
Shuangjie walked grassroots "soldier reporters" in the battle position 丨34 years like a day, stationed on the top of Mount Tai "olive green"!

author:Shandong Armed Police

Text/Picture 🖊 Wu Wenzhe Li Feiyue

Shuangjie walked grassroots "soldier reporters" in the battle position 丨34 years like a day, stationed on the top of Mount Tai "olive green"!
Shuangjie walked grassroots "soldier reporters" in the battle position 丨34 years like a day, stationed on the top of Mount Tai "olive green"!

Towering Tarzan

The peaks are lush and green

It is a triple heritage of the world's natural, cultural and geological heritage

At the top of Mount Tai at an altitude of 1545 meters

Every major festival peak flow of people

There will be an "olive green" team stationed here

"Responsibility is as heavy as Mount Tarzan"

For them

More than just an figurative metaphor

It is also a heavy responsibility

Shuangjie walked grassroots "soldier reporters" in the battle position 丨34 years like a day, stationed on the top of Mount Tai "olive green"!

With the sunrise about to sprinkle the land of Qilu

Officers and soldiers at the duty point of Mount Tai

From 4 a.m., escort visitors up the mountain to watch the day

Officers and soldiers of the Tai'an Detachment of the Armed Police

It has been stuck in the Taishan Mountain Area for 34 consecutive years

Guarding tourists from all directions with youth and sweat

Today, let's follow

Footage of Wu Wenzhe, a "soldier reporter" of the Tai'an Detachment of the Armed Police

Let's go and experience a day of officers and soldiers on duty in the Taishan Mountain Area

Shuangjie walked grassroots "soldier reporters" in the battle position 丨34 years like a day, stationed on the top of Mount Tai "olive green"!
Shuangjie walked grassroots "soldier reporters" in the battle position 丨34 years like a day, stationed on the top of Mount Tai "olive green"!

"There will be 80,000 visitors to the sun today

Comrades at various duty points

Be sure to be vigilant and evacuate good crowds

Keep your visitors safe. ”

4:30 a.m

Everyone has already put on their equipment and rushed to the duty station

Zhu Luning, the leader of the platoon, reminded on the intercom

Shuangjie walked grassroots "soldier reporters" in the battle position 丨34 years like a day, stationed on the top of Mount Tai "olive green"!

This is my first time in Tarzan in the early hours of the morning

The temperature is at least 10 degrees cooler than during the day

The cold wind howled, and I couldn't help but shiver a little

But the officers and men on duty still straightened their waist

They have sharp eyes and a rigorous style

Neat line in the dark

Shuttle to various duty points

"The Confucius Temple duty point is in place

Jorudai duty points are in place

The Gongbeishi duty point is in place..."

As the walkie-talkie rang

This "tough battle" also began...

Shuangjie walked grassroots "soldier reporters" in the battle position 丨34 years like a day, stationed on the top of Mount Tai "olive green"!

Jorudai as a mountain scenic area

Popular spots to see the sunrise

It is one of the important duty points

At the same time, the terrain is the most dangerous

The most difficult place to maintain order

When we reach our destination

Countless tourists come into view

Shuangjie walked grassroots "soldier reporters" in the battle position 丨34 years like a day, stationed on the top of Mount Tai "olive green"!

In order to ensure the safety of the masses

My comrades and I patiently explained to the tourists

Sunrise can also be seen from other locations

After 1 hour of grooming

Crowded tourists on Jairudai

Finally dispersed

Shuangjie walked grassroots "soldier reporters" in the battle position 丨34 years like a day, stationed on the top of Mount Tai "olive green"!

6:10 a.m

With the first rays of sunlight in the morning

Tourists who waited overnight

They all raised the five-star red flag in their hands

Sing the national anthem together against the rising sun

They use this unique way

Cheers for the prosperity of the Motherland

Shuangjie walked grassroots "soldier reporters" in the battle position 丨34 years like a day, stationed on the top of Mount Tai "olive green"!

