
A group of villains fell into the well for Xu Jiayin

A group of villains fell into the well for Xu Jiayin

A group of villains fell into the well for Xu Jiayin

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Xu Jiayin was arrested, and social media was a carnival, as if a person who committed a great crime had finally been arrested, and it was very happy.

Originally, I didn't want to say anything, until today I saw a video, I really couldn't bear it.

A group of villains fell into the well for Xu Jiayin

Xu Jiayin rolled away the happiness of countless commoners for several lifetimes, and Xu Jiayin dug your ancestral grave.

Seeing this, I really can't help but ask, in the entire real estate industry chain, who is the party that benefits the most, who has swept away the happiness of civilians for several lifetimes, and who is digging the ancestral grave?

In Wang Jianlin's original words, whether a house is sold for 5,000 yuan or 50,000 yuan, in fact, the cost of the house itself only accounts for about 15% of the selling price. The remaining 50 per cent is the cost of land, with 15 per cent each for developers and banks, and 10 per cent each for speculators and intermediaries.

As a financial person, if you really think that the consequences of the current sky-high rotten building should all be borne by Xu Jiayin, I advise you to delete the number quickly, you are really not qualified to make a big deal on the Internet.

Some things are inconvenient to say, you can not say, but take out a dying person as a scarecrow, pour all the fire power on him, deliberately blur or transfer the truth of the matter, this kind of person is called a villain when it sounds good, and a scab when it is ugly.

It's just that there are many such villains recently, and when Xu Jiayin was arrested, there were two jumping beam clowns who fell into the well for the first time, one was Dong Moumou of Gree, and the other was Huang Moumou of Skyworth.

Chinese When Evergrande began to expose problems a few years ago, why didn't I see you jump out and beep?

Now that people have been caught, they know that they are politically correct, so they can fire, is that what it means?

As celebrities, they must have more information than ordinary people, and Evergrande has been shaky in the past three years, and I have not seen any well-known people come forward to remind them, or even hint at it.

But in the past three years, how many people have bought Evergrande's house, and how many people have gone bankrupt and fallen into the tragedy of unfinished buildings.

If these people really have a sense of social responsibility, they should say a word or two in advance, and it is possible to avoid many families stepping on Evergrande's.

Of course, I can understand their silence, after all, their own words can easily cause a chain reaction, and it is completely worthless to fight for people who are not comparable to themselves.

Since that's the case, don't jump out after Xu Jiayin was caught, so that you just knew that Xu Jiayin was a bad person, and Evergrande was like a garbage.

At least Seventh Uncle I have a clear conscience, as early as three years ago I began to write articles to expose Evergrande's problems, wrote three years and was deleted for three years, until now, I write bad things about Evergrande, and suddenly no one deleted it.

Regarding some sensitive perceptions of real estate, the seventh uncle will mention in the circle, and now join only 199/year.

I felt lonely myself.

What irony, brothers! O sadness of the times!

But I believe that the little friends who have been reading the articles of the seventh uncle, even if they have bought a house in recent years, will not buy a house in Evergrande.

For me, that's enough.

Although Xu Jiayin is not a good thing, seeing these villains who have fallen into the well makes people feel even more disgusting, like eating flies.

If they really want to fulfill their social responsibilities after Xu Jiayin is arrested, do they want to talk about Sunac, Country Garden, Sino-Ocean, and China SCE, which has just defaulted, are they a routine with Evergrande?

Do they dare?

Don't dare, borrow a few of them and don't dare.

I don't even dare to say this, let alone expect them to popularize the fundamental logic behind the operation of real estate to the public.

Therefore, I really feel that the discussion about Xu Jiayin is no longer very meaningful, and there will definitely be many crimes planted on him in the future, and I believe that these are all crimes that he deserves.

But these crimes are what everyone wants to see, and they also want everyone to see, China's real estate to this point, someone must come forward to take responsibility.

The evil Xu Jiayin is obviously the best candidate.

It's just that the 2.5 trillion owed by Evergrande can still be taken back? Will anyone continue to build those rotten buildings of Evergrande?

It can only be said that it is difficult, and the people who bear the consequences still wash their faces with tears, and they will not be arrested because of Xu Jiayin, and everything will become better.

When there is a serious mismatch between those who bear the consequences and those who enjoy the benefits, using lies to cover up the truth is undoubtedly the only solution.

In fact, it is not too surprising that the wheel of history has been moving slowly in this way, but when the social productive forces develop rapidly, these contradictions will be covered up one by one.

Only when the economic development slows down will people reflect on why they are always being cut leeks.

So I have always said that the economic downturn is not necessarily a bad thing for ordinary people, at least he no longer looks at money for everything, and has time to think about the meaning of his life.

Who is worth believing, which words are outright foolishness.

Everything will return to its roots, with that invisible hand to correct some tangible forces, such as real estate, such as fertility.

Xu Jiayin's arrest is the end and the beginning, and the jumping beam clowns will continue to be active on the stage in the future.

Perhaps this is the right way to survive.

More than half of 2023 has passed, and it is full of uncertainty. Seven Uncles help you find definite directions, trends, and judgments.

Seventh Uncle's deleted article and sharper big truth;

Predictions and recommendations for the next week's market;

No less than 3 internal dynamic sharing of the planning agency every day;

The initial preferential price is 199 yuan/year, and it will gradually recover to 299 yuan/year with the increase of the number of people.

I am the seventh uncle, a man who lost money and got up again

This person, a little funny, is also a little coquettish

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