
"I love cat" is not "I like cats"! Crooked nuts will freak out!

author:Yoyo who teaches English music

Spoken English Jimmy teacher said

With a cute pet, you will have endless companionship. They don't understand grief, but they can listen to the pain in your heart. Today the teacher teaches you the authentic expression of cats, let's learn it together~

"I love cat" is not "I like cats"! Crooked nuts will freak out!

English audio version

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The kitten has attracted countless fans with its soft and cute appearance, when you and foreigners express their love for cats, don't say "I love cat", the other party will definitely be scared by you! If you want to know why, read on!

"I love cat" is not "I like cats"! Crooked nuts will freak out!
"I love cat" is not "I like cats"! Crooked nuts will freak out!

Why can't I love cat?

Because the word cat, when meaning "cat", it is usually necessary to add s to become a plural: cats. If it is in the singular form cat, it means "cat meat"!

So, when you say I love cat, foreigners think it means "I like to eat cat meat."

So how do you properly say "I like cats"? You can say:

I love cats! I love cats!

I love the cat! I love this cat!

I'm a cat person! I'm a cat lover!

"I love cat" is not "I like cats"! Crooked nuts will freak out!

In the same way, if the object of your liking is a dog, the expression is the same:

I love dogs! I love dogs!

I love the dog! I love this dog!

I'm a dog person! I'm a dog lover!

"I love cat" is not "I like cats"! Crooked nuts will freak out!

a cat-and-dog life

Now many young people like to have pets at home and are eager to "have both cats and dogs" as soon as possible. So does a cat-and-dog life mean that?

We all know that cats and dogs are kept together and there can be chaos in the home. In English, cats and dogs mean "fire and water" and "hostile".

"I love cat" is not "I like cats"! Crooked nuts will freak out!

So this phrase generally means that the relationship between the two is not friendly, and refers to the life of a couple or couple who quarrel endlessly.


The couples lead a cat-and-dog life.

The couple lived a life of frequent quarrels.

"I love cat" is not "I like cats"! Crooked nuts will freak out!

let the cat out of the bag

Let the cat out of the bag literally means "let the cat out of the bag", but it actually means to accidentally leak the mouth and reveal the secret.

"I love cat" is not "I like cats"! Crooked nuts will freak out!

In fact, this phrase comes from a story:

In eighteenth-century England, dishonest pig sellers in the bazaar often carried their cats in their pockets and sold them as piglets.

Careless buyers won't find out if they don't open their pockets, but if the cat gets out of their pockets, the scam is exposed.

"I love cat" is not "I like cats"! Crooked nuts will freak out!


I accidentally let the cat out of the bag about the surprise party.

I inadvertently divulged a secret about surprise parties.

The thief let the cat out of the bag because of tension, and the police caught him quickly.

Due to nervousness, the thief showed his horse's feet and the police quickly caught him.

"I love cat" is not "I like cats"! Crooked nuts will freak out!

How do you say "cat sucker" in English?

"Sucking cat" actually refers to an extreme love for cats, burying your face in the cat, breathing deeply, and feeling the smell of cats. So how is "cat sucker" expressed in English?

In addition to being represented by a cat person, if you want to emphasize that you particularly like cats, you can use cataholic.

"I love cat" is not "I like cats"! Crooked nuts will freak out!

In English, the root word "-aholic" means "to ... Addictions, hobbies... ", similar expressions include:





I am a cataholic.

I am a cat slave.

"I love cat" is not "I like cats"! Crooked nuts will freak out!


Cat nap naps, naps

curiosity killed the cat

Rain cats and dogs It was pouring rain

A cat has nine lives Cats have nine lives and strong vitality

Cats hide their claws know people, they don't know their hearts

"I love cat" is not "I like cats"! Crooked nuts will freak out!

Is it easy to learn today's knowledge? Don't forget to submit your assignment in the comments section.

◆◆Today's work◆◆

Do you understand all these phrases and sentences correctly? Finally, I left a small homework for the students:

Make a sentence with Let the cat out of the bag.

What is your answer? Students can write your answer in the message area in the lower right corner, and the teacher will comment personally~

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