
Jackie Chan's illegitimate daughter Xiaolongnu: Rejected in life, giving up everything to get a new life

author:Wise Yan Anqing

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Jackie Chan's illegitimate daughter Xiaolongnu: Rejected in life, giving up everything to get a new life

Without the love of his father Jackie Chan and the contempt of his mother Wu Qili, Wu Zhuolin grew up under the mocking gaze of the world.

She has been called "Little Dragon Girl" in the circle since she was a child, and Wu Zhuolin's title of "Little Dragon Girl" doomed her life to be tragic.

Jackie Chan's illegitimate daughter Xiaolongnu: Rejected in life, giving up everything to get a new life

As Jackie Chan's illegitimate daughter, it makes sense that she is not loved by her father, but why shouldn't she be loved by her mother? There is no other reason. Wu Qili's mother wants to use her children to become leaders. How will she heal her scars and restart her life?

Wu Qili is infatuated with love and wants to take power

The young Wu Qili has a beautiful figure and outstanding appearance. At a young age, he even won the "Miss Asia" beauty pageant

Jackie Chan's illegitimate daughter Xiaolongnu: Rejected in life, giving up everything to get a new life

Against superstar Jackie Chan, the little girl couldn't help but be moved. What's more, Jackie Chan is used to pleasing others. At that time, girls loved Jackie Chan, a talented and humorous person.

In order to get this "beautiful bird", Jackie Chan spent crazy money on Wu Qili. The latest clothes, bags, jewelry, and shoes of the season are all in Wu Qili's hands.

Wu Qili has no worries all her life. If he wants something that interests him, he just needs to swipe the unlimited cards provided by Jackie Chan.

Jackie Chan's illegitimate daughter Xiaolongnu: Rejected in life, giving up everything to get a new life

Wu Qili's cooperation with Jackie Chan is progressing smoothly. People in the circle regard Wu Qili as Jackie Chan's "canary" and respect him very much. If these people don't follow his path, Wu Qili will avoid them, and they don't dare to say anything.

Not to mention that Jackie Chan was filmed abroad, and he went to China halfway through the movie, because Wu Qili wanted to meet Jackie Chan.

It can be said that because of Wu Qili's words, the filming of the entire crew was suspended.

Jackie Chan's illegitimate daughter Xiaolongnu: Rejected in life, giving up everything to get a new life

Wu Qili was always scolded when she was a child: Why are you still alive? You are just as disgusting as your father. It all came out of her mother's mouth, and those who didn't know thought she had been deceived.

Being caught in the heat may have already distorted Wu Qili's psychology, so being able to become a mistress despised by the world is nothing to her at all. Money and love are enough, but what about fame? It doesn't really matter.

Although Jackie Chan later revealed that he had a family, Wu Qili still chose to be with Jackie Chan. Even as a mistress, Wu Qili is willing to stay with Jackie Chan.

Jackie Chan's illegitimate daughter Xiaolongnu: Rejected in life, giving up everything to get a new life

There are countless women around Jackie Chan, and Wu Qili is just one of them, but Wu Qili feels that he is unique and he can change. But for romantic men, love comes and goes quickly. Jackie Chan's novelty towards Wu Qili soon disappeared, and Wu Qili was immersed in the fantasy of beautiful love alone. This beautiful dream is over, but Wu Qili does not want to wake up.

Soon after, Wu Qili found that she had no appetite for some meat dishes and often vomited. He thought about taking a test, but he didn't expect that things were just as Wu Qili thought - she was pregnant.

Jackie Chan's illegitimate daughter Xiaolongnu: Rejected in life, giving up everything to get a new life

After Jackie Chan learned the news, he felt that Wu Qili wanted to threaten him with this child. Before Wu Qili could speak, Jackie Chan immediately said: "Beat this child for 100 million, and never appear in front of me again." ”

Wu Qili couldn't believe Jackie Chan's words, and was speechless for a while. Jackie Chan left after speaking, without giving Wu Qili any time to refute.

"He never came to see me," Wu accused Jackie Chan of acting recklessly on the show. During the ten months of pregnancy, Wu Qili looked for clues about Jackie Chan, but how did Wu Qili find the rich and powerful Jackie Chan?

Jackie Chan's illegitimate daughter Xiaolongnu: Rejected in life, giving up everything to get a new life

Held a press conference to expose Jackie Chan's corrupt private life

In order to meet Jackie Chan, she tried everything she could, but failed. So she was forced to hold a press conference.

