
The US drug crisis: the proliferation of new drugs, hordes of drug users on the streets like "lost" the siege!

author:Poetic Apple EXI

Recently, street photos of Philadelphia, USA, caused a sensation on the Internet, with groups of drug addicts bending over the city, like a group of "zombies" besieging the city. Behind this sight is the nationwide proliferation of a large animal tranquilizer called "xylazine." This drug abuse can cause symptoms such as difficulty breathing and loss of consciousness, and is nicknamed "zombie medicine". According to statistics, the number of deaths due to overdose of tolazine has increased exponentially in recent years. Let's dive into the street plight created by this drug crisis.

The US drug crisis: the proliferation of new drugs, hordes of drug users on the streets like "lost" the siege!

The sight of drug addicts in street photos bending over like "zombies" spread rapidly on the Internet. These people were addicted to the abuse of a large animal sedative called "xylazine," which caused serious health problems such as difficulty breathing and loss of consciousness. Therefore, people jokingly call it "zombie medicine". Not just Philadelphia, the drug epidemic in the United States has turned Kensington Avenue in the heart of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania's largest city, into a "zombie land." It has become a hotspot for drug trade and use, bringing serious safety and health problems to local residents and communities.

The US drug crisis: the proliferation of new drugs, hordes of drug users on the streets like "lost" the siege!

According to statistics, in New York City alone, 2,668 people died in 2021 due to the use of xylazine. The figures are staggering and raise deep concerns about the drug crisis. A study in the famous medical journal The Lancet predicts that if the United States does not take new measures catalyzed by tolthiazide, about 1.22 million Americans will die from this drug use by 2029, the highest number in the world.

The US drug crisis: the proliferation of new drugs, hordes of drug users on the streets like "lost" the siege!

The dangers of the proliferation and abuse of drugs cannot be underestimated. It not only destroys the lives and health of individuals, but also has a huge negative impact on communities and societies. Urgent measures are needed to curb the spread of drugs and to provide more resources for rehabilitation and rehabilitation. Behind the drug crisis lie deeper social problems, such as poverty, unemployment and social tearing. Tackling the drug problem requires the joint efforts of the whole of society, including governments, community-based organizations, medical institutions and the general public. Only through integrated and targeted measures can we effectively address the challenge of the drug epidemic and create a safer and healthier social environment.

The US drug crisis: the proliferation of new drugs, hordes of drug users on the streets like "lost" the siege!

On this issue of human life and well-being, we need to strengthen international cooperation and work together to combat the drug problem. It is only through global cooperation and joint efforts that we can effectively curb the drug epidemic and create a safer and healthier world.

The US drug crisis: the proliferation of new drugs, hordes of drug users on the streets like "lost" the siege!

Let us pay attention to and act together, and call on governments, social institutions and individuals to pay more attention to and respond to the drug problem. Only by working together can we create a bright future for our society where drugs have nowhere to hide.

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