
Created a prosperous scene, but also pushed to extinction? What is the meaning of the "divided sealing system" of the Western Zhou Dynasty?

author:Xiao Su said

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The story begins in ancient times, when it was woven into myths and stories that have survived to this day. During this ancient time, there was a great monarch named King Wu of Zhou. The myth describes the magnificent process of his harvesting. The reign of this Shang king was a representative of brutality and exploitation, pushing the people to the brink of suffering. King Wu of Zhou rose up and heroically led the crowd, pointing to the political fortress of the Shang Dynasty. However, myths always downplay the evil deeds of rulers and blame evil on evil spirits, a deliberate distortion that is far from the truth of history. In fact, in the real long course of history, the demise of the Shang Dynasty was the self-inflicted death of the ruler.

Created a prosperous scene, but also pushed to extinction? What is the meaning of the "divided sealing system" of the Western Zhou Dynasty?

In this war-torn era, not only the uprising of King Wu of Zhou, but also other princes began to be active. Whether north or south, east or west, people with butcher knives in hand, face political opponents, and their fate is cut off. Although King Wu of Zhou established Western Zhou, the fighting between the princes did not improve significantly, and the war continued to rage. China is vast, and the Western Zhou Dynasty is even more vast. King Wu of Zhou, who was at the center of politics, could not do anything, he could only become a leader, leaving the actual management to others. The system of division and fiefdom was born, and King Wu of Zhou gave the princes extremely high rights, making them the supreme within the fief. They were responsible for developing the economy, collecting taxes, and enjoying the fruits of their labor in fiefdoms. Militarily, they also have autonomy to form armed forces. This bold decentralization laid the seeds for the turmoil that followed.

Created a prosperous scene, but also pushed to extinction? What is the meaning of the "divided sealing system" of the Western Zhou Dynasty?

The third great power in the hands of princes was the hereditary system. Zhou Tianzi appointed the first princes, but the subsequent succession was within the princes. The system of primogeniture became the norm, and other sons became auxiliary. Brotherhood cooperates to govern the country together. However, the system gradually weakened Zhou Tianzi's binding force on the princes. The princes would choose the eldest son as the heir, which was the ancient primogeniture system. As generations changed, the princes' reverence for Zhou Tianzi gradually diminished. The division system pays attention to the unity of power and responsibility, and at a fixed time every year, the princes and kings report the situation in the fiefdom to Zhou Tianzi, and Zhou Tianzi intervenes in the affairs of the fiefdom as a co-master, which is also the spiritual core of the division system. Strict hierarchy and strict order are the most prominent features of the sub-sealing system.

Created a prosperous scene, but also pushed to extinction? What is the meaning of the "divided sealing system" of the Western Zhou Dynasty?

The system of separation and sealing is conducive to the full use of resources and allows the country to operate efficiently. Natural and social resources in different regions can be fully exploited. However, there are also drawbacks in this system that cannot be ignored. The expansion of local power is not conducive to the rulers, the deepening of the estrangement, and the economic and cultural exchanges. The sub-sealing system was gradually questioned and eliminated in the later period. Qin Shi Huang established the Qin Dynasty, abolished the division system and changed it to the county system. The Western Han Dynasty also innovated the system of division and sealing, and Emperor Wudi of Han reduced the power of the princes. Times have changed, and the system of sub-sealing is gradually becoming obsolete. Historians point out that the system of division and sealing extended the life of the Western Zhou Dynasty, maintained the authority of the Zhou Tianzi, and promoted the prosperity of the Western Zhou. However, the sub-sealing system also led to some extent to the loss of control of Zhou Tianzi and the turmoil of the sub-sealing country.

Created a prosperous scene, but also pushed to extinction? What is the meaning of the "divided sealing system" of the Western Zhou Dynasty?

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