
India's move is aimed at Pakistan, fanning the flames behind the United States, and the risk of nuclear war has intensified

author:Happy Miss Liu

Recently, when the United States was anxious and was considering taking military action against Iran, Iran suddenly announced that it would stop the Iranian nuclear agreement and showed its willingness to develop nuclear weapons. Just as the United States was in a dilemma, news of nuclear development in India also sparked concerns in the American media that the risk of nuclear war was increasing.

India's move is aimed at Pakistan, fanning the flames behind the United States, and the risk of nuclear war has intensified

The American magazine "National Interest" published an article pointing out that India's fire hypersonic missile test was not successful, but this move caused extreme unease in Pakistan, which is in a state of cold war with India, and led to a sharp deterioration in relations between the two countries. India does not need to reach the hypersonic speed of Russian weapons, just a quarter of Russia's, or Mach 5, to quickly reach Pakistan in 60 seconds. Therefore, India's hypersonic weapons development appears to be in response to Pakistan.

India's move is aimed at Pakistan, fanning the flames behind the United States, and the risk of nuclear war has intensified

For Pakistan, in the face of such a serious military threat, it must take action, and the risk that the development and development of nuclear weapons may trigger a nuclear war cannot be ignored.

India's move is aimed at Pakistan, fanning the flames behind the United States, and the risk of nuclear war has intensified

President Trump announced on May 8 last year that he withdrew from the Iranian nuclear agreement, which aims to prevent nuclear proliferation and nuclear weapons development. The United States began military strikes against Iran, claiming that Iran was developing nuclear weapons, so it stepped up its strikes. This forced Iran to stop complying with the relevant provisions of the JCPOA in May last year and began to develop its nuclear capabilities in response to U.S. military operations.

India's move is aimed at Pakistan, fanning the flames behind the United States, and the risk of nuclear war has intensified

By contrast, the United States has been relentlessly developing hypersonic weapons, testing them last summer on the Dewey destroyer and on land, and plans to invest heavily in research and development of the program.

The U.S. media appear intent on fanning the odds between India and Pakistan, alarming against India's series of moves on nuclear weapons. As relations between India and Pakistan have always been sensitive, the United States is trying to sow discord behind their backs, which could lead to a nuclear war between the two countries. This behavior allows the United States to benefit from the sale of weapons and equipment to India, apparently motivated by selfish motives, in order to achieve the goal of profit.

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