
Chen Xuan - the almost forgotten "tree planting general"

author:Yunfu release

Spring is a good time for afforestation. 

China has a long tradition of artificial afforestation, and historically, it is not uncommon for local officials to lead local people to plant trees, because this is the duty of local officials. But if it is said that the army responsible for fighting the war and defending the country also participates in afforestation, it is basically a strange story (here refers specifically to ancient times, and today's people's armies have planted trees every year). Nevertheless, in the history of our country, there have been several generals with the title of "tree planting general" in rare times. There are only a few more famous "tree planting generals": Sha Junqi, Wei Xiaokuan, Zuo Zongtang, and Feng Yuxiang.

Sha Junqi was a famous general of Western Zhou, who was brave and good at fighting, and would win every battle, and was the "victorious general" of Western Zhou. Every time he won a battle, he ordered the whole army to plant a poplar tree on the victorious battlefield. Later, even the captured captives were ordered to plant trees as a "celebration" activity. Later, "celebrating the planting of yang" developed to plant willows and locusts. Later, the princely states continued this tree planting as a form of celebration for a long time. 

Wei Xiaokuan was an outstanding military and strategist during the Southern and Northern Dynasties. When he was in Charge of Yongzhou (present-day Xi'an), he ordered the planting of locust trees instead of the earthen mounds (土堠, i.e., mounds, which break in case of rain), which not only saved the need for continuous repair, but also allowed pedestrians to rest under the trees. Later, this locust tree became the symbol of Xi'an City and was identified as the city tree.  

Zuo Zongtang In the late Qing Dynasty, when he marched west to recover Xinjiang, he ordered the Xiang army to plant willows all the way, and planted poplar trees, willow trees and sand jujube trees along the avenue, along the Yilin belt and near the city road, known as "Dao Liu". Wherever he went, he mobilized the military and the people to plant trees and afforestation. Later, people called the willow trees planted by Zuo Zongtang and his subordinates "Zuo Gong Liu".  

Feng Yuxiang The patriotic general of the Republic of China, since Sun Yat-sen advocated the planting of trees by the whole people in 1915, Feng Yuxiang has loyally implemented Sun Yat-sen's teachings and enthusiastically planted trees. When he was stationed in Xuzhou, he hung a note on a tree to admonish those who destroyed the greenery: "Old Feng is stationed in Xuzhou, and the big trees are green; you cut down my trees, I cut off your head!" Thus, it has been praised as the "Tree Planting General".  

There is also a "tree planting general", he is the Yunfu famous anti-Wu general and national hero Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan - the almost forgotten "tree planting general"

Engraver Ongzhu

The almost forgotten tree planting general: Chen Xuan

Chen Xuan (Chinese: 陈璘; pinyin: Zhāng Zhāng), courtesy name Longya, was a native of Daying Village, Dong'an County, Guangdong Province , in the Ming Dynasty , formerly from Wengyuan County , and was the first hero to pioneer the "Three Luos" (formerly Luoding Prefecture, Dong'an County, and Xining County), and was a famous ming dynasty military figure, a famous general in the war against the Wu Dynasty, and a national hero. In June of the twenty-first year of the Ming Dynasty (1593), Chen Xuan was appointed as the deputy chief of the local army of Xie Shouchao and Zhang, and was stationed in Nan'ao, becoming the ninth deputy commander of Nan'ao in the Ming Dynasty. In the spring of the following year, Chen Xuan led officers and soldiers to carry out a large-scale afforestation activity behind the ancient city of Shenzhen and in the area of Jinshan in the foothills of the left and right mountains. The scale of this tree planting is huge, and a total of "40,000 pine seedlings and 30,000 fir seedlings are strange", which is so many that it is shocking. 

