
Zhou Chuanxiong's concert was packed, but why didn't he have a place in the music scene?

author:Poetic beam Joy

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In the 2011 Suzhou concert, the seats were full, the fans sang together, and Zhou Chuanxiong appeared on the concert stage again. However, this is not his first comeback, because in early 2021, he appeared as a contestant in the second season of "The Voice of God", becoming the same mentor as Meng Meiqi. This time, he showed his musical talent in the variety show as a rookie trainee, but eventually regretted to quit, leaving many questions.

However, looking back at Zhou Chuanxiong's music career, it can be seen that he was once a popular idol singer. He was born into a wealthy family, but because of his love for music, he gave up his family's expectations, started working part-time at the age of 16 to earn tuition, and finally took the path of music. Although he once joined the "Little Tigers", he did not want to be an idol singer and chose personal development. His musical career had ups and downs, but he kept coming, composing many classic songs such as "Notepad" and "Betrayed". However, his success was accompanied by illness, and Helicobacter pylori infection caused him to lose 40 pounds, forcing him to withdraw from the music scene. Despite his later recovery, his comeback did not have the expected success as times had changed and traffic stars dominated.

Zhou Chuanxiong's concert was packed, but why didn't he have a place in the music scene?

In today's entertainment industry, the fan economy and popularity determine the fate of an artist, and Zhou Chuanxiong pays more attention to the music itself than excessive marketing and hype. He has always tried to make his own music, although not as popular as a traffic star. Although his comeback does not cause much sensation, he hopes to be recognized and accepted by the public. However, he knows his way and does not pursue a title of nothingness, but focuses on music.

Although Zhou Chuanxiong's musical talent is highly respected, success in this entertainment industry depends on the tolerance of the market. I hope that the public can re-recognize this excellent musician, and the exposure brought to him by variety shows also makes fans feel gratified. Zhou Chuanxiong is on a national tour and hopes that his music will once again set off a craze of 10,000 choruses. No matter how popular he is, he will continue to express himself with music, which is perhaps the best for him.

Zhou Chuanxiong's concert was packed, but why didn't he have a place in the music scene?

However, this concert seems a little different compared to his early glory days. Commercial performance venues became more rudimentary, without professional sound and luxurious stages. The audience was no longer enthusiastic, and there were few cheers of support and applause. Zhou Chuanxiong seems to be a craftsman, no longer the "heavenly king-level" idol that was all the rage back then.

However, this did not dampen his obsession with music. Although the commercial performance scene is not as good as the previous large-scale concerts, he is still fully engaged and sings hard. This dedication and love of music is moving. He faced a serious illness at one point, but still stuck to his musical dreams.

Unlike the current trend in the entertainment industry, Zhou Chuanxiong is not a traffic star and does not have a huge fan base. His name may be blurring in the public eye, but he doesn't care. His musical talent is real, without excessive packaging and hype, he focuses on the music itself.

Zhou Chuanxiong's concert was packed, but why didn't he have a place in the music scene?

However, the entertainment industry changes rapidly, and the fan economy and popularity become indicators to measure the success of an artist. Zhou Chuanxiong may not have received large-scale exposure and popularity, but for him, music is the most important. His music is sincere, carrying his emotions and persistence.

Perhaps the current market is not tolerant of a powerful musician like Zhou Chuanxiong, but he does not stop writing and singing because of this. His music still exists, whether recognized by the public or not. He is a resilient musician who, despite his many disillusionments, does everything in his power to regenerate himself.

In variety shows, he appears as a trainee and judges himself in the face of young "mentors". Despite his regretful exit, the experience put him in the public eye again. Perhaps no one is qualified to be his teacher, because he is already an experienced musician.

Zhou Chuanxiong's concert was packed, but why didn't he have a place in the music scene?

In this era, fast lifestyles and traffic stars dominate the entertainment industry. However, Zhou Chuanxiong's musical talent should not be forgotten. His music has been a youth memory for many, and his songs have influenced countless people. Although his comeback may not have caused a sensation, his music is still there, waiting for those who appreciate sincere music to discover.

The current Zhou Chuanxiong may no longer be the "Xiaogang" of the past, nor the "king-level" idol, but he is a real musician. He still creates with his heart, enjoys music, and enjoys life. Hot or not, he will continue to express himself with music, because for him, that's what matters. I hope that the market can be more tolerant and let powerful musicians like Zhou Chuanxiong continue to inherit the true meaning of music.

Zhou Chuanxiong's concert was packed, but why didn't he have a place in the music scene?

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