
After being quarantined and reviewed, Jiang Qing secretly asked the personal nurse: Is Deng Xiaoping on the stage?

author:Dignified and elegant kite ZA

Deng Xiaoping and Jiang Qing's confrontation

Deng Xiaoping has always had a far-sighted vision and the vision of a strategist, and his thinking angle has always proceeded from the overall interests of the party and the people, so he has always kept a sober mind. In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Deng Xiaoping pointed out that "leadership cannot be 100% correct in everything, nor can it be without mistakes at all." This statement shows that he cannot be 100% correct in everything about leaders, and that he can maintain such sobriety because he is never depressed, he is relentless in the face of challenges, and he is optimistic about his career. It was precisely because of this optimism that Deng Xiaoping was able to overcome all kinds of difficulties and achieve greater achievements.

During the Cultural Revolution, Jiang Qing regarded Deng Xiaoping as a thorn in his side and carried out a series of suppression and persecution against him. However, Deng Xiaoping has always been a talent in the eyes of Chairman Mao and the leading comrades of the Central Committee. Chairman Mao pointed out at the Tenth Plenary Session of the Eighth CPC Central Committee in 1962 that "the bourgeoisie will exist and attempt to restore it," and more and more differences emerged in the assessment of the situation at that time, and what was propagated by the literary and artistic circles could easily become a weather vane. Jiang Qing criticized the literary and art circles, saying, "The opera stage is full of emperors and generals, as well as cows, ghosts, snakes and gods, all occupied by Chinese and foreign ancients." Deng Xiaoping, on the other hand, believed that politics and academia must be separated, and that confusion is the most dangerous and will block the way of speech.

Throughout Deng Xiaoping's political career, he has been subjected to various pressures and oppressions, but he has always maintained an optimistic attitude. He expressed his optimistic belief in his encouragement to Wu Han in 1975: "Professor, don't sigh for a long time, everything must be optimistic, the sky will not fall, I am 61 years old this year, I have survived so many storms, as long as I look forward optimistically, we will withstand it, you can rest assured." "His optimism and steadfastness have enabled him to cope with all difficulties and challenges and achieve even more.

The events of 1976 caused Jiang Qing and others to lose power, and Deng Xiaoping re-emerged. Throughout the censorship, Jiang Qing was full of malice towards him, but Deng Xiaoping treated everything with peace. At the Third Plenum of the Eleventh Central Committee in 1978, Deng Xiaoping became the core of the central leadership. He led China to a new stage of development through reform and opening up. Deng Xiaoping made important contributions to China's development, and he always adhered to his ideals and beliefs, adhered to the principle of seeking truth from facts, and led China's development forward.

The inevitability of Deng Xiaoping's comeback

The inevitability of Deng's comeback was reflected in his turning point in history, and his ability and experience enabled him to assume an important role. After the crushing of the Gang of Four in 1976, China was in a period of crisis, and it was of great historical significance that Deng Xiaoping stepped forward to lead China.

Deng Xiaoping has always demonstrated great military and diplomatic prowess. In the military aspect, he played an important role in the Baise Uprising and the Longzhou Uprising, and his military guidance ability was personally affirmed by Chairman Mao. In diplomacy, he helped Premier Zhou solve problems at many important moments, demonstrating his ability and influence.

During the rectification period, Deng Xiaoping's strategy of "streamlining and reorganization" strengthened the discipline of the army, which made organizational preparations for the end of the "Cultural Revolution." In the course of economic rectification, Deng Xiaoping put forward the important idea of reform and introduced advanced technology and equipment, which laid the foundation for China's development.

After Deng Xiaoping's comeback, China went through an important stage of reform and opening up. He led China to a new path of development, realizing China's modernization by introducing advanced science and technology and knowledge, opening up foreign cooperation.

Deng Xiaoping was a staunch revolutionary who always adhered to his ideals and beliefs. Through practical actions and policies, he has led China to a new stage of development and achieved remarkable achievements. Deng Xiaoping's comeback is an inevitable historical necessity and a turning point in China's destiny.

After being quarantined and reviewed, Jiang Qing secretly asked the personal nurse: Is Deng Xiaoping on the stage?
After being quarantined and reviewed, Jiang Qing secretly asked the personal nurse: Is Deng Xiaoping on the stage?
After being quarantined and reviewed, Jiang Qing secretly asked the personal nurse: Is Deng Xiaoping on the stage?
After being quarantined and reviewed, Jiang Qing secretly asked the personal nurse: Is Deng Xiaoping on the stage?
After being quarantined and reviewed, Jiang Qing secretly asked the personal nurse: Is Deng Xiaoping on the stage?
After being quarantined and reviewed, Jiang Qing secretly asked the personal nurse: Is Deng Xiaoping on the stage?
After being quarantined and reviewed, Jiang Qing secretly asked the personal nurse: Is Deng Xiaoping on the stage?
After being quarantined and reviewed, Jiang Qing secretly asked the personal nurse: Is Deng Xiaoping on the stage?
After being quarantined and reviewed, Jiang Qing secretly asked the personal nurse: Is Deng Xiaoping on the stage?
After being quarantined and reviewed, Jiang Qing secretly asked the personal nurse: Is Deng Xiaoping on the stage?
After being quarantined and reviewed, Jiang Qing secretly asked the personal nurse: Is Deng Xiaoping on the stage?
After being quarantined and reviewed, Jiang Qing secretly asked the personal nurse: Is Deng Xiaoping on the stage?
After being quarantined and reviewed, Jiang Qing secretly asked the personal nurse: Is Deng Xiaoping on the stage?
After being quarantined and reviewed, Jiang Qing secretly asked the personal nurse: Is Deng Xiaoping on the stage?
After being quarantined and reviewed, Jiang Qing secretly asked the personal nurse: Is Deng Xiaoping on the stage?
After being quarantined and reviewed, Jiang Qing secretly asked the personal nurse: Is Deng Xiaoping on the stage?
After being quarantined and reviewed, Jiang Qing secretly asked the personal nurse: Is Deng Xiaoping on the stage?
After being quarantined and reviewed, Jiang Qing secretly asked the personal nurse: Is Deng Xiaoping on the stage?

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