
People who didn't like Wu Yanni were scolded miserably

People who didn't like Wu Yanni were scolded miserably

People who didn't like Wu Yanni were scolded miserably

Text | Thirteenth sister

Obviously, there are more and more netizens who don't like Wu Yanni, but they are still easy to be scolded. A friend of mine said: "I said I didn't like Wu Yanni, but they said that it was a dark psychology, which made me start to doubt myself"...

I am not pink or black for Wu Yanni herself, I think it's okay to like or dislike her, but I think that the group of netizens who "don't allow everyone to dislike her" is psychologically abnormal.

It's dangerous to write about this topic, after all, some people should label me just by looking at the first paragraph.

Alas, I don't want to break the logic in this carefully, anyway, some people simply do not understand. I just want to say that from the perspective of psychological changes, many netizens are appreciative of Wu Yanni to rejection, and we discuss how this emotional change is formed. Everyone is a social animal, and you can take it as a warning to do things in the future, and try to avoid playing a good hand of cards.

People who didn't like Wu Yanni were scolded miserably

Unlike Gu Ailing's mother, who defines "self-confidence" as "better self-control", Wu Yanni's mother has no definition of "self-confidence", perhaps she thinks that if she is happy, it is called self-confidence.

Gu Ailing's "confidence" never seems to have caused much controversy, so Wu Yanni's "confidence" divided netizens into two factions, where did the bug go.

Actually, there was no problem at first. During the Chengdu Universiade, Wu Yanni became popular with her high-profile body movements and language, and not many people disliked her at that time, because her series of performances were clearly defined as "self-confidence", which is not what athletes need.

And this session of netizens has experienced a lot of beatings, inclusiveness is already very strong, as long as a person is simply confident, hardworking, and does not harm the interests of others, then no matter how high-profile, flamboyant is no problem, but easier to be liked.

People who didn't like Wu Yanni were scolded miserably

Then things started to change a little subtly.

Since the emergence of different voices on the Internet that are excessively high-profile and flamboyant about Wu Yanni, as long as there is a negative, she will be immediately "killed" by her followers.

If someone comments that Wu Yanni is "too crazy", it will be followed by "you can do it".

If someone comments on Wu Yanni, "Can't you keep a low profile", followed by a post that is "I haven't seen you win glory for the country".

If someone comments that Wu Yanni "put her mind on being an Internet celebrity", the post followed by "Do you want to be an Internet celebrity".

Any voice that is unfavorable to her will be defined as "keyboard man", "loser", "bar elf", "traitor", and even "spy", anyway, it is psychologically problematic, unable to recognize the excellence of others, blablabla...

At this time, many netizens may begin to feel wrong in their hearts, and they want to use Wu Yanni's own good words and sentences to ask these "guards": "Are you all right?" ”

People who didn't like Wu Yanni were scolded miserably

In fact, there is nothing wrong with liking or disliking itself, but things are developing a little more and more "rice circle", which gradually becomes a stupid killing.

Everyone knows the attributes of "rice circle" thinking - "You can't dislike what I like, otherwise you are jealous; You can't like what I don't like, otherwise you're an idiot..."

And what is even more bad is that Wu Yanni herself is proficient in the main points of this rice circle thinking, and the following phased changes show how netizens dislike Wu Yanni more and more along the way.

First, everyone found that she was immersed in a cocoon of murder and refused to face the evaluation objectively. She once grouped people who didn't praise her into two categories – 1. a woman who is jealous of her; 2. A man who is inferior to her.

People who didn't like Wu Yanni were scolded miserably

If at this point, everyone still regards her "confidence" as a simple "confidence", then it is really too "confident".

The spirit of sportsmanship itself is a spirit of recognizing shortcomings, learning from each other's strengths, and breaking through oneself, rather than being a frog at the bottom of the well and amusing oneself in honey and self-confidence.

This is a typical "rice circle thinking" confidence.

Second, everyone found that she (or the team behind her) was well versed in the marketing methods of "traffic password" and "rice circle culture", and always played the "patriotic" card - she always combined the slogan of "winning glory for the country" with her personal personality to obtain an overwhelming advantage label, so that people who did not support her could appear "unpatriotic".

People who didn't like Wu Yanni were scolded miserably

Winning glory for the country and fighting for the country is indeed powerful and should be encouraged and praised.

But winning glory for the country and fighting for the country should not be a shield for "not accepting any criticism".

There are more people who win glory for the country, and there are not many people who talk about this every day, which is actually a kind of behavior that clever Internet celebrities like.

Third, everyone found that she was good at pulling endorsements as her umbrella. In her words, some words that are benchmarks in the same industry often appear, such as Liu Xiang, Liu Shiying, Gong Lijiao, Su Bingtian...

After pulling up these famous and well-known endorsements, she naturally stood on the position of "Chinese athletics", and the steps went up, and people who did not praise her seemed to "not support Chinese athletics".

