
After graduating from a major university, I gave massages to people in the clubhouse, with a monthly salary of 60,000 yuan

author:Ten o'clock portraits
After graduating from a major university, I gave massages to people in the clubhouse, with a monthly salary of 60,000 yuan
After graduating from a major university, I gave massages to people in the clubhouse, with a monthly salary of 60,000 yuan

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Ten points of character history original

Three years ago, because his father was diagnosed with mid-stage lung cancer, Xiaozhang's life plan was completely disrupted.

Xiaozhang is 27 years old this year and his hometown is in Xiangyang, Hubei Province. Since his grandfather is a barefoot doctor, Xiaozhang has had a dream of being a doctor since he was a child. After graduating from Hubei University of Chinese Medicine with a major in Chinese medicine, he interned in a hospital while preparing for graduate school.

However, a letter from my father changed everything. When the whole family was desperate for money, Xiaozhang had no choice but to interrupt his studies, began to look for a job, and eventually joined a foot bath club in Guangzhou and became a massage technician.

At a time when more and more college students are becoming blue-collar workers, Xiao Zhang's transformation from a preparatory doctor to a massage technician still causes many puzzles, sighs and strange eyes. The high salary return brought by being a technician solved the urgent needs of Xiaozhang's family, but it also made him farther and farther away from his former dream of being a doctor.

In the past three years, frustration and struggle, contentment and compromise have been repeated in Xiaozhang's heart. In the end, he chose to accept the road under his feet, and believed that as long as he was attentive and diligent enough, he could make a breakthrough in any industry.

The following is organized according to the description of the small chapter.

After graduating from a major university, I gave massages to people in the clubhouse, with a monthly salary of 60,000 yuan

Ten years of hard reading, a broken dream

My grandfather was a respected barefoot doctor in the village. When I was very young, my grandfather taught me to read herbs and read medical books. Influenced by my grandfather, becoming a doctor has always been my dream.

After graduating from a major university, I gave massages to people in the clubhouse, with a monthly salary of 60,000 yuan

Grandpa's old books

In the first year of the college entrance examination, my grades were more than ten points worse than the score line of medical school, and my family and teachers advised me not to be so shaft, and other schools also had good majors. But I chose to repeat it anyway. That year, I lost a full 20 pounds, because of too much pressure, I had alopecia areata on my head at a young age, and finally was admitted to the traditional Chinese medicine major of Hubei University of Chinese Medicine with a score of 544.

Just when I thought I would make steady progress towards my dreams, reality hit me hard.

During my internship, my father was diagnosed with mid-stage lung cancer. My impression of my father has always been strong and full of breath, so when my mother called me crying and said that my father was in the middle stage of lung cancer, I was really confused.

My father had long discovered the abnormality of his body, but in order not to delay my study, he kept holding on until my mother found out that he was coughing up blood and forcibly dragged him to the hospital for examination, only to find that he was very ill.

I am the only child in the family, and my parents are ordinary farmers. When I went back on leave, I happened to see my dad coughing up blood, and he was angry when he saw me and said, "Are you coming back?" Go to school! ”

My major is five years to study, and after graduation, I have to go to the hospital for half a year of internship, during which there is no salary, only some subsidies, hundreds of yuan a month. It was only the second month of my internship, and I was preparing for graduate school, and I couldn't help my dad in the slightest during that time.

Seeing the blood my dad coughed up, tears welled up in my eyes. My father was also stunned, and after a while, he touched my face with his rough hand, saying that I should not worry, the family has money to treat the disease, and he will go to the hospital tomorrow for treatment.

The doctor said that my father's condition was quite optimistic, the cancer cells had not spread and metastasized, and they could be treated with surgery. Chemotherapy, hospitalization, surgery costs, plus later drugs and review maintenance, etc., add up to about 200,000, and medical insurance can reimburse 60%.