Wu Qili, wearing loose maternity clothes, shows an image of weakness and vulnerability in front of the camera, but dares to fight for the truth. When asked by reporters, Wu Qili nodded and whispered what Jackie Chan had done to her.

Wu Qili's weak image suddenly became a victim of this matter, and the fact that she swore poison on the spot further confirmed the authenticity of her words. Jackie Chan suddenly became the object of public criticism.

Jackie Chan's illegitimate daughter Xiaolongnu: Rejected in life, giving up everything to get a new life

However, the real leader Lin Fengjiao rose at this time, and public opinion reversed. From the beginning, everyone criticized Jackie Chan, until someone criticized Wu Qili for knowing three things.

Lin Fengjiao is very generous in this matter, and is even willing to help Jackie Chan speak.

Jackie Chan didn't expect his wife to support him, so he frantically compensated Lin Fengjiao, and the relationship between the two quickly warmed up.

Jackie Chan's illegitimate daughter Xiaolongnu: Rejected in life, giving up everything to get a new life

Compared with Lin Fengjiao's generosity, Wu Qili's desperate behavior makes people feel that she has no sense of self as a master, like a disgusting clown. Some media even published articles saying that Wu Qili was suspected of suffering from mental illness.

Wu Qili couldn't believe it, he didn't expect that the pressure of public opinion did not change Jackie Chan's mind.

So she turned her attention to the unborn child in her womb, believing that mothers are more precious than children, and it is impossible for Jackie Chan not to care about his children.

In this way, Wu Zhuolin was born, but Jackie Chan never met him or even said hello. At this time, Wu Qili may really be crazy, and Wu Zhuolin's more painful life begins.

Jackie Chan's illegitimate daughter Xiaolongnu: Rejected in life, giving up everything to get a new life

Wu Qili insulted Wu Zhuolin: You must taste what I have suffered.

Wu Qili fled with her daughter to her mother. The mother was angry at her daughter's behavior and hated this shameless daughter even more.

Wu Qili hid at her mother's house, afraid that she would be beaten if she did something wrong. It wasn't until her mother died that Wu Qili's life got better. Wu Qili finally stopped being bullied, so he turned around and committed terrible domestic violence against Wu Zhuolin.

Jackie Chan's illegitimate daughter Xiaolongnu: Rejected in life, giving up everything to get a new life

When Wu Qili did not get her wish, he beat Wu Zhuolin and cried, accusing her of not contending, but Jackie Chan did not notice. Sometimes he locked Wu Zhuolin in his room all day and night, without food or water. Beatings were common, and his body was full of wounds.

After defeating Wu Zhuolin, he pretends to care about her, but he repeatedly mentions how difficult it is for him to reduce his debt. Wu Zhuolin lived like this for three years.

When Wu Zhuolin grew up, he couldn't stand Wu Qili's daily scolding and wanted to let Wu Qili go. So they called the police, saying that Wu Qili had abused her and that her mother had been taken away by the police, but she was detained for a short time before being released.

Jackie Chan's illegitimate daughter Xiaolongnu: Rejected in life, giving up everything to get a new life

Wu Qili wanted to change her lifestyle in the detention center, just to get out early as an excuse. After returning, she was angry with her daughter calling the police to arrest people, so she asked the Chinese "Ci Hai" to stop, indicating when she admitted her mistake and when she stopped.

In order to better control her daughter, she gave her psychotherapy drugs. After taking it several times, Wu Zhuolin found that there was an abnormality in his body and refused to take it. So the second alarm came.

Jackie Chan's illegitimate daughter Xiaolongnu: Rejected in life, giving up everything to get a new life

Not only was she uncomfortable at home, she was also tortured at school. During class, the teacher would always consciously or unintentionally mention the identity of Wu Zhuolin's illegitimate daughter and ridicule her and Wu Qili for being shameless.

After seeing the teacher's attitude, the students immediately dragged Wu Zhuolin into the forest and beat him in class. The teacher also acquiesced to his behavior and did not stop it.

Jackie Chan's illegitimate daughter Xiaolongnu: Rejected in life, giving up everything to get a new life

So Wu Zhuolin was always beaten all over at school, and his desk was full of ugly words.

"My junior's daughter, get out quickly" "It's so shameless."