After planting trees, Chen Xuan, at the suggestion of the general, wrote a beautiful essay - "Nan'ao Mountain Tree Planting". This text is stored in the form of an inscription on the east side of the Tianhou Temple in the ancient town of Shen'ao on Southeast Guangdong Island. After the inscription was rediscovered, it was included in the "Nan'ao County Chronicle" published in 2000 and the "Nan'ao County Cultural Relics" (supplemented version) published in 2004. According to the research of relevant examiners, this is the only tree planting inscription found in China so far and written by the chief military officer, which provides a precious physical basis for studying the ancient geographical features, natural conditions, afforestation and historical evolution of greening in South Australia, and has high cultural relics value and research value. From the content of the inscription, it can be seen that the stone stele was erected in the "Jia Wu Chun Wang Zhengyue Gu Dan", that is, the first month of the twenty-second year of the Wanli calendar (1594), which has been 426 years. The stone stele is 225 cm high and 96 cm wide, the text of the inscription is more than 800 words, the seal book of the stele, the inscription is the main book, each word is 3.5 cm, and the inscription is engraved with a border of willow branches and flowers around the inscription, which is extremely honorable. The authors and the people who wrote the poems were: "Qincha Xie Shouchao, Zhang, and other local deputy military officers, former Fengshu Tiju Ji, Liao, Baoding, Shandong and other places to defend the sea, the capital of the Imperial Imperial Army Governor's Office, The Governor of the Imperial Imperial Army, Chen Xuan", and the engraver was "Weng Zhu". The official title of Chen Xuan and the historical recorded in this stele can be corroborated with each other.  

Looking back at the deeds of several "tree planting generals" introduced earlier, General Chen Xuan is definitely worthy of the title of "tree planting general". The discovery of the "Nan'ao Mountain Tree Planting Monument" has enabled Chen Xuan, the "tree planting general", to re-enter the public's vision. If it were not for the discovery of the "Nan'ao Mountain Tree Planting Monument", Chen Lu, the "Tree Planting General", would probably be forgotten by the world forever.

Chen Xuan - the almost forgotten "tree planting general"

General Chen Xuan also planted trees during the aftermath of the "Three Luos"

The "Sanluo" area is the hometown of General Chen Xuan, which was full of trees more than 400 years ago, and many places are still inaccessible primeval forests. Even so, General Chen Xuan's enthusiasm for planting trees did not diminish at all, and he planted trees as soon as he had the opportunity. 

There is a river embankment in Liudu Town, Yun'an District called "Pengyuan River Embankment", which is also known as "Chen Lu Causeway" in the folk, because Chen Lu once led troops to dredge the Pengyuan River and build a river embankment from Pengyuan to Baishatang. This matter is recorded in the texts, and it is not out of thin air. The Qing Daoguang edition of the "Chronicle of Dong'an County" says: "Pengyuan Water is sixty miles northeast of the city, originating from the Datai Mountains, the south of the City in Henan Township, and directly leading to the Yellow Bay into the West River." The west swelled, and a look at the field became a giant dip. Chen Gongxuan once built an embankment to defend it, but his work was not completed, and he still regrets it. "When Chen Xuan was repairing the river embankment, he planted a mist lotus tree on the river embankment to strengthen the river embankment. Although Chen Xuan did not fully build a river embankment in that year, two of the mist lotus trees planted that year survived until the beginning of the 21st century. After 2000, the two misty lotus trees that were supposed to be planted by Chen Xuan were cut down due to land development. It was a pity that it was not consciously protected at that time.