People who didn't like Wu Yanni were scolded miserably

In the face of controversy, she habitually pulled Liu Xiang's "cushion back", and then skillfully applied the slogan "Chinese should stand tall and Chinese".

Well, if you can't stand up for her unconditionally, are you still not Chinese?

Fourth, she was found to be good at shouting and currying favor with supporters. For example, she often says "this moment belongs to you", which inexplicably increases the sense of achievement for netizens who praise her, but in fact she does not have any "moments", and the Asian Games final does not even have results. But once someone mentions this stubble, someone else will say "don't judge heroes by success or failure", "your pattern is too low", "your temperament is too small"...

Isn't this one of the biggest characteristics of the rice circle - not speaking in terms of actual results, using "how many supporters you have" as a success label?

At the same time, she often hangs the words "I am also an ordinary girl", but often reveals a different sense of superiority, such as "I just have one more specialty than ordinary people".

People who didn't like Wu Yanni were scolded miserably

This underlying logic is problematic.

She does not have one more specialty than ordinary people, sprinting is her profession, not a specialty, ordinary people have their own profession, they have to do their job well.

She is just different from other people's professions, and this profession, like others regard scientific research, education, agriculture, research and development, and art as professions, are all professions that contribute to the country, and no one is superior.

In fact, when things got to this point, it was fine. After all, everyone is quite busy, and there is no time to feel too disgusted with an athlete.

The problem with everyone's general evaluation of her is that after she "came out of the limelight" but "treated others unfairly" after a series of unfavorable behaviors -

First of all, she has to "finale" every big and small competition, and everyone else is ready, and she is still actively capturing the camera with various "iconic" small movements. However, this is understandable, and liking the limelight is also one of the embodiments of flamboyant personality.

Secondly, in the women's 100m hurdles final of the Hangzhou Asian Games, she snatched the run, and it is not uncommon to snatch, although this in itself is one aspect of examining the quality of athletes. But there are also understandable circumstances, the situation on the field is ever-changing, and you can't be too harsh on the athletes.

Then, after the rush, it is understandable to say that the opponent affected her, and it is impossible to say "it is my poor psychological quality", after all, so many fans watch, one of the elements of the rice circle culture is - "personality" is more important than "achievement".

In the end, even if the above is not a big deal, she took the lead in putting on the national flag and began to circle the field after the game, which is unfair to Lin Yuwei, who won the championship.

If her previous "confidence" was a small range of play, but at the last moment, she stepped on her "confidence" above everyone.

This move has touched the backlash of many people.

Isn't this similar to the colleague who stole the limelight and grabbed the credit that everyone met in the workplace.

The best, first, hard-working and low-key person is obviously you, and a "kidnapping-style invitation to credit" person comes out next to you, what do you think? Can this also be explained by "self-confidence"?

From a psychological point of view, everyone's antipathy stems from the deep empathy between ordinary people who are forgiving and humble, because no matter how ever-changing our personalities are, we cannot ignore an important factor - "order".

You can be confident, but you need to be within order.

You can be flamboyant, but you can't violate other people's feelings.

You can act high-profile and ignore anyone's well-intentioned advice, but you can't divide up interests that shouldn't be yours.

It is easy to lower a person's moral level, but they don't know that they have entered a strange circle, thinking that they are all right, opponents are wrong, and they don't realize that they have crossed the line.

We know that Wu Yanni cannot be completely denied because of her high-profile and untimely behavior, and we cannot ignore and bury her accumulated efforts and struggles; However, at present, she and the huge "rice circle culture" that is attacking behind her do not treat others equally, and even allow different voices to appear.

This is not the difference between self-confidence and unconfidence, it is the gap in moral values and educational attainment.

An important point in Kohlberg's theory of moral development is "the consistency of social norms and morality."

People who didn't like Wu Yanni were scolded miserably

People are not against self-confidence, they are not averse to ostentation, so don't underestimate people's ability to be inclusive and receptive.

People just hate to forcibly export value, but also force others to accept this value, raise objections will be sealed with illogical labels, normal people can not speak, brainless rice circle rushed into one field after another, killing one after another may be excellent people.

There are some professions that are not suitable for being an Internet celebrity. Acting as an Internet celebrity and working conscientiously and down-to-earth will inevitably have different appearances, which may distort a person's basic cognition and hinder the pace of progress in the field.

What's worse is that a large number of so-called "media" are following the trend to knock on the side of the rice circle culture, from the entertainment industry to sports, culture, science and technology, blowing to the last chicken feathers, will only harm children.

Don't talk about the new era, China's broad and profound Confucianism and Taoist cultural spirit has not yet been understood, the sages have never taught people to lower their modesty to pursue pompous praise, the wisdom of the ancestors is justified. Humility and self-examination have always been qualities of the strongest.

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