
was once a campus goddess, became popular with "16-year-old flower season" Chen Feier, 47-year-old Chi Huaqiong is doing well

author:Happy Maple Leaf 5ja

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She is an actress born in the 80s, who was scouted at the age of 14 and won the China Film Performance Society Individual Award at the age of 22, and her acting skills once made her very popular. However, despite her brilliant career, she never married. Chi Huaqiong's life is full of firmness and assertiveness, which may have something to do with her father's side experience. Her father was sent to the frontier when she was young, missing a crucial moment in her upbringing, causing her to be emotionally lacking.

was once a campus goddess, became popular with "16-year-old flower season" Chen Feier, 47-year-old Chi Huaqiong is doing well

In 1989, when she graduated from junior high school, she participated in an interview for a campus drama, which was co-created by CCTV and Shanghai TV, which attracted much attention. However, the interview was highly competitive and she felt her chances were slim, but she was determined to fight for it. Despite having no acting experience, she desperately memorized her lines, practiced various emotions, and eventually succeeded in creating a vivid character. The drama was a great success and she became a "boy killer", but she did not stop, but applied for a drama training class to further improve her acting skills.

was once a campus goddess, became popular with "16-year-old flower season" Chen Feier, 47-year-old Chi Huaqiong is doing well

After graduating from the children's drama acting class, she did not choose a comfortable job, but embarked on the path of self-employed actress. In 1993, she was fortunate enough to star in a successful film and established her position in the entertainment industry. However, despite the good times in her career, she also had a dilemma of choice. When the script of "Liu Hulan" was delivered to her, she hesitated, but finally decided to accept the challenge. Her outstanding performance earned her the CLP Performance Society Individual Award.

was once a campus goddess, became popular with "16-year-old flower season" Chen Feier, 47-year-old Chi Huaqiong is doing well

However, at the peak of her career, she made unexpected decisions that slowed down her acting activities. She realized that her life had become hollow and that she didn't know what else she could do besides acting. Although she tried to fall in love, the relationship eventually broke down, leaving her more determined to pursue her purpose in life.

was once a campus goddess, became popular with "16-year-old flower season" Chen Feier, 47-year-old Chi Huaqiong is doing well

She does not pursue fame and fortune, and does not want to give up principles for the sake of hype. Although she gradually faded out of the entertainment industry, she did not stop pursuing her interests. She studied calligraphy, practiced musical instruments, and even ventured into literature. Although her fame gradually faded, she lived a slow life, searching for the true meaning of life.

was once a campus goddess, became popular with "16-year-old flower season" Chen Feier, 47-year-old Chi Huaqiong is doing well

She is reluctant to settle and not be bound, which is probably why she is still celibate to this day. Although her life is no longer full of the aura of stardom, she still lives happily. Unlike other celebrities, she found her interest in calligraphy, painting and other fields, and also achieved certain achievements. She chose an unusual path, away from the hustle and bustle of Vanity Fair, and lived a life of indifference to fame and fortune.

was once a campus goddess, became popular with "16-year-old flower season" Chen Feier, 47-year-old Chi Huaqiong is doing well

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