But my dad's attitude changed a hundred and eighty degrees. He was determined not to go to the hospital for treatment, wanting to spend his last days at home. I said all the good things ruthlessly, and my aunt and uncle also came to the house to persuade him, and my father was soaked in soft and hard for a long time, and finally told the truth. It turned out that in order to save a little more money, he and my mother did not pay medical insurance, and the family's savings were only 100,000 yuan, and they had to keep it for me to live in the future.

I had only one thought, I could not read books, but my father's illness could not be cured. My mother and I borrowed money from relatives and friends, and finally managed to make up enough money for the operation.

Dad's surgery was successful, but recovery was also a long process, and he couldn't do any more heavy physical work. Mom's health is also not good, and there are constant minor problems. My family needed money all the time, and that huge amount of money was owed, and everything weighed on my shoulders.

I desperately need to make money, I want to pay it back, I want to make my family's life better.

After graduating from a major university, I gave massages to people in the clubhouse, with a monthly salary of 60,000 yuan

Dad's convalescent medicine list

At that moment, I knew my dream of being a doctor was going to be shattered.

Studying medicine is a long process, bachelor's degree, master's degree, at least eight years to study, and then go through hospital internships and various assessments, and I can't make money at present.

I searched for jobs that fit my major on the recruitment website, but many hospitals like me who have just graduated and have no experience do not want it at all, and even if I do, the salary is very low.

Other jobs I am not eligible for and have no relevant experience.

The frustration hit me deeply. I felt like I was a waste. I even began to wonder if my years of dreaming, years of study, would it be a piece of waste paper in the end?

After graduating from a major university, I gave massages to people in the clubhouse, with a monthly salary of 60,000 yuan

From prep doctor to massage technician

Just when I was desperate to enter the factory to work, I saw a recruitment of massage technicians.

It is a high-end spa in Guangzhou, the main service is foot bath and massage, including private cinema, KTV, swimming pool and seafood buffet and other entertainment facilities, the salary is very high, the monthly salary can reach 2~30,000.

In fact, I have seen this recruitment many times, but I deliberately ignore it every time. I think I was finally admitted to a university, and I studied hard for five years in medicine, not to go to the club to give people a foot massage. My self-esteem doesn't allow me to do that.

But after two months and still couldn't find a suitable job, I was shaken. After confirming the specific time of meeting with the store manager online, I simply packed my luggage and set out on my way to Guangzhou alone. Before leaving Wuhan, I cried for more than an hour looking at the room full of medical books and various honorary trophies. It was the first time I allowed myself to be weak after my father got sick.

After graduating from a major university, I gave massages to people in the clubhouse, with a monthly salary of 60,000 yuan

Xiao Zhang's honorary certificate in school

The interview process went unexpectedly smoothly, and the store manager who interviewed me even treated me a little too respectfully and strongly invited me to work in their clubhouse.

He told me that he had worked here for more than a decade and that I was the most educated person he had ever met. The management of the older generation is all from life, not highly educated but very capable. Most of the ordinary technician positions are girls who have dropped out of junior high school and high school.

The store manager promised me that ordinary employees only had a basic salary of 8,000 in the first three months, but I had a high education, and the basic salary was 10,000 to me, plus the commission, I could have 20,000 yuan per month, and after becoming proficient, I was also given a special position as a lecturer.

I was moved, and the conditions were even better than the attending physicians in many cities. I no longer hesitated, signed the employment contract on the same day, and decided to join the company.

After graduating from a major university, I gave massages to people in the clubhouse, with a monthly salary of 60,000 yuan

Foot bath clubhouse

I told the counselor, I'm not going to graduate school, I'm going to the club to make money. He was shocked and disappointed, I had always been one of his favorite students, he never skipped in praise and expectations for me, and now, his most proud student was going to become a massage therapist, even if I talked about the difficulties at home, he couldn't accept it, just sighed, so that I would not regret it in the future.

As soon as I joined the company, my business ability was recognized by everyone.

My grandfather taught me TCM Tuina since I was a child, and there were also special courses to teach Tuina in the school for five years, so I didn't learn the massage techniques in the store after I joined the company, and worked directly according to my own methods.