6:30 a.m

As the sunrise ends

Tourists are heading down the mountain

I quickly established a "dividing line" with my comrades

Successful diversion of tourists going up and down the mountain

Shuangjie walked grassroots "soldier reporters" in the battle position 丨34 years like a day, stationed on the top of Mount Tai "olive green"!

This was followed by one duty point after another

Call on the intercom:

"The Jade Emperor Peak duty point has a lot of traffic and needs support

The Tianjie duty point is crowded with tourists and needs support. ”

Platoon Commander Zhu Luning immediately led the members of the mobile group

Quickly go to various duty points

Help maintain order and evacuate tourists

Shuangjie walked grassroots "soldier reporters" in the battle position 丨34 years like a day, stationed on the top of Mount Tai "olive green"!

Wear leather shoes for 5 hours straight

Shuttling through steep terrain

The number of times to go up and down the ladder is countless

The bubbles in the feet of the officers and men on duty have long been worn out

The shirt has long been soaked

But not a single person flinched

Still holding the "position"

Escort the masses of the people

"Swear to death" to win this "defense war"

Shuangjie walked grassroots "soldier reporters" in the battle position 丨34 years like a day, stationed on the top of Mount Tai "olive green"!

9.00 a.m

The tourists at the top of the mountain gradually evacuated

See tourists descending the mountain in a safe and orderly manner

Everyone and I finally breathed a sigh of relief

Shuangjie walked grassroots "soldier reporters" in the battle position 丨34 years like a day, stationed on the top of Mount Tai "olive green"!

On the way, I asked about the platoon commander

If I don't reunite with my family, will I feel lost?

Platoon Commander Zhu pointed with a smile

Five-star red flag in the hands of tourists

Sanitation workers in scenic spots

Fire personnel to ensure safety

"There are many people who are doing the same thing as us

Willing to dedicate and serve people

When I saw the five-star red flag

It is so vivid and dazzling under the sunrise of Mount Tai

The pride in my heart as a soldier

Burst out in an instant

I believe in my family

And you will definitely be proud of me. ”

Shuangjie walked grassroots "soldier reporters" in the battle position 丨34 years like a day, stationed on the top of Mount Tai "olive green"!

The gentle sun shines on the patrolmen

On a dark face

That resolute gaze made me feel it

"It's nice to have them."

Shuangjie walked grassroots "soldier reporters" in the battle position 丨34 years like a day, stationed on the top of Mount Tai "olive green"!

There are no holidays in the dictionary of soldiers

Only to wait for the rest and defend the country

The officers and soldiers on duty in Taishan interpreted it with actions

The meaning of "perseverance for decades"

Their posts are mundane

But they are using their youth and devotion

Write the loyal responsibility of the iron and blood pill heart!

Shuangjie walked grassroots "soldier reporters" in the battle position 丨34 years like a day, stationed on the top of Mount Tai "olive green"!

▲ The column "Learning the Ideology of Strengthening the Army, Making Meritorious Contributions to the Military Cause" 丨 Soldiers wrote military drills, and the situational education course won full applause

▲ "Learning the Thinking of Strengthening the Army, Making Meritorious Contributions to the Military Industry" column丨Integrate into the "three flavors" of this "educational feast", the more "taste" the more flavorful!

▲ "Study the Ideology of Strengthening the Army, Make Meritorious Contributions to the Military Cause" column | Make good use of the "small lecture hall" and play a "big role"!

▲ "Study the thinking of strengthening the army, make meritorious contributions and strengthen the military cause" column丨Grasp learning with one hand and do with the other, and forge a loyal soul and the ability to win battles!

(This article is an original article of the Shandong Armed Police, please contact for authorization for reprinting)

Producer: Zhao Mengjiang

Editor-in-chief: Li Qingling and Wang Yihai

Responsible editor: Yang Yiming

Editor-on-duty: Wang Yu

Submission email: [email protected]

WeChat: zhz834585813

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