
Roxelana Schream, the woman behind Suleiman - A brief history of Ottoman

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Suleiman the Great became depressed and silent, losing his former vigor and vitality. He enclosed himself in the depths of the palace, immersed in memories and pain, and gradually distanced himself from state affairs.

The border problems of the Ottoman Empire became more serious, the various territories rebelled frequently, and the governance of the country became increasingly chaotic. Suleiman the Great once led the empire to win glorious battles, but now he has no intention of dealing with government affairs, and the decline of the country is irreparable.

Roxelana Schream, the woman behind Suleiman - A brief history of Ottoman

At the same time, political corruption within the Ottoman Empire was rampant. The influence of Sultan Xurem still existed, making the interference of the harem the norm, and various eunuchs and ministers vied for power and profit, unscrupulously. Suleiman the Magnificent's authority was gradually dismantled, and the country's ruling institutions became chaotic.

Eventually, Suleiman the Great died silently in his palace. His death marked the official end of the heyday of the Ottoman Empire. Under his rule, the empire has become one of the most powerful countries in the world, with a vast territory and a prosperous culture.

However, with his death, the Ottoman Empire fell into internal and external difficulties. Power struggles, corruption, and territorial loss became more prominent, and the future of the empire was full of uncertainty.

Roxelana Schream, the woman behind Suleiman - A brief history of Ottoman

The sons of Sultan Xurem, although they once held power, could not stop the decline of the empire. The Ottoman Empire eventually faded in later years until it ceased to exist.

The life of Sultan Roxelana/Xurem is like a picture of history, full of glory and shadow, intrigue and tragedy. Her ambition and ingenuity helped her rise to the pinnacle of power, but eventually led to the decline of herself and the empire she was attached to.

This story reminds us that the temptation of power often comes with great risk, and that focusing too much on power can lead to neglecting the interests of the country and its people. At the same time, history teaches us that the choices and actions of each individual can have a profound impact on the fate of an entire nation.

Roxelana Schream, the woman behind Suleiman - A brief history of Ottoman

The life of Sultan Xurem has left a complex and multifaceted legend, and her story is still discussed and interpreted in history, becoming a historical figure full of controversy and thought. Her life is full of lessons and revelations, and it also makes us reflect on the relationship between power and human nature, and the hidden stories behind history.

As Sultan Xurem drew to a close, she looked back on her achievements and regrets. She was one of the few rulers in the history of the Ottoman Empire and one of the few female sultans. Her political intelligence and decisive decisions shaped the fate of the empire, but it all came at a cost.

Under her rule, the Ottoman Empire expanded its territory and possessed vast territory, but at the same time, internal corruption and power struggles also spread, and the people's livelihood was difficult. She maintained the empire's international standing through clever diplomacy, but she also fell into the vortex of political intrigue.

Roxelana Schream, the woman behind Suleiman - A brief history of Ottoman

As she grew older, her desire for power waned and she began to reflect on her decisions and actions. She tried to change the country's domestic and foreign policies and reduce the interference of court politics, but the empire was already in an irreparable predicament.

Sultan Xurem eventually chose to retire, stay away from politics, and seek inner peace. She dedicates most of her time to philanthropy and cultural activities, supporting arts and education to make up for her political lapses.

For the rest of her life, she also tried to build closer relationships with her family, making up for neglected affection due to political affairs. She spends time with her children, trying to impart wisdom to them about leadership and life.

Roxelana Schream, the woman behind Suleiman - A brief history of Ottoman

Although Sultan Xureim's life was full of twists and turns, she eventually found reconciliation in her efforts to find inner peace. Her story also reminds us that while power is important, inner harmony and family warmth are equally important. Her saga will continue to influence future generations and become a complex and thought-provoking figure in history.

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