
7 simple and easy-to-make nutritious breakfast for lazy people, learn to never go to a breakfast restaurant again

author:Human pyrotechnics pyL

Morning is the beginning of the day and the time when our body is most awake and energetic, so the morning after waking up is known as the "golden hour"

The so-called "the season of the year is in spring, and the season of the day is in the morning" is familiar to everyone!

7-9 am is the best time to eat breakfast, and it is also the best time for the body to absorb nutrients, develop good eating habits in order to have a healthy life...

Today I will share with you some nutritious and healthy, simple and easy-to-use delicious breakfast!

The first type: clear noodle soup

7 simple and easy-to-make nutritious breakfast for lazy people, learn to never go to a breakfast restaurant again

Figure 1

7 simple and easy-to-make nutritious breakfast for lazy people, learn to never go to a breakfast restaurant again

Figure 2

How many times have you woken up early for this bowl of clear noodle soup, and you can get a bowl of clear noodle soup in a few minutes.....don't look at the ordinary real huge fragrance!! Lard is simply the soul! If you like to eat fresh, you can also add some seaweed or dried shrimp... So fresh that there are no friends hhh...

Approach: See Figure 2

Soup base: 2 spoons light soy sauce, half a spoonful of dark soy sauce, half a spoonful of lard (if there is no lard, you can replace it with sesame oil), ground black pepper, a pinch of salt, sugar, chopped green onion, and rinse into half a bowl of boiling water!!

Poached eggs: After boiling, turn off the heat, beat the eggs, cover and stuff for 2 minutes to set, then turn on low heat and cook for 2 minutes.....

Finally, the noodles are cooked, put in a soup bowl, and you're done ✅... delicious, nutritious and burden-free

The second: milk ham omelettes

7 simple and easy-to-make nutritious breakfast for lazy people, learn to never go to a breakfast restaurant again

Figure 3

7 simple and easy-to-make nutritious breakfast for lazy people, learn to never go to a breakfast restaurant again

Figure 4

The most frequently made breakfast at home! Knock soft chives and ham omelettes! Hello~ Friends, I'm coming!

Today I will share with you that I made milk chives and ham quiches for breakfast! It is the most commonly made breakfast cake at home! It is particularly soft, full of milk and green onion aroma...

Ingredients: Milk/flour/eggs/chopped green onion/ham sausage/

Approach: See Figure 4

Then try to dilute it a little Oh, it's more delicious...

The third type: corn nori rice balls

7 simple and easy-to-make nutritious breakfast for lazy people, learn to never go to a breakfast restaurant again

Figure 5

Because of this rice ball........I am famous in the circle of friends!! I was a little lazy today, so I made a random rice ball to take to the company to eat!! As soon as my colleagues saw this, they came to me and asked me where I bought it!!

If you're going out for a picnic or too lazy to stir-fry, you must try this! It's really refreshing and delicious!! It is also sweet with corn kernels!! The refreshing taste of cucumber is very rich in one bite!!

Ingredients: cucumber, luncheon meat, corn, crushed nori seaweed, salad dressing.......


1. Cook rice and set aside.

2. Boil the corn kernels and fry the lunch meat until browned.

3. Add cucumber, minced seaweed, corn kernels, luncheon meat, and squeeze some salad dressing.

4. Mix well and knead into rice balls.......#家常快手菜[Topic]#

Fourth: carrot hash browns

7 simple and easy-to-make nutritious breakfast for lazy people, learn to never go to a breakfast restaurant again

Figure 6

Breaking the defense of the family, the potatoes are really fragrant like this!!

Treasures with potatoes at home, go and try this!! Carrot potato cake fragrant cry me hhh, salty and fragrant, sweet and soft, when breakfast is really proper food, the method is simple, a look will be.....

Ingredients: potatoes, carrots, flour, eggs~

Method: Blanch shredded potatoes for 1 minute, blanch carrots for 1 minute, add an appropriate amount of flour, eggs, chopped green onion, a little salt and chicken essence and pepper, stir well with a little water, heat the batter into the pan and press it with a spatula to form a cake, fry until golden brown on both sides!! #美食日常[Topic]#

The fifth type: leek egg potstickers

7 simple and easy-to-make nutritious breakfast for lazy people, learn to never go to a breakfast restaurant again

Figure 7

Leek egg potstickers are a favorite of adults and children....

Ingredients: leeks, eggs, chaos skin


1. Put a little oil to scrambled eggs, chop non-vegetables, add 2 spoons of sesame oil and mix well, pour in the cool eggs.

2. Add seasoning: put a little salt, half a spoonful of five-spice powder and oyster sauce,

Stir well....

3. Roll up the prepared filling with some water around the wonton wrapper.

(5) Fry in a pan over low heat and fry until golden brown on both sides....#天天晒早餐[Chao Talk]# #What to eat for breakfast#

Sixth: homemade xiaolongbao

7 simple and easy-to-make nutritious breakfast for lazy people, learn to never go to a breakfast restaurant again

Figure 8

7 simple and easy-to-make nutritious breakfast for lazy people, learn to never go to a breakfast restaurant again

Figure 9

Large! Large! It's delicious, please do it!! Baozi, who can refuse this low-calorie xiaolongbao with thin skin and a lot of filling!! Full of filling, a small one is so cute.....simple noodles without kneading, so suitable for us workers!!

Ingredients: dumpling skin, carrots, ham sausage, eggs, corn kernels.

Approach: 1; Blanch corn kernels and carrots, beat eggs and blanch water, dice ham sausage, add 1 spoonful of oyster sauce, salt and black pepper, stir well.....

2; Roll out the dumpling skin thinly, wrap it in the filling, wrap it...

3. Steam on cold water for about 10 minutes to eat~ #xiaolongbao# #corn kernels#

Seventh: lettuce rolls

7 simple and easy-to-make nutritious breakfast for lazy people, learn to never go to a breakfast restaurant again

Figure 10

I want to tell the world! This giant refreshing and delicious !! Be sure to try this lettuce roll!

Dipped in the sour and spicy sauce, it is crisp and refreshing from the inside out... It is so satisfying to have a rich filling in one bite!!

It can be done in a few minutes, the feeling of satiety is very strong, when the breakfast is ready.....

Ingredients: lettuce, potatoes, cucumbers, carrots, instant chicken breast...


1. Sauce: minced garlic, chili noodles, white sesame seeds drizzled with hot oil, add 2 spoons of light soy sauce, 2 spoons of balsamic vinegar, half a spoon of oyster sauce and stir well~

2. Grasped vegetables, cut chicken breast into strips~

3. Blanch the shredded potatoes for 2 minutes~

4. Pour in shredded carrots and blanch for 2 minutes~

5; Pour in lettuce and blanch for 30 seconds and take out~

Then spread the ingredients on the lettuce and roll it up from the root #Lettuce roll ✅#

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