
Pregozhin died on the plane with a grenade? Putin, the military, and Wagner have a complicated relationship

author:Wonderful V-view
Pregozhin died on the plane with a grenade? Putin, the military, and Wagner have a complicated relationship

As President Putin said, the discovery of grenade fragments in the bodies of crash victims is one of the established facts.

The news that is certain is that grenade shrapnel was found in the remains of the victims.

However, is it possible that they carried grenades with them, and the grenades only exploded after the explosion of the aircraft, due to the external environment. For example, when an airplane falls and hits the ground, the grenade will explode even if there is no human detonation.

In any case, Prigozhin's death was a pleasure for the military, because he shot down a military plane during the rebellion, and at the same time there has been tension with the military. Prigozhin's death is also what Putin wants to see, after all, he rebelled without reporting to Putin, and now the plane crash, just gives Putin a step down, so that Putin saves some thin face, because such a Wagner may not have an accident at any time.

But, in any case, Prigozhin's death reflects the intricate relationship between Putin, the military, and Wagner. The military is not submissive to Putin, at least until Wagner goes to war, and the military battles seem a little tight. Wagner later became a pawn in keeping the military in check.

For the military, Putin's use of force against Ukraine, at the beginning, not 100% of the generals were in favor, the dispatch of troops was based on the peaceful submission of Ukraine, so there was a practice of taking traffic police to Ukraine to prepare to take over the city.

When the conflict between the Wagner Group and the military became more and more obvious, the Wagner Group rebelled, and Putin lost control of this pawn, fortunately, the Wagner Group itself is not against Putin, and there is still a friendship between Putin and Prigozhin.

In the end, the Wagner Group crashed the plane, an outcome that all three sides were happy to accept. The first is Putin, the second is the military, and the third is Ukraine.

Heroes, pawns, in the end, cannot escape the ill-fated end...

Pregozhin died on the plane with a grenade? Putin, the military, and Wagner have a complicated relationship
Pregozhin died on the plane with a grenade? Putin, the military, and Wagner have a complicated relationship
Pregozhin died on the plane with a grenade? Putin, the military, and Wagner have a complicated relationship


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