After the store manager experienced it once, he was full of praise and called the leadership on the same day to let them experience my TCM Tuina. Several leaders pressed their heads, shoulders and necks, and whole bodies, and they were all very satisfied after the end, and asked me to give them a pulse and ask me what Chinese medicine I was taking if I was not feeling well. I showed them briefly and was amazed, and they kept praising me for being a great student.

I'm a little flattered. What I do is the most common thing in the Chinese medicine profession, my classmates will be, I was ordinary when I was an internship in the hospital, but I was regarded as fragrant food here.

Soon I was officially on the job, and because of my educational advantages, I was used as a signboard in the store.

The colleague in charge of reception in the front office will bring guests to me whenever they see me free. Most of the customers heard that there was actually a medical student in the massage parlor who was still specialized in Chinese medicine, and his techniques were very authentic, and he could help regulate the lesions, and they were very willing to let me serve them. 12 hours a day, my hands barely rested, and I was exhausted every day after work.

At first, because I did not change my role from a doctor to a service practitioner in time, I was often complained by customers that I had poor service attitude and no manners.

The female guest complained, "My rich bag is so serious, so ugly!" I will say in a doctor's tone, "Fugui bag does affect posture, if not treated, it is not only ugly but also affects daily life, and from the side, it will have no temperament." ”

Some guests like to massage with brute force, saying that they do not feel it if pressed lightly. But I insisted that I should use whatever force I wanted, and I couldn't press it blindly. The guest thought, I am here to enjoy the service, why do I still use your teaching? What I thought was, why don't you believe the doctor's words? After a service, both sides were unhappy.

The store manager recommended me a lot of books on how to improve my emotional intelligence and speaking skills, and he also asked me to observe my colleagues more to see how others communicate with customers.

After graduating from a major university, I gave massages to people in the clubhouse, with a monthly salary of 60,000 yuan

The "treasure book" recommended by the store manager to Xiao Zhang

After graduating from a major university, I gave massages to people in the clubhouse, with a monthly salary of 60,000 yuan

Break prejudice, the road is long and long

To be honest, I had always been very interested in this job, and I was always cold when dealing with my colleagues. Even though everyone was friendly and respectful, I liked to highlight my education in front of them as a testament to how different we were. After a long time, my colleagues have a good opinion of me.

It reached the general manager's ears, and one day, he asked me to come to his office to talk. The general manager is a kind middle-aged man with a very strong aura, giving people a sense of broad and steady security.

Under his guidance, I unconsciously opened my heart to him, talking about family affairs, the teacher's disappointment, and my own unwillingness, and my words were full of disgust for working in the clubhouse, disgust for the management and people in the clubhouse, and when the words came out, I realized that the words were too mean.

The general manager listened to me vomit, and finally said calmly, "You are indeed very good at reading, and you can apply what you have learned, but you have read books for so many years, learned so many years of knowledge, and finally you don't even know how to write the two words of respect." ”

He also said, "If you go to college, you can look down on other technicians, so if I am in a higher position than you, can I look down on you?" You found this job yourself, not we forced you to do it, and you can quit if you are really dissatisfied. ”

The words of the general manager were like a basin of cold water poured on my head. I realized that my colleagues in the store had held me too high, which made me a little unaware of the height of the sky, and the store manager was very tolerant of me. On a practical level, it's not that the job needs me, it's that I need the job.

I was red in the face and speechless. The general manager finally gave me a step, he patted me on the shoulder, said that I am still young, there are still many places to learn in the future, let me learn slowly with the store manager first.

Since then, I have said to myself, if you come well, don't find superiority in colleagues who are less educated than mine, which is ridiculous.

I began to observe the daily work of my colleagues and found that people who can do this job well must not only have good skills, but also high emotional intelligence and high patience. Each line has the professional ethics of each line, no one is easy, everyone is running to support their families, and they have endured many grievances and helplessness.

