
Once the PLA is stationed in Vladivostok, Japan and South Korea will be doomed, and the J-16 has begun to warm up in advance

author:Positive energy lotus leaf HSz

When the People's Liberation Army is stationed in Vladivostok, Japan and South Korea may face a huge threat. Recently, the competition between China and the United States has been escalating, and Japan and South Korea, which had previously held a neutral position, have also turned to the United States. In particular, Yoon Seok-yue in South Korea is almost bottomless to show favor to Biden. Although we have made efforts to save Japan-ROK relations, now that they are determined to come together with the United States, we can only regard them as enemies, because what they have done has seriously hurt the national interests and feelings of the Chinese nation. In response to this situation, our countermeasures are simply to set our sights on the homeland of Japan and South Korea. Recently, we noticed the presence of the PLA in Vladivostok.

Once the PLA is stationed in Vladivostok, Japan and South Korea will be doomed, and the J-16 has begun to warm up in advance

Vladivostok is China's inherent territory, which was later transferred to Russia for various reasons, but now with the changes in the international situation and the increase of China's national power, Vladivostok is beginning to return to China's arms. Although the official claim is to strengthen economic and trade cooperation between the two sides, we know the implications. For example, after the announcement by China and Russia, the PLA quickly launched a "joint northern military" military exercise with Russia. Our J-16 also landed directly at a military airfield near Vladivostok. What's more, the J-16 also carries the Yunjian-1000 laser-guided projectile displayed at the Zhuhai air show last year, and this is only the tip of the iceberg displayed by the PLA.

Once the PLA is stationed in Vladivostok, Japan and South Korea will be doomed, and the J-16 has begun to warm up in advance

At the Zhuhai Air Show last year, the J-16 carried not only the Yunjiang-1000, which weighed up to 1 ton, but also the AFK-98A, a long-range stealth cruise missile with a range of more than 1,000 kilometers. It is worth mentioning that the AFK-98A can achieve different strike capabilities depending on the warhead. For example, when using a submunition warhead, it can be a devastating heavy cluster bomb, and a single missile can release thousands of bullets. If the warhead of the last sensitive shell is used, one AFK-98A is enough to destroy the enemy's armored cluster. This news is undoubtedly a shocking news for the arrogant South Korea and Japan, because Vladivostok is too close to them. Our J-16 only needs to soar into the sky to launch an attack on Seoul, South Korea; With just one afterburner, it can fly over Japan to strike at Tokyo.

Once the PLA is stationed in Vladivostok, Japan and South Korea will be doomed, and the J-16 has begun to warm up in advance

Although the J-16 does not have stealth capabilities, its powerful ground attack capabilities are enough to make Japan and South Korea feel terrified. In addition, Japan and South Korea share a common weakness: small size and lack of strategic depth. South Korea has 40% of its population concentrated in Seoul, while Japan has 50% in Tokyo. As long as we destroy Seoul and Tokyo, Japan and South Korea will basically fall into chaos. In addition to J-16 fighters, our North Sea Fleet's 0.55-ton large destroyers and 075 amphibious assault ships may also be stationed in Vladivostok military port. This is because Vladivostok has the best natural ice-free port in the entire Far East. Even in winter, the Golden Horn, Vladivostok's inner harbor, does not freeze, which means that our warships deployed in Vladivostok can leave port at any time to attack the Japanese and Korean mainland.

Once the PLA is stationed in Vladivostok, Japan and South Korea will be doomed, and the J-16 has begun to warm up in advance

If we send another Marine Corps, we can land directly on the Japanese and Korean mainland. What makes Japan and South Korea even more frightening is the possibility that China, Russia and North Korea may join forces in the future. After all, the United States, Japan and South Korea have formed a military alliance, and the joint military exercises of the United States, Japan and South Korea are one after another. Under such circumstances, it is logical for China, Russia and the DPRK to jointly launch military operations. Once China, Russia and North Korea join forces, Japan and South Korea will face a devastating blow. Because in terms of the current military strength of Japan and South Korea, it is difficult to resist the combined forces of China, Russia and North Korea. Unless their U.S. allies are willing to send aircraft carriers and bombers to support. However, it must be noted that Japan and South Korea are not the most core allies of the United States. For pragmatic Americans, Japan and South Korea are just outcasts that can be discarded at any time.

Once the PLA is stationed in Vladivostok, Japan and South Korea will be doomed, and the J-16 has begun to warm up in advance

The reason why the United States is so supportive of Japan and South Korea is because they still have the value to use. Once they lose their usefulness, the United States will probably abandon them without hesitation. To take 10,000 steps back, even if the United States is willing to join hands with Japan and South Korea to confront China, Russia and North Korea, it will be difficult for the United States, Japan, and South Korea to defeat China, Russia and North Korea. Because in Northeast Asia, China has an absolute home-field advantage. Although Russia and North Korea have relatively weak military strength, North Korea's huge military resources are unmatched by the United States, Japan and South Korea. Although the fighting nations may now be lonely, the nuclear stick in their hands is still daunting to the West. And once war breaks out, China can use its powerful manufacturing capabilities to quickly arm North Korea and Russia. Once North Korea and Russia possess world-class conventional military weapons, the United States, Japan and South Korea may no longer be at peace.

Once the PLA is stationed in Vladivostok, Japan and South Korea will be doomed, and the J-16 has begun to warm up in advance

In short, the PLA's presence in Vladivostok is a huge threat to Japan and South Korea. China has great military strength and strategic advantages, which will put enormous pressure on Japan and South Korea. If China, Russia and North Korea join forces, Japan and South Korea will face a devastating blow. Therefore, Japan and South Korea should have a clear understanding of the situation, return to the interests of the Chinese nation, and seek a way to coexist peacefully with China. For China, stable and peaceful development is our main goal, but we will also resolutely defend our territory and interests and ensure national security.

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