
The transportation post establishment is facing the "backward tide", and the staff in the staff has begun to leave, and stability is no longer important

author:Qian Tu Hanmo
The transportation post establishment is facing the "backward tide", and the staff in the staff has begun to leave, and stability is no longer important

Compilation is a form of work that many people dream of. Preparation usually means stable income, good benefits, a relaxed environment, and a guaranteed retirement. But is such a good life really suitable for everyone?

This phenomenon is known as the "inverted sticking tide". In this case, stability is no longer important, and many staff members are beginning to choose to leave in search of better development opportunities.

The transportation post establishment is facing the "backward tide", and the staff in the staff has begun to leave, and stability is no longer important

Why is there a "reverse sticking tide" in the establishment of transport posts?

The establishment of transportation posts mainly refers to those workers engaged in public transportation services such as railways, shipping, and subways.

The nature of their work belongs to public institutions and they enjoy the wages and benefits prescribed by the State within the establishment. However, their income levels are much lower than other industries under the same conditions for several reasons:

The transportation post establishment is facing the "backward tide", and the staff in the staff has begun to leave, and stability is no longer important

The transportation sector is a highly monopolistic and regulated industry, and the number of establishments is strictly controlled and distributed.

Many transportation positions are the most basic employees, without job salaries and performance bonuses, and can only rely on basic wages and seniority wages to survive. Moreover, because there are few and better leadership positions at the top, the promotion opportunities are very limited, and it is difficult to make a breakthrough.

The transportation post establishment is facing the "backward tide", and the staff in the staff has begun to leave, and stability is no longer important

They have to face complex passenger flow, cargo flow, road conditions and other situations to ensure traffic safety, smooth flow and punctuality.

They are responsible for the response and handling of various emergencies, such as weather changes, equipment failures, customer complaints, etc. They also have to bear the threat of various occupational diseases and injuries, such as noise, radiation, pollution, fatigue, etc.

The transportation post establishment is facing the "backward tide", and the staff in the staff has begun to leave, and stability is no longer important

For example, in the mixed ownership reform promoted in recent years, many state-owned transportation enterprises have introduced social capital.

As a result, the original staffing staff were converted into contract workers or joint-stock employees, losing their original guarantees and benefits.

The transportation post establishment is facing the "backward tide", and the staff in the staff has begun to leave, and stability is no longer important

The income level of transport staff is not proportional to their workload, work difficulty, work risk, or even insufficient to meet their basic living needs, especially in first-tier cities and developed areas.

As a result, they have to "pour" money from their own or their family's savings to subsidize their work, forming a phenomenon of "upside-down tide".

The transportation post establishment is facing the "backward tide", and the staff in the staff has begun to leave, and stability is no longer important

Why did the transport staff choose to leave?

Although the transport post personnel are facing the dilemma of "backward sticking tide", they have not given up their ideals and pursuits.

The personnel of the transportation post have accumulated certain experience and skills in their work, and also have certain social resources and contacts. They can use these strengths to switch careers to other industries or fields in search of higher-paying, promising, and more exciting jobs.

The transportation post establishment is facing the "backward tide", and the staff in the staff has begun to leave, and stability is no longer important

For example, some people choose to go to private enterprises or foreign-funded enterprises, some people choose to start a business or freelancing, and some people choose to go to civil servants or public institutions.

Transport staff are often subject to great restrictions and constraints in their work, and cannot give full play to their potential and creativity.

The transportation post establishment is facing the "backward tide", and the staff in the staff has begun to leave, and stability is no longer important

They are eager to improve their knowledge and professional ability, expand their horizons and thinking, and realize their values and ideals through learning and growth.

For example, some people choose to go to further study or graduate school, some choose to go abroad or travel, and some choose to participate in social welfare or volunteer activities.

The transportation post establishment is facing the "backward tide", and the staff in the staff has begun to leave, and stability is no longer important

The main motivation for the departure of transport staff is the pursuit of higher and more comprehensive satisfaction of needs, including physical, spiritual and emotional aspects.

They are no longer satisfied with a stable and mediocre life, but want to achieve self-improvement and self-realization through change.

The transportation post establishment is facing the "backward tide", and the staff in the staff has begun to leave, and stability is no longer important

What is the impact of the departure of transport staff?

The departure of transport staff is an individual behavior, but it can also have a certain impact on society. These impacts can be analyzed from the following aspects:

For individuals, leaving can have a positive or negative impact. Positive impact means that after leaving the job, individuals can achieve higher income, more learning, better health, etc., which can improve their life satisfaction and happiness.

The transportation post establishment is facing the "backward tide", and the staff in the staff has begun to leave, and stability is no longer important

The negative impact is that after leaving the job, individuals may face greater competition, more uncertainty, less security, etc., thereby increasing their own life stress and risks.

Therefore, when deciding whether to leave, individuals should carefully consider their actual situation and expected goals, and make reasonable choices and plans.

The transportation post establishment is facing the "backward tide", and the staff in the staff has begun to leave, and stability is no longer important

For organizations, leaving can have a negative or positive impact. Negative impact means that after resignation, the unit may lose some excellent employees with experience, skills and connections, which will affect the business level and service quality of the unit.

Positive impact means that after resignation, the unit may introduce some innovative employees with new blood, new thinking and new models, thereby promoting the reform and development of the unit.

The transportation post establishment is facing the "backward tide", and the staff in the staff has begun to leave, and stability is no longer important

Therefore, when responding to the departure of employees, the unit should actively take measures, such as improving treatment, optimizing the environment, increasing incentives, etc., to retain and attract outstanding talents.

For society, leaving can have a positive or negative impact. Positive impact means that after leaving the job, the society can promote the flow and allocation of talents, and form a more reasonable and efficient human resources market.

The transportation post establishment is facing the "backward tide", and the staff in the staff has begun to leave, and stability is no longer important

The negative impact refers to the waste and imbalance of talents in the society after leaving the job, resulting in talent gaps and faults in some important fields and positions.

Therefore, when guiding employees to leave, the society should adhere to the principle of fairness and standardization, such as establishing a sound system, standardized procedures, public information, etc., to protect the legitimate rights and interests of employees and the public interests of society.

The transportation post establishment is facing the "backward tide", and the staff in the staff has begun to leave, and stability is no longer important


We should analyze the causes, impacts and countermeasures of this phenomenon from multiple angles, not only respecting the choices and pursuits of individuals, but also considering the interests and development of units, and paying more attention to social stability and progress.

Only in this way can we achieve sustainable development in the field of transportation and the optimization of the talent team.

The transportation post establishment is facing the "backward tide", and the staff in the staff has begun to leave, and stability is no longer important

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