
3 border guards on daily patrol were buried in avalanches, all died heroically, the youngest was only 17 years old, when the rescue team found them, the 3 hugged each other tightly, seventeen years old is still a child, you become a soldier

author:Double Profit Hardware Store

Three border guards were buried in an avalanche during their daily patrol

All died heroically, the youngest was only 17 years old

When the rescue team found them, the three hugged each other tightly

Seventeen is still a kid You become a hero of the warrior to protect the country Really look at crying [tears] [tears] [tears]

It is a pity that God is too unfair, this makes parents how to live, see once cry once [tears] [tears] [tears]

Go to the territory to repay the grace of the country. Donate your life for the country. British celebrities have been loyal to their compatriots for thousands of generations!!!!! #Touching story sharing# #向英雄, salute! # #感动人间的故事#

3 border guards on daily patrol were buried in avalanches, all died heroically, the youngest was only 17 years old, when the rescue team found them, the 3 hugged each other tightly, seventeen years old is still a child, you become a soldier
3 border guards on daily patrol were buried in avalanches, all died heroically, the youngest was only 17 years old, when the rescue team found them, the 3 hugged each other tightly, seventeen years old is still a child, you become a soldier
3 border guards on daily patrol were buried in avalanches, all died heroically, the youngest was only 17 years old, when the rescue team found them, the 3 hugged each other tightly, seventeen years old is still a child, you become a soldier
3 border guards on daily patrol were buried in avalanches, all died heroically, the youngest was only 17 years old, when the rescue team found them, the 3 hugged each other tightly, seventeen years old is still a child, you become a soldier
3 border guards on daily patrol were buried in avalanches, all died heroically, the youngest was only 17 years old, when the rescue team found them, the 3 hugged each other tightly, seventeen years old is still a child, you become a soldier

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