
Qin Hailu's "giant baby syndrome son" is now 8 years old, and after seeing his appearance, netizens expressed some surprise

Qin Hailu's "giant baby syndrome son" is now 8 years old, and after seeing his appearance, netizens expressed some surprise



Qin Hailu, as a dazzling star in the Chinese film industry, once won the Golden Horse Award for actress for her outstanding performance, and was once known as the "first sister" of Chinese films. Recently, she has caused heated discussions in the media and the public due to her personal life issues, making her controversial and despised.

Qin Hailu's "giant baby syndrome son" is now 8 years old, and after seeing his appearance, netizens expressed some surprise

Qin Hailu's controversy stems mainly from her marriage to her current husband, Wang Xinjun. According to public reports, when Qin Hailu met Wang Xinjun and began dating, Wang Xinjun had not yet divorced his ex-wife Tang Jing. This fact has triggered questions about whether Qin Hailu has become a "junior", which has dealt a heavy blow to her reputation.

Qin Hailu's "giant baby syndrome son" is now 8 years old, and after seeing his appearance, netizens expressed some surprise

For the story behind this marriage, we need to look at it rationally. Qin Hailu is not the only reason for Wang Xinjun's divorce, and the complexity of the marriage relationship often cannot be ignored. Emotions are complex and multi-layered, and superficial reports alone cannot make a conclusion about a person's character. Problems in marriage should be resolved within the parties and within the family, and excessive comments and accusations from the outside world may not help solve the problem.

Qin Hailu's "giant baby syndrome son" is now 8 years old, and after seeing his appearance, netizens expressed some surprise

The media and the public have generated extensive heated discussions and discussions about Qin Hailu's controversial incident. In social media and news reports, people have expressed their opinions, some people support Qin Hailu, believing that she should have the right to choose her love and marriage, while others have a negative view of her, seeing her as a representative of "mistress".

Qin Hailu's "giant baby syndrome son" is now 8 years old, and after seeing his appearance, netizens expressed some surprise

Qin Hailu's marriage to Wang Xinjun was not smooth sailing. The couple experienced many difficulties and setbacks, but they also went through the ups and downs of life together. It is particularly noteworthy that Qin Hailu carried the burden of the family alone with a big belly after the unfortunate death of her husband Wang Xinjun's father and brother. This strength and determination is admirable.

Qin Hailu's "giant baby syndrome son" is now 8 years old, and after seeing his appearance, netizens expressed some surprise

The arrival of a baby is usually a joy for the family, but Qin Hailu and Wang Xinjun face a special challenge - giant baby disease. Macrobaby syndrome is a rare condition in which a newborn has a birth weight significantly higher than the normal range. Under normal circumstances, the birth weight of a newborn is between five and eight catties, but the baby born to Qin Hailu has reached as much as nine catties.

Qin Hailu's "giant baby syndrome son" is now 8 years old, and after seeing his appearance, netizens expressed some surprise

Macrobaby syndrome can pose a threat to the health of both mother and baby, as these babies are more prone to complications such as dystocia, birth trauma, postpartum hemorrhage, etc. Qin Hailu's baby needs to be born by laparotomy, which is undoubtedly a huge physical challenge and psychological pressure for her.

Qin Hailu's "giant baby syndrome son" is now 8 years old, and after seeing his appearance, netizens expressed some surprise

Under the careful care of her husband Wang Xinjun, her son's condition improved significantly, which brought infinite happiness and joy to their family. Qin Hailu showed a strong and optimistic attitude on the issue of her son's health. She no longer shies away from the topic of "giant baby disease", but bravely faces it and shares it with the public. This openness and openness has allowed more people to learn about this rare disease and has also provided encouragement and hope for others in families facing similar problems.

After the care of his parents and the treatment of doctors, Qin Hailu's son has improved significantly and his body has developed healthily. His life became happy and joyful, without the shadow of "giant baby disease". This is the result of the joint efforts of Qin Hailu and Wang Xinjun, and it is also their greatest joy.

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