After putting my mind right, my service is getting better and better, my guests are becoming more and more satisfied, they have some headaches and brain fever during the massage, and I can teach them simple physiotherapy methods. After three months, I have a lot more regular customers.

Gradually, my business colleagues beat my reputation and the number of customers looking for me doubled again and again, so as soon as the store manager slapped the table, I became a senior masseur and lecturer in the store, with a separate office and price list. The basic salary has risen to 15,000, and the daily appointment can be full, and my average salary has reached about 30,000~40,000 per month.

In the month at most, I earned 60,000 yuan. It was the Spring Festival of one year, the branch opened, and many technicians were sent to the new store, and the end of the year was originally the resignation season, resulting in an extreme shortage of people in the store.

Seeing that the store manager was burning his eyebrows in a hurry, I took the initiative to stay. That month, I hardly had any time off, from opening at eleven in the morning until closing at three in the morning, working 15 hours a day, staying up so sallow that I was walking on cotton, my heart was pounding, and I was afraid that one day I would die suddenly at work.

Fortunately, the rewards were also huge, I broke the employee income record and got a salary that I didn't dare to think about before entering the industry.

With my precedent, the headquarters also discussed that it was ready to recruit some medical students from one university and train a group of senior physical therapists to sit in each store.

They go to school to preach and give high salaries, but the results are not satisfactory. Some students asked their instructor in person, "Can anyone come to our school to recruit?" ”

But they haven't given up and are still refining their recruitment plan. The general manager said that he saw hope in me, every position needs highly educated talents, and the health industry is no exception, they need new ideas and new blood.

Before I knew it, prejudice and discrimination against this job had long been forgotten by me.

I'm not ashamed to talk about my work, but whenever I say it, people always sigh.

Even my father couldn't help but sigh, after studying medicine for five years, he didn't become a doctor in the end, and his skills were wasted.

After graduating from a major university, I gave massages to people in the clubhouse, with a monthly salary of 60,000 yuan

After becoming a massage technician, Dad gave Xiaozhang a birthday gift, hoping that he could continue his postgraduate studies

I don't care in front of people, saying that I am very satisfied with my current life, but once I pick up the books I used to have, I can't beat melancholy.

Most of my classmates are on the road to becoming doctors, and it seems that I am the only one left behind.

I tried to invite former classmates to join my team, but no matter how good the benefits were, they would not hesitate to decline.

Everyone has a tinted glass to the industry: having a medical student from a good university go to a clubhouse as a masseur is a quagmire.

Because the classmates were connected with the counselor, the counselor called me angrily, saying that I have completely forgotten my original intention of becoming a doctor, only money in my eyes, and not everyone is like me, and easily gave up their ideals, so that I should not shake the determination of those students who want to become doctors.

Gradually, my relationship with my classmates also faded.

I have been working for almost three years, I have no financial pressure, all the arrears have been paid, and my father's follow-up recovery effect is relatively good, although my body is not as good as before, but it is still stable. I also bought a scooter to take my parents around, paid my parents back to agricultural insurance and medical insurance, and renovated the dilapidated house in my hometown.

I didn't know the hard work of making money before, but standing on the shoulders of my parents and looking at the world, I always felt that the world was beautiful. It was not until I experienced the parting of life and death that I understood the preciousness of life, the hard work of making money, and the necessity of saving money.

Now I love my job, my colleagues, and am grateful to every guest who has trusted me.

Occasionally, when I empty myself, I think of the dreams I once had, and a shapeless sigh will inexplicably spread in my heart.

But I don't regret the path I chose.

It's been three years since I got off track, and I can't fulfill my original dream. I can't be a good "Zhang Doctor", but I can be a good "Zhang Technician", and I can use my expertise to do better and better in other fields.

Everyone has their own path to go. Whether you are a doctor or a technician, as long as you are attentive and diligent, you can also gain the respect of others and shine in the industry you are in.

The first picture comes from the TV series "Back Wave".

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