In this environment, Wu Zhuolin had extreme thoughts, and she began to cut her wrists with a knife. She has no hope of living, but she cannot die. So self-harm became the only way for her to vent her depression.

Jackie Chan's illegitimate daughter Xiaolongnu: Rejected in life, giving up everything to get a new life

As he grew older, Wu Zhuolin began to try to escape his mother's control. She cut her hair short and got a tattoo. Since then, she has become the image of the "little girl", a silent complaint to her mother and the only thing she can do. Mother's revenge.

Jackie Chan's illegitimate daughter Xiaolongnu: Rejected in life, giving up everything to get a new life

Announce coming out and marry an influencer

"Little girl" Wu Zhuolin was influenced by her family and developed a deep distrust of men. Not long ago, he announced with a high-profile appearance with Andy, a female Internet celebrity 12 years older than him.

Wu Zhuolin knew his mother's disgust for such things, so he immediately fled to Canada to live with his girlfriend. The mother's eyes were split and Wu Zhuolin was cut off from living expenses.

Mr. Wu said he would rather collect garbage than return to his nightmarish home. For his mother cutting his living expenses, Wu Zhuolin just feels that he is still young and has many opportunities.

She was young and vigorous, thought she could earn money, took care of herself and her girlfriend, immediately went to Canada to get married, and even posted online to anger Wu Qili.

Jackie Chan's illegitimate daughter Xiaolongnu: Rejected in life, giving up everything to get a new life

After getting married, Wu Zhuolin was not so happy. Andy didn't have much income, but he had to make ends meet. However, Wu Zhuolin can still tolerate Andy, go out to earn money to support his family, and do the hardest physical transportation.

Although Andy had no income, she asked Wu Zhuolin to buy her precious jewelry and skincare products.

There are rumors that Andy's one-day fee is three or four times Wu Zhuolin's one-day salary, which is unaffordable for Wu Zhuolin.

So Wu Zhuolin lined up on the street to receive relief food, his eyes sunken and his body thin, while Andy was white and radiant. It can only be said that Wu Zhuolin really loves her.

Jackie Chan's illegitimate daughter Xiaolongnu: Rejected in life, giving up everything to get a new life

Many people are not optimistic about the relationship between the two. There are many news of suspected breakups on the Internet. They think that Andy is just for Wu Zhuolin's fame,

Jackie Chan's illegitimate daughter Xiaolongnu: Rejected in life, giving up everything to get a new life

However, some time ago, some netizens saw Wu Zhuolin and his wife shopping together on the street, breaking the rumors of divorce and separation, and further confirmed that Wu Zhuolin's wife did not appreciate Wu Zhuolin's traffic.

Jackie Chan's illegitimate daughter Xiaolongnu: Rejected in life, giving up everything to get a new life

The mother is no longer persistent, and Wu Zhuolin and his girlfriend live happily

The departure of her daughter finally made Wu Qili realize that she had done something wrong and began to understand and support her daughter.

The photos shared by Wu Qili on Weibo show their calm life and relaxed state of mind now.

Jackie Chan's illegitimate daughter Xiaolongnu: Rejected in life, giving up everything to get a new life

Wu Zhuolin also chose to let go of past grudges, but he couldn't forget the harm his mother caused him. Instead of being reunited with his mother, he chose to start a new life in Canada with his partner.

Life may be relatively poor, but with relatives around, no sunshine ridiculed by others, and no mother's control, this is Wu Zhuolin's happiest time.

She could choose to return home to earn money through live streaming, but he didn't. She just wanted to start a new life in a foreign country. The past is gone, and the present life is truly hers.

Jackie Chan's illegitimate daughter Xiaolongnu: Rejected in life, giving up everything to get a new life


There are big and small choices in life. When life is not even, we can choose to change it and start over.

What happened to Wu Zhuolin was the fault of the previous generation, but instead of fighting the world, Wu Zhuolin chose to leave the place he held on to and change his life.

As a mother, Wu Qili endlessly tortures her children for her own selfish desires. Wu Qili did not fulfill the responsibilities of a mother, and Jackie Chan did not fulfill the responsibilities of a husband and father.

I still hope that Wu Zhuolin can come out of the shadows and live a happier life.

Jackie Chan's illegitimate daughter Xiaolongnu: Rejected in life, giving up everything to get a new life

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