
Wearing a "silver bracelet" can suck out toxins from the body? Why does the silver bracelet get darker the more I wear it? Here comes the truth

author:Physician Nan said health

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Have you ever heard the saying that if the silver bracelet you wear turns black, it means that you are not in good health and are detoxifying.

Wearing a "silver bracelet" can suck out toxins from the body? Why does the silver bracelet get darker the more I wear it? Here comes the truth

Some people even believe that silver bracelets can test poison, just poke the food or drink with a silver needle to see if there is poison.

Are these claims really reliable? Can a silver bracelet really suck out toxins from the body? Why do silver bracelets turn black? Is it related to our health?

Today, we're going to unravel these mysteries and tell you the truth about silver bracelets.

First, the reason why the silver bracelet turns black

Xiaohong is a girl who loves beauty, she likes to wear all kinds of accessories, especially silver jewelry. She feels that silver jewelry is not only beautiful, but also has a health effect.

Wearing a "silver bracelet" can suck out toxins from the body? Why does the silver bracelet get darker the more I wear it? Here comes the truth

She has heard that silver jewelry can kill bacteria and inflammation, detoxify health and prolong life. She often wears a silver bracelet, which she feels will increase her temperament and charm.

However, recently she noticed that her silver bracelet was becoming duller and losing its original luster. She wondered, could it be that she was not in good health, and any toxins were sucked away by the silver bracelet?

She hurriedly went to the hospital to check it out, and found that there was no major problem except for a little anemia.

The doctor told her that the blackening of the silver bracelet was not necessarily related to her health, but because of the nature of the silver itself.

It turns out that silver is a highly reactive metal that is prone to oxidation in the air to form a layer of gray or black oxide.

Wearing a "silver bracelet" can suck out toxins from the body? Why does the silver bracelet get darker the more I wear it? Here comes the truth

That's why we often see antique silverware in black. In addition to oxygen in the air, there are other substances that chemically react with silver to discolor.

Such as sulfides, acids, alkaline substances and so on.

So, where do these substances come from? In fact, it is everywhere in our daily life.

For example, the air contains hydrogen sulfide, nitric oxide and other polluting substances; Human sweat, skin secretions, body fluids, etc. contain sulfur, acid, alkali and other ingredients.

Cosmetics, perfumes, detergents, etc. contain sulfur, acid, alkali and other ingredients; Food, beverages, etc. contain sulfur, acid, alkali and other ingredients.

When we wear a silver bracelet, it comes into contact with these substances and reacts. The most common of these is to react with sulfides to form silver sulfide.

Wearing a "silver bracelet" can suck out toxins from the body? Why does the silver bracelet get darker the more I wear it? Here comes the truth

Silver sulfide is a black solid, so it will make the silver bracelet black.

Therefore, the silver bracelet turns black, not because it is sucking out toxins from the body, but because it is reacting with external substances.

This is not necessarily related to our physical condition, nor does it necessarily mean that we have any toxins to excrete.

Of course, if we are not in good health, sweat a lot, or come into contact with substances containing more sulfides, etc., then the silver bracelet may turn black faster.

Second, can silver bracelets test poison?

Since the silver bracelet turned black not because of drug use, can it test poison? Some people may think of the ancient story of silver needle testing for poison.

Wearing a "silver bracelet" can suck out toxins from the body? Why does the silver bracelet get darker the more I wear it? Here comes the truth

It is said that the ancients poked food or drink with silver needles, and if it turned black, it was poisonous. Is this true?

In fact, this is also a misunderstanding. Silver needle testing poison is not to test all poisons, but only to test a specific poison - arsenic.

Arsenic is a compound containing arsenic and was one of the poisons commonly used in ancient times. The reaction of arsenic with silver produces black silver arsenide, so it turns the silver needles black.

However, this method only worked in ancient times, because ancient arsenic contained many impurities, among which were sulfides.

The reaction of sulfide with silver also produces black silver sulfide, so it also makes the silver needle black. This creates the illusion that everything that contains sulfides is toxic.

Wearing a "silver bracelet" can suck out toxins from the body? Why does the silver bracelet get darker the more I wear it? Here comes the truth

In fact, in modern times, we can already make very pure arsenic, which does not contain sulfur or other impurities. Trying such arsenic with silver needles will not be able to test anything.

Moreover, in addition to arsenic, there are many other kinds of poisons, which do not necessarily react with silver. Therefore, testing poison with silver needles is not a reliable method.

3. Are silver bracelets good for health?

Since the silver bracelet cannot be used by drugs or tested drugs, is it good for our health? The answer is yes.

Although silver is highly active and prone to oxidation and discoloration, it also has many advantages.

Silver has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects. Silver can form positively charged ions that kill most bacteria in water and stop bacterial growth.

Wearing a "silver bracelet" can suck out toxins from the body? Why does the silver bracelet get darker the more I wear it? Here comes the truth

So, in ancient times, people used silverware to store water and food to keep it clean and fresh. Modern medicine also uses silver ions to treat some infectious and inflammatory diseases.

In addition, silver has a detoxifying effect. Silver can promote blood circulation and metabolism, enhance immunity and antioxidant capacity.

Therefore, in ancient times, people believed that wearing silver jewelry could have health effects such as calming the five internal organs, reassuring the spirit, stopping palpitations, and eliminating evil qi.

Silver also has a beauty and beauty effect. Silver regulates endocrine and hormone levels and improves the condition of skin and hair. Therefore, in ancient times, women liked to use silver products for beauty and skin care.

Wearing a "silver bracelet" can suck out toxins from the body? Why does the silver bracelet get darker the more I wear it? Here comes the truth

Of course, these effects do not mean that you can enjoy these benefits just by wearing a silver bracelet. The role of a silver bracelet also depends on factors such as its quality, purity, shape, size, location, etc.

Moreover, the silver bracelet is not a panacea and cannot replace regular medical treatment and treatment.

Therefore, when we wear silver bracelets, we must choose the appropriate variety and method, and also pay attention to other aspects of health care and wellness.


The silver bracelet is an ancient and beautiful accessory that not only decorates our wrists, but also has certain benefits for our health.

However, we cannot blindly believe some claims that have no scientific basis, such as silver bracelets can use drugs or test drugs.

Wearing a "silver bracelet" can suck out toxins from the body? Why does the silver bracelet get darker the more I wear it? Here comes the truth

We should understand the real reason why the silver bracelet turns black and take appropriate measures to clean and care for it. Only in this way can we keep the silver bracelet its brilliance and value.

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