
Pan Changjiang's reproduction of "Manjiang Red"? Since scoring 190 points, the audience only gives 163, honest?

author:Free Kyushu talks

Pan Changjiang, as a famous crosstalk actor, recently reproduced the classic crosstalk "Manjiang Red", but the evaluation received was not satisfactory.

Pan Changjiang's reproduction of "Manjiang Red"? Since scoring 190 points, the audience only gives 163, honest?

This article will comprehensively analyze the advantages and problems of the show and explore the reasons behind the audience evaluation.

Show highlights

In this performance of Pan Changjiang's reproduction of "Manjiang Red", he still shows his excellent crosstalk performance skills and sense of humor. The following points are commendable highlights of the show:

1. Superb acting skills: With years of acting experience, Pan Changjiang has demonstrated his accurate portrayal of characters and solid crosstalk skills.

Pan Changjiang's reproduction of "Manjiang Red"? Since scoring 190 points, the audience only gives 163, honest?

His performances are still full of lively feelings, able to evoke laughter and resonance from the audience.

2. Innovative interpretation: In this reenactment, Pan Changjiang skillfully combines modern elements to interpret classic crosstalk with popular language, expressions and movements. This innovative approach allows viewers to experience a fresh viewing experience in familiar situations.

3. Transmission of emotions: Pan Changjiang successfully conveyed the emotions of the characters to the audience through delicate performances. He is able to use rhythm and tone just right, so that the audience can feel the deep emotional resonance in the laughter.

Feedback and Disputes

However, despite Pan Changjiang's excellent performance in the performance, the audience's evaluation of his reproduction of "Manjiang Red" was not as expected.

Pan Changjiang's reproduction of "Manjiang Red"? Since scoring 190 points, the audience only gives 163, honest?

Here are the main points of contention about the show by the audience:

1. Lack of innovation and originality: Some viewers believe that Pan Changjiang's replica crosstalk lacks novelty and originality, and only copies the lines and plots of the classic version, and does not bring a new experience to the audience.

2. Repetitive and clichéd laughter: Some viewers pointed out that in Pan Changjiang's reproduction, the laughter was too repetitive and old-fashioned. They believe that this simple and crude laugh point design can no longer meet the needs of contemporary audiences, and expect a higher level and deeper humorous performance.

3. Age bias of the audience: Some viewers believe that Pan Changjiang's crosstalk style is more suitable for older audiences and less attractive to younger audiences. This led to a fragmentation of the audience and a generally lower rating of the show by younger audiences.

Pan Changjiang's reproduction of "Manjiang Red"? Since scoring 190 points, the audience only gives 163, honest?

The reason behind the audience evaluation

The reason why the audience did not have a satisfactory evaluation of Pan Changjiang's reproduction of "Manjiang Red" is not only the problem of the performance, but also related to the audience's personal background, emotional needs and aesthetic orientation. The following points are the main reasons for the difference in evaluations:

1. Personal preferences and values: Different audiences have different requirements for humorous performances, some audiences like classic funny elements, and some audiences pursue deeper human thinking. Therefore, the audience's personal preferences and values will influence their evaluation of the performance.

2. Chronological background and cultural foundation: Pan Changjiang's crosstalk works are mostly derived from the style and cultural foundation of the last century, so there may be age differences and cultural obstacles in the audience's acceptance and understanding. The audience's different chronological background and cultural foundation will have an impact on their evaluation of the performance.

Pan Changjiang's reproduction of "Manjiang Red"? Since scoring 190 points, the audience only gives 163, honest?

3. Worship and expectation: Pan Changjiang, as a famous comedian, has always been admired and expected by the audience. And worship and expectation often make the audience have high expectations and perfectionist requirements for their works, and when the performance fails to meet the standards in their minds, the evaluation will naturally be low.

Improvement and prospects

In order to improve audience satisfaction, Pan Changjiang can improve from the following aspects:

1. Innovative lines and plots: Compared with classic crosstalk, Pan Changjiang can try to innovate lines and plots, adding fresh and interesting elements to make the performance more creative and innovative.

2. Pay attention to the needs of young audiences: Pan Changjiang can pay more attention to the needs and preferences of young audiences for humor, and use laughter and expression methods that are more in line with contemporary culture to attract more young audiences.

Pan Changjiang's reproduction of "Manjiang Red"? Since scoring 190 points, the audience only gives 163, honest?

3. Expand performance style: Pan Changjiang can try to expand the scope of performance style, not only limited to classic crosstalk performance methods, but also try more diversified performance forms and creativity.


Although Pan Changjiang's reproduction of "Manjiang Red" was controversial in audience evaluation, he still showed excellent acting skills and acting ability. The difference in audience evaluation is not only the evaluation of the performance itself, but also reflects the difference in the needs and backgrounds of the individual audience. Pan Changjiang can improve audience satisfaction by improving the way he performs and focusing on the needs of young audiences, and continue to bring more wonderful performances to the audience.

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