Chen Xuan - the almost forgotten "tree planting general"

Appendix: The full text of "Records of Tree Planting in The Mountains of South Australia"

Shengming Yuyu, The Four Seas Xi Tian; Imperial Wind Tang Mu, No Far Away Residence. The rule of qilong, that is, Yin Zhou Shengji despised Shangzhi. Only a corner in the southeast, to the hub of thousands of miles, the vast shore, the vastness of the river, the boundless end; the outer neighboring islands are called desolate, and the mountains of Nan'ao are winding and majestic for tens of miles, standing up in the giant immersion, the space of Fujian and Guangdong, which is necessary for the Zhuyi Tribute Road, and the haunting of the Gongdao. First of all, the chiefs of Xu and Wu Ertu stole the stronghold as a cave, poisoned the coast, and caused Fengtian to beg for it and capture it. At the age of the Wanli Dynasty, the Heavenly Son of Lotus Was wise, and he adopted the internal and external deliberations of the ministers, and set up a heavy town and controlled it. Therefore, the trees are lined up, the coastal defense is suppressed; the fortress is deeply ditched, and the city is guarded; the reclamation of the fields is structured, and the people tend to flock to the masses; the whales and salamanders of the past are the work, and now the waves are not carried, but the smooth road of the merchants; the fox rats of the past are reckless, and now they are carrying the mountains and carrying the trees and the happy land of the people's livelihood; isn't it true that there is a big pass in the southeast and that there is a solid foundation of our country's golden urn, and the domain is rarely small? 

In the winter of Wanli, Yu was ordered to go out of the land of Zi, and would cross the city of Ao, to the middle stream and look at the eyes, it was the golden mountain ridge, the cloud cover was inserted into the sky, the barrier was scattered, and the left and right were surrounded, so he sighed: "Beautiful, the shape is better, the first pity is The other is Mao Maoya!" He also sighed: "Jia zhao, the terroir is also, the first pity is also lacking in materials." "Reading the moon after taking office is a day of public leisure, and the fate is to drive to Yan. Having been present, he descended to the original, and he looked at the scrutiny and pondered with great emotion: "The ancients had a saying: 'The art of planting trees is the class of government', and Yu Jin has to ask for the words of Si. "When the Zhangzhou Wei commanded Hou Zirui and Yuan Ziqing of the Chenghai Institute, and the Chaozhou Weizhen Fuyang Zi Wang Xian was in Yan. Yu Yinzhao said: "The best mountain in Macao, the best soil anointing, is there not a law of accumulating materials, such as the so-called 'hazel chestnut of the tree, the lacquer of the zitong chair, and the lacquer of the zi tong chair, and the lacquer of the qinser', so as to use it for other days? Isn't there a planting party, such as Guo Qiao's so-called 'son of the tree, if it is abandoned', in order to go along with its nature, to humble its beings? And isn't there a sharpshooter who goes in, and the axe is in, if the so-called 'wood is invincible' of the Zi Youshi clan? Cover from the arch and raise the hug, from the tiller and tame to dry Xiao, this is to be made of material, not false decades and hundreds of years can not also be counted. If it is said that the urgency is good for the eyelashes, and the business merit is in the size, then the rest is poor, how can it be applied to today? ” 

The three sons are only the remaining words, and they are all talking forward: "It is the way to get it!" "Yong is to donate yu, to buy 40,000 pine seedlings, 30,000 fir seedlings, and order the three sons to supervise the camps, distributed in the back of the city and the foothills of the left and right, all planted everywhere." It is a service, borrowing strength from the soldiers, then the multitude is easy to gather; serving the multitude with righteousness, although it is hard work but not complaining; and this kind of tree, the work does not last forever and benefits for a hundred lifetimes, and the husband who is not happy, and who knows the rest of the way! When the age was in the Jia Wu Chun Wang Zheng Yue Gu Dan also. 

The third son asked Yu Zhi to tell his comrades in the future that he was kind and kind, so he wrote a book. 

Qin cha xie shou chao, Zhang, and other local deputy commander-in-chief, former Fengshu admiral Ji, Liao, Baoding, Shandong and other places to defend the sea and the imperial military governor of the capital office of the Capital Governor Chen Xuan Lishi.

Yunfu Fusion Media Center

Text/Ye Guangxue

Source: Yunfu Daily

Editor: Li Yaxin

Duty Director: Zhao Jun eel

Chief Editor-in-Chief: Lullivan

Submission email: [email protected]

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