Bai originally stayed in Lushan well, but was invited down the mountain by King Yong, and King Yong was still quite pitted, he actually needed Li Bai to write something to create momentum for him.

Come on as my staff, I need you. As soon as Li Bai heard this, this opportunity to make achievements and fulfill his ambitions finally came to me!

Don't seize it now, but when! Li Bai wanted this opportunity too much.

Don't say that Li Bai was dizzy for a while and had to talk to King Yong, in fact, after the Anshi Rebellion, King Yong's side is still quite powerful, but this strength does not refer to ability.

And this wave of standing in line can indeed see that Li Bai's political talent is far less than his literary attainments.

You see that people are highly suitable, suffering for several years, and finally they get through the head, become a temperate messenger, rise and rise. In the end, he also killed King Yong's team.

And Li Bai also ended up in prison, almost lost his life.

Li Bai: The shortcut under the world is not opened by the cold door

It is said that King Yong was treasonous, and Li Bai defected. But in essence, it is just a prince vying for the throne, becoming a king or losing.

Some people called Li Bai stupid, killed him, and belittled Li Bai for being useless.

But that was Li Bai, who Du Fu knew that his descendants would call him Li Du together with Li Bai, and he was Li Bai, who was married by the granddaughter of the two prime ministers; is Li Bai, who has lived a bright life and is proficient in calligraphy, poetry, and swordsmanship; is Li Bai, the son of great wealth, who spends money and is dedicated to the country and the world; Without him, the Great Tang Dynasty would have lost its color and the land would be blurred by Li Bai.

Li Bai, who was dying of old age, finally left the ancient famous sentence on the road to exile: "The light boat has passed ten thousand heavy mountains!" ”

What about the pinnacle of literature! But he never fulfilled the political ambitions he had cherished as a teenager.

Li Bai: The shortcut under the world is not opened by the cold door


Li Bai never compromised, and in the early Tang Dynasty, the emperor's favored courtiers, never fascinated Li Bai's eyes and heart.

Everyone interprets Li Bai, and everyone's pen writes Li Bai in their hearts.

Li Bai: The shortcut under the world is not opened by the cold door

It is said on the Internet: There is Li Bai in the heart, and there is Gao Shi under the feet.

But everyone ignored that Gao Shi was not cloth, he was cold. Hanmen, also a family, not a pauper.

History also has a position, but we just admire Li Bai's freedom.

After all, there is only one Li Bai in the Great Tang Dynasty, and Li Bai is the only one at the top of the literary world in China for 5,000 years.

Everyone is welcome to discuss together.

If there is any error, please point out the correction.

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