
"Fashion Witch" Wang Weiwei: divorced at the age of 63, in love with 27-year-old Xiao Xianrou, she became a queen


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Wang Weiwei: Not trapped by age and social determines, her path of courage

Wang Weiwei, this name has long been shining at home and abroad. From flying on the ice rink to being a leader in the fashion circle, she has used her experience to prove the attitude of "being in the blessing does not know the blessing" attitude to life. Behind all this, hidden her determination and perseverance, but also reflects her attitude towards love: no matter the cost, only for true love.

Wang Weiwei was once a leader in the domestic skating industry. With his outstanding talent and unique style, he has attracted widespread attention in the international arena several times. However, the mockery of fate hurt her and passed by the champion. This may mean the end of a career for many athletes, but Wang Weiwei chose to take a different path and devote herself to the fashion industry she also loves.

"Fashion Witch" Wang Weiwei: divorced at the age of 63, in love with 27-year-old Xiao Xianrou, she became a queen

As a rich second-generation, Wang Weiwei has everything she can choose to live comfortably. But her quest was completely different. With determination and independent personality since childhood, she chose to "go it alone". Although her family situation allows her to not worry about material life, she always insists on her dreams and pursuits. This persistence has enabled her to create extraordinary achievements in the fashion industry, and even won the title of "World Fortune Top 100".

However, on the road of love, Wang Weiwei is not so smooth. She was in love with American wealthy businessman Arthur Baker for ten years and entered the palace of marriage, but over time, the relationship between the two changed, and finally chose to divorce. This has made many people question Wang Weiwei: Why is she so successful in her career, but she has repeatedly suffered setbacks in love?

"Fashion Witch" Wang Weiwei: divorced at the age of 63, in love with 27-year-old Xiao Xianrou, she became a queen

In fact, Wang Weiwei was not depressed because of many relationships and breakups. Instead, she quickly adjusts herself to a new relationship each time. From her seven-year relationship with Rysacek to her passionate love affair with many young lads, her concept of love does not seem to be trapped by age and skin color.

This has also caused a lot of controversy. When Wang Weiwei was 63 years old, when she had a public relationship with 27-year-old Rysaček, many people questioned her choice, believing it to be a "cynical" attitude to life. But Wang Weiwei does not seem to be talking about the unexpected world, she firmly believes that as long as it is true love, age and other factors are not a problem.

"Fashion Witch" Wang Weiwei: divorced at the age of 63, in love with 27-year-old Xiao Xianrou, she became a queen

Why can Wang Weiwei insist on her choice so much without being swayed by society's conclusions? Behind this is actually her attitude towards life. From childhood to adulthood, she has always believed that life is her own, and she should not give up her pursuit for the sake of the expectations of others.


Wang Weiwei's story allows us to see that a woman, as long as she has enough determination and courage, can completely walk a different life path. Whether in career or love, she has proved a truth in her own way: life, should not be bound by age, gender, social determines, and truly living yourself is the most beautiful attitude to life.

"Fashion Witch" Wang Weiwei: divorced at the age of 63, in love with 27-year-old Xiao Xianrou, she became a queen

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Wang Weiwei's choice: refute the social definition of love

Every time Wang Weiwei's relationship is made public, it will cause an uproar in society. Those gossip, for her, was like a temporary wind, although it briefly disrupted her life, but it would never shake her determination. As she said, "What do you wonder what you have to do with me?" This sentence shows her confidence and calmness in love.

Wang Weiwei's multiple love stories often become the focus of media attention. Some people say that she is looking for novelty, while others think that she is genuinely looking for true love. But in fact, what Wang Weiwei is pursuing is nothing more than a different life experience. She hopes that through these romances, she can better understand herself and find a partner who truly matches her.

"Fashion Witch" Wang Weiwei: divorced at the age of 63, in love with 27-year-old Xiao Xianrou, she became a queen

In her marriage to Arthur Baker, many people thought that Wang Weiwei had found a home. But time has shown that even if the two were once sweet, they could not resist the grind of life. And the relationship with Rysacek is more based on shared interests and life background. But as many have said, the age gap that exists between the two does present many challenges in their relationship.

However, for Wang Weiwei, falling in love is not simply about finding someone who can be with her for life. More importantly, she hopes to find someone who can truly understand her and support her. No matter what nationality, skin color, and age of the partner, as long as it can truly resonate with her, it is the best choice in Wang Weiwei's heart.

Once, Wang Weiwei said in an interview: "Love should not be limited by age, wealth or social status. Everyone has the right to pursue the love they want. This phrase also became her life motto.

Extended Thinking:

Wang Weiwei's experience reminds us that everyone has the right to choose their own path in life, and should not be subject to social prejudice and constraints. No matter which path we choose, as long as we walk steadfastly, we will always find our own happiness.

Love, too. Don't be trapped by age, color, or social status. Everyone deserves to be loved and deserves to pursue true love. We should be proud of our choices and proud of our lives.

I hope that everyone can be like Wang Weiwei, bravely pursue their dreams and fearlessly find their true love. Not afraid of external accusations and misunderstandings, just for the persistence and love in my heart.

So, are you ready to pursue your true love?

Thank you all for reading, look forward to your sharing and comments, let's live for love together!

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