
In 1961, the United States sent a chimpanzee into space, and after returning to Earth, it gradually discovered that something was wrong

author:Fresh milk tea f1h

At the MR-2 mission launch center in 1961, the researchers' performance became solemn. "The spacecraft deviated from its original orbit!"

Researcher A looked at the data on the center console and nervously announced: "The spacecraft has begun to fall!" After the researcher said this, he involuntarily covered his face to suppress his sadness.

At the same time, the American Space Expert, stationed in the Atlantic region, began operations. They must immediately rush to the impact site of the MR-2 space probe. In the space race between the United States and the Soviet Union, timely detection and rescue of trapped "crews" is the key!

Soon, rescuers arrived near MR-2 by boat. From a distance, rescuers saw MR-2's rescue capsule floating like a white egg on the endless Atlantic Ocean. Seeing this scene, the rescuers were slightly relieved.

In 1961, the United States sent a chimpanzee into space, and after returning to Earth, it gradually discovered that something was wrong

But when they reached the escape pod, their hearts went to their throats again. If you die inside, then the hard work of the thousands of researchers in charge of the project, as well as the huge investment of the US government, will come to naught!

The rescue team staggered open the door. The moment the hatch was opened, the rescuers lost their voice. They were very excited. Inside the cabin, a motionless chimpanzee looked at the "uninvited guest" outside the cabin with wide eyes, his eyes full of fear.

He seemed scared. Seeing this, the lifeguard took out the reward he had prepared — an apple and half an orange — and handed it to the chimpanzee in the cabin: ham.

The name "Ham" comes from the Holloman Aerospace Medical Center in New Mexico, where chimpanzees are trained.

In 1961, the United States sent a chimpanzee into space, and after returning to Earth, it gradually discovered that something was wrong

The researchers named it in the hope that it would successfully reach space and bring the name of the medical center to the vastness of the universe. There is no doubt that Hamm has accomplished the task.

According to experts, although the MR-2 launch mission ended with the crash of the spacecraft, Ham's capsule continued to fly through space for six minutes before eventually returning to Earth.

The news angered many North American and Western European countries because it was another victory for the Western camp.

It turned out that four years ago, the USSR sent a dog named Laika into space. Although the mission was successful, Laika did not return to Earth in the end.

So the United States believes that as long as it can send mammals into space and successfully return, it will not beat the United States in this race?

In 1961, the United States sent a chimpanzee into space, and after returning to Earth, it gradually discovered that something was wrong

To his knowledge, dozens of chimpanzees have been selected to participate in the project. Chimpanzees were trained and selected for the project. In order to successfully complete the task, these orangutans were entrusted with something. As soon as they succeed, a banana is rewarded, but if they fail, shoes on the feet come in handy: the shoes emit a weak electric current. Shock the orangutans.

Two and a half years later, Hamm was named the best of them all.

After Hamm was rescued, the United States plans to continue Hamm's "animal carrier spaceflight" mission and eventually develop manned spaceflight technology. So what awaits Hamm may be rocket launches after rockets.

However, the news from the USSR once again upset the United States.

In 1961, the United States sent a chimpanzee into space, and after returning to Earth, it gradually discovered that something was wrong

According to the Soviet TASS news agency, on April 12, 1961, Gagarin flew around the earth in the Vostok 1 spacecraft and returned safely at 10:55 a.m., completing the world's first manned space flight, allowing humans to enter space. I think!

Therefore, the United States began to directly implement the manned space program, and Hamm "retired" early, arranging a quiet "retirement" at the Bella Carolina Zoo.

However, Hamm must also cooperate with the zoo to conduct research, mainly to study Hamm's physical condition and provide data for manned spaceflight.

Researchers soon discovered that Hamm's heart rate was vastly different from that of other chimpanzees. When it comes to heart rate and heart rate intensity, Ham far surpasses his peers.

In 1961, the United States sent a chimpanzee into space, and after returning to Earth, it gradually discovered that something was wrong

Why is that? Doubts arose in the hearts of the researcher couple. It was initially thought that Hamm's exciting experience in space led to Hamm's heartbeat. Although Hamm's mood has calmed down and his heart rate has returned to normal, this is clearly not the case.

Soon the couple of researchers began related research, indirectly helping the field of manned spaceflight and protecting the health of astronauts on space missions.

In mid-1971, Armstrong, who completed the Apollo 11 mission to the moon, may not have known that his health was actually linked to chimpanzees. I'm afraid this is unexpected.

Despite this, Hamm enjoys a happy and relaxing retirement. In the zoo, many tourists come here specifically to see Sanka. After all, the chimpanzee in front of me did something that most humans can't.

In 1961, the United States sent a chimpanzee into space, and after returning to Earth, it gradually discovered that something was wrong

However, due to "consequences in space," Hamm lived only 25 years, while chimpanzees live on average about forty. Apparently, Hamm's shortened lifespan was related to that space trip.

Later, in honor of Hamm, he was buried in the Astronaut Cemetery in New Mexico and entered the Astronaut Hall of Fame to be memorialized.

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